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Any new PS2 problems?


Does the new model PS2 have any over heating problems or any other problems that have been found yet?


It tends to run hot on the left side of the unit after extended play. Not to worry though, as this unit comes with a one-year warranty from Sony.
FortNinety said:
I'd image since the power unit is extrenal that overheating is a problem of the past.

The internal parts still require energy, which will generate heat anyway. From some of the diagrams, it looked as if there's now a heatsink fan over the processor, so it helps cool it down a bit. Anytime you see components decrease in size, you have two options, make sure you prevent overheating with additional cooling elements, and/or use less power consuming parts to produce the same effect. With the time that's passed since launch, those smaller comonents are a lot less expensive today...

I think I might go for a unit later next year, and trade-in my perfectly working launch unit.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Spike said:
It tends to run hot on the left side of the unit after extended play. Not to worry though, as this unit comes with a one-year warranty from Sony.

Wow, is that true, is it really one year now?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
pilonv1 said:
It wasn't one year before?

Unoffically maybe, but 90 days was the offical stance on the ps2.
Nintendo was the only one to give a 1 year warenty on their hardware.

Dave Long

I got mine tonight and this thing is awesome. It's so frigging tiny. I can't even begin to describe how cool it is to have a console this small. It's definitely quieter, the flip top rox and built-in broadband for teh win!!11one1!!1

It'll probably break within six months knowing Sony but it's an awesome piece of industrial design IMO. Sure beats the hell out of the original PS2.


I'd image since the power unit is extrenal that overheating is a problem of the past.

Ah, so that's where that went. They took the Nintendo route and made a brick on the power cord. I can't say I'm a fan of that...but *anything* is an improvment over the former ps2 (save xbox).


I have some questions... I have a one year replacement warranty from EB on my PS2, and I really want the new model. How difficult is it to get them to replace my current model with the new one if the old one works fine? Are they real strict about checking it out if I just BS them by saying there's something wrong with my PS2 and I want the new one? My warranty expires next month so I'd like to go ahead and use it if possible. I've never used a replacement policy before so I'm unsure about what I need to do.

Musashi Wins!

Revolver said:
I have some questions... I have a one year replacement warranty from EB on my PS2, and I really want the new model. How difficult is it to get them to replace my current model with the new one if the old one works fine? Are they real strict about checking it out if I just BS them by saying there's something wrong with my PS2 and I want the new one? My warranty expires next month so I'd like to go ahead and use it if possible. I've never used a replacement policy before so I'm unsure about what I need to do.

Tell them it doesn't work consistently, and you demand a new ps2. You bought the warranty, you'll get it, don't let them tell you otherwise. Their only shipping the new PS2 now, most have been sold out of the larger units. Simply call and ask, "which model PS2s do you have new?" before you go to a store.


Revolver said:
I have some questions... I have a one year replacement warranty from EB on my PS2, and I really want the new model. How difficult is it to get them to replace my current model with the new one if the old one works fine? Are they real strict about checking it out if I just BS them by saying there's something wrong with my PS2 and I want the new one? My warranty expires next month so I'd like to go ahead and use it if possible. I've never used a replacement policy before so I'm unsure about what I need to do.

I just went through this ordeal myself. They won't give you a new model system. They'll try and stick you with a preowned or refurbed system. If you give in, that is.

If they have any new units of the old model, you'll only be able to get one of those, but if they don't have stock on the old model then get the Customer Service number and bitch for it. Make sure to use these quotes in your conversation:

"Sony isn't making the older model anymore, replacing it with this new one."

"I bought the ESA because I was told I would get a NEW system, not a preowned or refurbed one."

"You promised a new system, I expect a new system."

When you do get the new system, do not buy the esa again. The new system comes with a one-year warranty from Sony now. And when the EB clerk trys to sell it to you, tell him that you won't buy it because they refuse to honour their legally binding contract.


Thanks for the advice. I normally wouldn't consider using the warranty since the unit works but I'm still feeling burned about my first PS2 dying on me. I'm on my second system.
I was watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night on mine and about 3/4 way through the movie my PStwo did a disc error. I think that was cause my the extreme heat that the thing was eminating. The thing was friggin' hot. It never got this hot playing games, though.
Gek54 said:
When did PS2s ever overheat?

Haha, when people would put their units in a place that is enclosed and/or covered with their clothes. I've never had that problem either, mainly cause I treat my PS2 with so much care.
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