JetSetHero said:
You know what? Thomas Jefferson was talking about rifles that took half an hour to load. And quoting dead people doesn't reinforce your opinion either.
Neither was the telephone, internet, satellite, television, radio when the 1st amendment was created.
Your last set of facts mean nothing either. And as somebody who lives in a country where you simply don't have contact with guns on a normal basis, I can tell you that criminals wouldn't obtain guns.
You also live in a country where people no longer feel safe in their own homes.
The reason they have guns at the moment is because they're such a normal, trivial component of American society.
Trivial? America won it's independence with an armed citizentry, much like the Swiss. Hence "A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." In a time where America has gone to war based on lies from our leaders, yet you want us to disarm in the face of such tryanny which was the reason why the 2nd exsist in the first place?
You want to rob a house? You'd better go armed because the house owner probably has a gun too. It's a stupid little circle based on paranoia, fear and lots of other nasty emotions. The only way to break out of it is to stop buying tools designed for murder...
And as for 'guns don't kill people, people kill people', well it certainly makes the job easier.
Criminals are predatory in nature, they select victims based on the expected inability to resist, often desist when even a small number of the expected easy marks give them trouble.
JetSetHero said:
Guns only affect criminals?
Yes, who else can you legally shoot if you feel life and limb are at risk? There are incidents of accidents where non-criminals are killed, thats unfortunate. That's life, how many people are killed everyday just driving to get something to eat? Should we automobiles too?
Guns are tools designed to kill. Simple as that.
Which makes them so effective.
You own then for 'protection'? Protection from the other people who can... wait for it... legally walk into a shop and buy a gun?
"My god, the dumbness in this thread is actually frightening."
Only seems to be coming from yourside of the monitor, friend.
You do know we have laws against who can and cannot own/buy/possess a gun right? You do know that when you "legally" walk into a gun store you're required to wait a few days while a background check is done to determine if you have some sort of criminal/mental history, right? You do know if you have a criminal history (ie a criminal) you'll de denied, right? You do know that most guns used in crime are "junk guns" bought off the streets for $50 from the same guy who runs a crack house right? You do know that more often then not it has it's serial number filed off and are generally thrown away after the fact.. right?
You do realise that you and your attitude are adding to the problem of crime? Actually probably not because you've got A REALLY COOL QUAD WITH A GUN ON IT!!!11
So when a police officer shoots a criminal to save his own life, he's adding to the problem? Remember the police are law enforcement and they only carry weapons to protect their own lives.
So how exactly is a father adding to the problem of crime by using a tool to defend himself and his family? Do you even know what a crime is? Do you realize initiation of aggression/crime for spite or profit with defense of self and family is not the same thing? Being prepared to stop criminal predation is *NOT* a crime.