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Anyone else experiencing the issue where Steam is not shutting games down after quitting?


Knowing which games this is happening with might help. I've noticed some games are quicker than others, but I don't think steam closes games, so it's on the game to close its own process.


Some games will still show this after the actual game window has closed, but only for like 5-10 seconds as steam is syncing the game to cloud


Gold Member
I have had this issue before and it’s been happening on Steam Deck the past couple weeks. On desktop I just restart Steam, on Steam deck you can force close the app. Pretty annoying.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Yes. This has been happening to me since the steam update on July 15th (as far as I can tell).
Having to reset the PC to address the issue. Haven't had this on any of the steam decks but I has happened on two of my pc's


Gold Member
Some games take longer than others to fully shut down (5 seconds or so with elden ring for example), but no, nothing universal across all games.
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