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Any info on castlevania for DS?


Any info on castlevania for DS? Is it gonna be 2d or 3d? Is it gonna have retarded touchscreen control schemes? My purchase of a DS is kinda hinging on it.

Buggy Loop

I dont think that a touchscreen control scheme ala spiderman 2 would be "retarded" in any way, especially for Castlevania, seems like the most appropriate game to use something like that, but no, there's no info, at all, nobody knows if it will be 2d or 3d, but, i think that it will be 2d, most likely its a GBA 2d castlevania that was in concept and moved to DS since its release would have been kinda late, probably will upgrade the sprites and all that to playstation or above level. I dont think Igarashi would bother with 3d on an hardware that couldnt possibly live up to his view of the castlevania universe.


Touch screens seem to work well with parlor or casino games, but I'm now convinced that they work like shit with action games.


hyperbolically metafictive
snapty00 said:
Touch screens seem to work well with parlor or casino games, but I'm now convinced that they work like shit with action games.

i don't think the ds is well suited to action games. as of e3, neither did igarashi. but if there's a proper 2d castlevania on ds, i might have to buy the console. :/

oh well. there's still every chance it'll be castlevania card battle, or castlevania 64x4, or canceledvania. :D


hyperbolically metafictive
i haven't played the n64 castlevania games. i mean to, one of these days. they certainly can't be much worse than lament.


I don't see what's stopping anyone from making an action game on the DS. It has a tradition directional pad for christ sakes. The touch pad was put their as an option. If Igarashi isn't interested in the DS, I doubt that his reasoning has anything to do with the touchpad.
I played Legacy of Darkness (or whatever the 2nd N64 Castlevania was) and it wasn't horrible. It had a very cool sequence in a hedge maze.

But the clock tower...jumping from gears to gears...ohhh the pain.


Mejilan said:
Which, at least, would be a step up from LoI! :D

Between this, your horrible spending habits, and the reply to the RE thread...I've deducted that you have no taste at all.
drohne said:
i don't think the ds is well suited to action games. as of e3, neither did igarashi. but if there's a proper 2d castlevania on ds, i might have to buy the console. :/

oh well. there's still every chance it'll be castlevania card battle, or castlevania 64x4, or canceledvania. :D

Or it could go to PSP and end up like ACiD?

Stop it with this nonsense. The thought of buying the DS... nooo the horror. Grow up.

EDIT: And, whereever it lands. I just hope it turns out nicely. I could honestly care less what system it lands on.


Mejilan said:
Except that a DS CV game was already confirmed, no?

It was, but drohne and others seemed to be convinced that it's been moved to the PSP or something because the last interview with Igarashi didn't sound too enthusiastic about the DS.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm not convinced that it's been moved to psp, i'm just...vigorously hoping that it has. i've waited years for a proper sequel to sotn, and ds isn't the hardware to do it. igarashi apparently has some issues with the ds, and we haven't actually heard anything about dsvania beyond its announcement. but i still expect it to show up on ds in some form.


hyperbolically metafictive
iga did an egm interview about castlevania ds, and he was pretty diplomatic there. but he apparently mentioned to exxy at e3 that he found the ds poorly suited to action games.

and the dreamcast version looked horrible. i'm glad it was canned. i can still remember that ridiculous goateed protagonist with the photo-textured face who looked as if he'd stumbled out of nfl2k.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I guess it depends on the translation.

Well, he didn't give much love to the GBA until the end. I hope he gives the DS a proper shot.

CotM was a great game, with hideous graphics and pretty cruddy music. HoD was a lovely game, with fucking NES-level music. AoS was the first one he got right on all counts, imho.

Edit - Wasn't Dreamcancelledvania supposed to star Sonya Belmont?


drohne said:
iga did an egm interview about castlevania ds, and he was pretty diplomatic there. but he apparently mentioned to exxy at e3 that he found the ds poorly suited to action games.

Why would it be poorly suited to action games? It has a standard freakin d-pad plus buttons. Plus it seems to do high framerates in 3d and is more than powerful enough for 2d.


hyperbolically metafictive
if you're not going to make substantial use of the touchscreen or the twin displays, why put it on ds at all? gba has its massive userbase, and psp is much better hardware.

dreamcastlevania was supposed to star sonia and some douchebag named victor, iirc. i hated it the moment i saw his character model.

though cotm looks pretty chintzy compared to the later two gba games -- i think it was a retooled gbc game -- i really enjoyed it at the time. it's still the only metroidvania with challenging action segments. and hod's music takes too much flak. the sound quality was dodgy, but some of the composition was strong.


Mejilan said:
No he wouldn't.

Oh yes he would. I don't know what he didn't like about Lament, but at least it didn't have slippery controls, poorly placed save points, and game breaking design decisions (such as three boss fights in a row, with no saves in between, that can take over 30 minutes) like the N64 Castlevania game had.


drohne said:
if you're not going to make substantial use of the touchscreen or the twin displays, why put it on ds at all? gba has its massive userbase, and psp is much better hardware.

Great logic. According to you this every game should be released either to xbox (better hardware) or to PS1 (bigger userbase), never on PS2.


drohne said:
if you're not going to make substantial use of the touchscreen or the twin displays, why put it on ds at all? gba has its massive userbase, and psp is much better hardware.

That's a good point, but the DS still seems like it can do action games quite well.

hod's music takes too much flak. the sound quality was dodgy, but some of the composition was strong.

Definitely, I thought the compostion was quite good. COTM was worse because it was just all old recycled castlevania music (not that there is anything wrong with the old classic tunes).


Running off of Custom Firmware
drohne said:
though cotm looks pretty chintzy compared to the later two gba games -- i think it was a retooled gbc game -- i really enjoyed it at the time. it's still the only metroidvania with challenging action segments. and hod's music takes too much flak. the sound quality was dodgy, but some of the composition was strong.

Oh, I love CotM, don't get me wrong. And yeah, it was a retooled GBC game. And a launch one, at that. But there's no reason why it should have better music than HoD. That game sucked, I didn't like it. And yes, it did have some great compositions. His excuses for the bad music still piss me off, particularly since AoS dashes those excuses right out of the water.

As for the N64 games, the controls were fine, the game had selectable difficulty levels (and was pretty easy, regardless of difficulty level), and fighting multiple bosses in a row are absolutely no problem if you have even a tiny bit of healing items.

It had a very fun and structured adventure, and actually felt more like a CV game than LoI, though I'm under absolutely no illusions about where it stands in the CV game-pile... like LoI, it's closer to the bottom.

Edit - CotM had the best composed version of Illusionary Dance, imho. Very cool rock rendition.


Mejilan said:
As for the N64 games, the controls were fine, the game had selectable difficulty levels (and was pretty easy, regardless of difficulty level), and fighting multiple bosses in a row are absolutely no problem if you have even a tiny bit of healing items.

It had a very fun and structured adventure, and actually felt more like a CV game than LoI, though I'm under absolutely no illusions about where it stands in the CV game-pile... like LoI, it's closer to the bottom.

The controls weren't fine. Jumping and holding onto a ledge was more of a game of chance than anything. The poorly placed save points meant a lot of tedious sections had to be replayed. The first form of the last boss was a very slow and boring affair, followed by another boss that wasn't difficult, but that didn't matter since it was far easier to just slip off the roof and fall to your death (that is if you didn't fall during the escape before). And finally you get a final boss that can kill you in 3 hits before you even realize what happened.

I like Konami, but the N64 Castlevania felt really sloppy. You liked it great, but I was just giving the guy a warning. Then again my tastes and his differ, so he might like it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Man, I played through the first CV64 about half a dozen times, and never had your problems. Played through LoD another 3 times, and even with the spottier framerate on the Hi Rez mode, didn't have those problems.

I wouldn't say I 'liked the games great' however, and do agree that in general, they were sloppy. But, imho, they were a step in the right direction for a 3D CV, one I'm saddened that Iga ignored in his travesty that was LoI.
Mejilan said:
Man, I played through the first CV64 about half a dozen times, and never had your problems. Played through LoD another 3 times, and even with the spottier framerate on the Hi Rez mode, didn't have those problems.

I wouldn't say I 'liked the games great' however, and do agree that in general, they were sloppy. But, imho, they were a step in the right direction for a 3D CV, one I'm saddened that Iga ignored in his travesty that was LoI.

Agreed 100%. The N64 Castlevanias were far from being great, but still head and shoulders above the atrocity that was LoI.


does anyone else (besides Miburuo) find it inexcusably insane that anyone is defending CV64?

im a huge Castlevania whore, ive loved is since i first played CV on the NES.

but there is nothing redeeming about the first CV64 game (never played the remixed one). it is a bad bad game. it had many problems and was extremely ugly.

i fail to see how it was a step in the right direction towards an actually playable 3d CV game.


As a good Konami whore, I played ALL Castlevania games and my opinion is that the N64 Castlevania games aren't worse than Lamment of Innocence.
IGA always spoke bad about the N64 incarnations of Castlevania but the fact is that his first 3D vania has the same flaws but it adds one: REPETITIVE level design to death.


Daigoro said:
does anyone else (besides Miburuo) find it inexcusably insane that anyone is defending CV64?

im a huge Castlevania whore, ive loved is since i first played CV on the NES.

but there is nothing redeeming about the first CV64 game (never played the remixed one). it is a bad bad game. it had many problems and was extremely ugly.

i fail to see how it was a step in the right direction towards an actually playable 3d CV game.

the game had framerate and controls flaws, but it also had some very enjoyable parts. It was a fun game.


drohne said:
if you're not going to make substantial use of the touchscreen or the twin displays, why put it on ds at all? gba has its massive userbase, and psp is much better hardware.

dreamcastlevania was supposed to star sonia and some douchebag named victor, iirc. i hated it the moment i saw his character model.

though cotm looks pretty chintzy compared to the later two gba games -- i think it was a retooled gbc game -- i really enjoyed it at the time. it's still the only metroidvania with challenging action segments. and hod's music takes too much flak. the sound quality was dodgy, but some of the composition was strong.

the DS is capabale of better 2D than the GBA. Seems to me that Castlevania is a perfect fit for DS. It has stereo sound also.


Will start substantiating his hate
drohne said:
if you're not going to make substantial use of the touchscreen or the twin displays, why put it on ds at all? gba has its massive userbase, and psp is much better hardware.
DS is new hardware. People will buy it and they will need games for it. One of those games could very well be a Castlevania. Not to mention that DS is slightly more capable and has cheaper media. As for PSP I'm sure there will be a Castlevania for it eventually.


legacy of darkness isn't a great game by any means, but it's definitely better than lament of innocence. I had less of a problem with the controls and more of a problem with the far too strict adaptation/interpretation of old school 2d castlevania in 3d in the n64 games than anything else. the 3d games would have been much better metroidvanias than the gba games, and I'm not joking there. the gba games were good (or at least decent, I personally hated cotm because it felt like a not even half-assed version of sotn and konami fucked me over on getting aria by making it go out of print 5 days after it went retail) but that kind of open-ended exploration/backtracking stuff would have been godlike in 3d (and to an extent there was exploration in the n64 CV games, but it was only exploration/backtracking throughout the linear-progressing levels) while the gameplay of the n64 CVs would have been badass in 2d even if it would have just been a rehash of the older 2d CV games.


belgurdo said:
The last thing we need is SOTN with a map on the second screen. Time to do something new

I am thinking Simons Quest with forests, villages and cemeteries. The castle setting is getting boring.


SantaCruZer said:
I am thinking Simons Quest with forests, villages and cemeteries. The castle setting is getting boring.

Yeah something like that, if not 3D again. Getting tired of playing Gothic Metroid myself


SantaCruZer said:
a new 2D castlevania never gets boring...

The Metroidvania games use to be something really great, now they are running them in the ground like Tony Hawk and it's just not that damn special anymore.


SomeDude said:
The Metroidvania games use to be something really great, now they are running them in the ground like Tony Hawk and it's just not that damn special anymore.

yes but that doesn't mean the 2D is boring. I am bored of the castle setting.
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