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Anyone else having issues with Gamerush?


You know, I can deal with the fact that my Gamerush tends to get games in a day or two later than everyone else. Heck, I can even deal with the fact they don't call me when they come in. But what I can't deal with, and this has been a major problem lately, is when I head over to Blockbuster and there is no Gamerush staff there, and even worse, no one trained to use their system.

Yesterday I went in to see if my reserved copy of Mega Man Zero 3 was in yet. But...the Gamerush counter was closed. So I waited in line and asked if there was anyone who could help me. Someone emerged from the backroom and told me that the rental copies were in, but the retail copies weren't. "We normally get retail games on Friday, so try back then. We'll give you a call when it comes in."

Well, considering the great deals they have on trade ins, I really wasn't going to complain. I ended up going back today anyways, as a friend was renting THUG 2. I decided to check for Zero 3, and lo and behold, it was sitting on the Gamerush counter which, of course, was closed.

I go to the main counter and explain my situation to the only employee on the floor. "I reserved the game a few weeks ago, it's in, can I pick it up?" Today's problem was that he couldn't pull up my reserve list because he wasn't trained. So he rung up the game in a real backwards manner, marking it down and using the available credit ($20) in my account to pay for it. So technically, I still have a copy reserved, and the credit I used to pay for it is just sitting....somewhere in there. Sure, I'll be able to move the credit to another game later, but it's unsettling when I can't use the money I put on a game because the guy can't find it.

I mean, I really appreciate what this guy did, but the whole sitation seems really ridiculous to me. How am I supposed to do business there when I can't be sure if there's anyone in that can help me? It's not like I'm going in at extreme hours either, both incidents occurred between 1 and 4 PM. And when I asked the guy about all this? "Yea, I'm confused too. No one really knows what's going on."


Being a GameRush manager I would be furious at my store if this happened. Everyone at my store is properly trained and knows how to deliver presales and whatnot.

If you've already put in your presale its the easiest thing the system for the employee to do. All they haft to do is this

1. Type deliver
2. Put in 6 digit part number for game
3. Total
4. Clear
5. Give game to rightful owner

or if you haven't payed in full

1. Type deliver
2. Put in part #
3. Total
4. Take payment
5. Clear
6. Give game to rightful owner

Shouldn't take more than 30 seconds tops unless the game is in the locked cabinent (which make them look)

As for games we usually got ours on Tuesday and I have them out for rental and sale by 5pm at the latest and you can get it anyways there'll just be few seconds for me to process it for you (rental).

Musashi Wins!

well...if it's any consolation, their totally clueless at the one near me as well. In the EXACT same manner. The fact that they'll put out four rentals of a middling game before selling you a copy, let alone one you had on reserve is what really ticks me off.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I don't see how this 'store' or whatever you want to call it, is gonna stay in business for long. Poor service and trade in deals that fuck them up the ass, literally...


Also if no one is there from from 1 to 4 on a Tuesday or Wednesday then there is something wrong. Game managers are scheduled on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12pm - 8 pm as that is a peak time so that we can get games out asap. I had this drilled into me at my orientation and its built right into the schedules (double up on weekends with game advisors and slow days).

The only thing about the rental and retail issue is they are sent separate from two different companies and the rental are pre processed we just print inserts (as in they've been torn open and are no longer factory sealed, and certain things removed like freebies such as animal crossing memory cards or demo discs etc before we even receive them).


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, the employees at "my" gamerush seem pretty confused. or ill-trained. or whatever. i often have to insist on particular discounts or coupons, which i'm sure makes me look like a douchebag. but hey, cheap games are cheap games.
my gamerush is actually pretty cool. the gamerush itself hasn't always had employees there, but the other blockbuster employees knew what was going on.

also, it seems that my gamerush gets retail/rental games on the same day. mortal kombat deception was available to rent and buy on tuesday, but they didn't get the kollectors edition in yet :(

cory you work @ gamerush, do you know when you're scheduled to get the xbox mk kollectors box in?


keeblerdrow said:
It sucks Gamerush stores won't be stocking SMT:Noctourne or Digital Devl Saga.

Actually SMT:Nocturne is in their system because I have it prebooked there. It took my local GR a while to find it, but it's under Nocturne instead of the full title.

As far as GR's service, they can do a LOT better job regarding the prebooks. I had to go away on business for my job and needless to say, I wasn't able to pick up my copies of Fable, Monster Hunter or Gradius V. No calls to inform me of the prebook and when I called, no "GR" employees were around so I could not confirm if my copy of MH was on hold for me. I'm crossing my fingers that they do have them in stock, but I am preparing myself for the worse :p
Oh, I have it full paid, too. But just because they have it in the system doesn't mean they'll stock it. Go check with your store. Mine and three others said that dispite both games having a SKU, they won't be stock for sale as a new product.


I actually just picked up mine today after trading in some of my wavebirds we got ours yesterday (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)


If a GR has a pre-order for a game, does that mean they'll definitely get it in stock? I pre-ordered Taiko Drum Master, and the manager said he was unsure if they'd actually receiver a copy.


impirius said:
If a GR has a pre-order for a game, does that mean they'll definitely get it in stock? I pre-ordered Taiko Drum Master, and the manager said he was unsure if they'd actually receiver a copy.
I'd like to know this as well. The guy at my GR told me that they'd definitely get it in if I preordered, but I can't really say I trust them much.
There's no guarantee any game you pre-order at gamerush stores will be in stock. I found this out after having pre-ordered more than a dozen games from them.

If they happen to stock a game, I'll get a copy, but they aren't ordering one just for my pre-order. What a shitty way to run a business.



For crying out loud... at least the employees at the GRs near me are cool. I'm sure the manager will be able to figure something out. Still, what a crappy, nonsensical way to operate.


Decided to post this here and not make a separate topic.

I'm going to Gamestop and buying a lot of really cheap sports games and selling them to Game Rush because they have that $5 for every trade of three-ten games in a single transaction.

I can make about $48 a day (talking "profit" here). Is there a possibility I can get "caught?"
No. Good luck on finding the super cheap games. Most of them were probably shifted over to your Gamerush store over the summer cause of their deal.

And you only get an extra $2 per game for PSX. I think GBA, as well. You only get the extra $5 on GC, XB, PS2. Go to EB. Madden 2001, 2002, 2003 are $1.99 there and trade in at Gamerush for $1.50 + $5.


keeblerdrow said:
No. Good luck on finding the super cheap games. Most of them were probably shifted over to your Gamerush store over the summer cause of their deal.

And you only get an extra $2 per game for PSX. I think GBA, as well. You only get the extra $5 on GC, XB, PS2. Go to EB. Madden 2001, 2002, 2003 are $1.99 there and trade in at Gamerush for $1.50 + $5.

That's what I did today. Traded Fable, Madden 2001-2003 + NFL 2K3 for a grand total of $66. Can I just keep doing it over and over at the same store?

They don't have a system which keeps tracks of the games I trade, do they? I'm guessing I can just keep adding it to my Game Rush card if I go to two or three different stores on different days.


All I have to say is "bah" about GameRush. I did finally get back in town to pick up my prebooks and I only wound up with 1 out of 3.

The one store that I had Gradius V prebooked did in fact get one copy in stock (the copy that I prebooked) and then promptly put it out on the shelf and sold it. However, I lucked out as they had a used copy in stock for $22.99. The manager on duty stated that they recently updated their system so that when they receive product in that they will know how many to set aside for prebooks via a spreadsheet (here's hoping). He then moved my credit from the prebook to the used game and then gave me 50% off the used Gradius V for my trouble.

Then off to the second store to pick up my copies of Monster Hunter and Fable. Well, low and behold, they did not have either game in stock. To add to my ire, the acting shift manager told me first that they did not receive the game in at that store at all (my friend picked it up there 3 weeks ago), which I called him on, then he came back that they only recieved one copy in (my friend told me they did have multiple copies) then I called him on again. Then I brought up my Fable prebook, which then shut him up backwards and forwards (needless to say, he could not manufacture the same BS). I wound up settling for a prebook for Outrun 2 and picking up Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded instead. He kept apologizing, but what can I do. Needless to say, I'm through with this store after the Outrun 2 prebook. I wish Blockbuster would hire dedicated employees for GR and run the damn thing right. The first store I went to at least had a clue or two....

I'm crossing my fingers that they will stock SMT: Nocturne. A good sign for me is that they did have new copies of Katamari Damacy in stock at both locations and that the first GR is a well run store (they're having a Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike tourney in two weeks in fact which the GR store manager is running) hte hardcore indeed...


Fongul said:
(they're having a Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike tourney in two weeks in fact which the GR store manager is running) hte hardcore indeed...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Which store is this? Where is it?


AniHawk said:
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Which store is this? Where is it?

The Bullard and First store in Fresno CA. There were about 30+ people signed up for the tourney as well. Have no clue about prizes but I'm sure they'll think of something :)

We have a plethora of GR in our area, but there are a few ex-GameStop employees at this store at least (who have a little bit of a clue regarding games). To be able to go in and discuss Baten Kaitos and Katamari Damacy and have someone actually know what I'm talking about is good stuff (especially in a establishment such as GR)


Fongul said:
The Bullard and First store in Fresno CA. There were about 30+ people signed up for the tourney as well. Have no clue about prizes but I'm sure they'll think of something :)

We have a plethora of GR in our area, but there are a few ex-GameStop employees at this store at least (who have a little bit of a clue regarding games). To be able to go in and discuss Baten Kaitos and Katamari Damacy and have someone actually know what I'm talking about is good stuff (especially in a establishment such as GR)

Oh, they're doing the same contest down at a store near LA. I also have a type of store where I can go in and talk to people working there and they know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, it's Gamestop. And they rarely ever have deals on games unless they're used.


I talked to my friend more about his prebook of Monster Hunter and just hearing what happened to his copy just wanted to make my mouth gape. Basically, GR did not get the game on the release date, but about 3-4 days afterwards. My friend dropped by and saw it behind the counter (no call of course), but they would not let him have the game. They said that they needed to check in the game into their computer system as being received. The guy behind the counter did not have the capability of checking it in so to speak, so they would call him when he could pick it up. They wound up calling him 2 days later :O Talk about great customer service...*ack*
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