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Any info on castlevania for DS?

Buggy Loop

Ok since everybody seems to think the touchscreen would be useless for a castlevania game, i step in, use some of your imagination peoples! sheesh


Rather than fighting moves of spiderman, you could have circle of the moon's DSS system, attributing cards on the go to change the magic effects without having to go through menus, harmony of dissonance's spell book, Aria of sorrow's soul system. Peoples have to stop thinking of using the touch screen in some revolutionary way or else its "useless", the dual screen and touch screen mainly act as an interface convenience, even more true in an action game. I really dont see how DS is not fit for action games, its hardware is more powerfull than psx in both 2d and 3d, has audio capabilities that could tackle a perfect SOTN ost and since it has a dual screen and touch screen, no real use anymore to stop playing in the middle of the action to drink an item, change spell/card/soul or change weapon, if that doesnt help the flow of an action game compared to old systems i dont know what would.


Pimpbaa said:
Why would it be poorly suited to action games? It has a standard freakin d-pad plus buttons. Plus it seems to do high framerates in 3d and is more than powerful enough for 2d.

I've tried playing the GBA CVs, unless you're on a plane ride, I find action games in general to be unplayable on the road because of the all bumping, having a small screen doesn't help either especially when a game has platforming, alot of the effort put into the graphics also gets wasted because the detail tends to get lost on a small screen

yeah I want a Simon's Quest too, forests, caves and villages, no more wandering inside huge castles
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