The ambiguity of what constitutes popular makes this thread kind of ridiculous. I mentioned how basketball is played more recreationally and is more accessible. I can go into my backyard right now, shoot some hoops, and I'm immediately a participant. I play hockey practically never and yet I prefer it far more. Huh...
There are many countries where hockey is either the number one or two sport. Basketball, however, pales in this respect. Still, it is much more affluent. It's relatively difficult naming countries where it isn't played. But it often remains a relegate sport for the most part. For instance, my friend from Scotland has been staying with us. He's never played hockey before, but would get together occasionaly to play basketball with friends. Still, he watched the NHL Finals over the NBA Finals, saying that it's a more entertaining game.
Now that I've considered more remote places, I'll relinquish that basketball is more popular worldwide. But considering that where hockey can
possibly be played, it is very popular, despite how inaccessible it still is, it is not an easy sell.
Seth C said:
Basketball and soccer are the sports competing for worldwide popularity. Jordan is like a god in China, population 1,000,000,000+.
Competing.... as in... Shaq vs Zidane for penalty kicks. Soccer is far, far, far more popular worldwide.
Also, hockey is certainly more physically demanding than basketball. Anyone who says otherwise has not played both sports properly.