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Anyone else miss the Halo 2 launch?


I did, I missed the whole damn thing. I was on a cruise this past week, which was great... but of course I wish I was here on the 9th. Anyway, today in Florida (with family, still not home) I found the LE at a Circuit City (of course this is after I leanred that gamestop wont honor my reserve). I watched the DVD and am now tormented by the idea of not being able to play it till sunday night. Anyone else miss out on the Halo 2 craziness that intended on being apart of it?


I ordered it online, I don't really see the appeal of waiting for a game with 300 other sweaty gamers wedged in a tiny store.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I preordered it at Gamestop but I didn't go to the midnight madness, I'm not a huge fan of Halo. Picked it up at Target on Tuesday morning instead since they gave out free strategy guides


I was all set to go to the EB midnight madness, when I backed out. Got it the next morning and found out that it was a zoo. The manager had expected to have it all taken care of by 1:30, yet they stayed past 3:30.

Too bad I didn't get it at Best Buy Canada. Supposedly they were giving out t-shirts, hats, action figures, and a couple of posters as well.
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