Been through it man. Women are capable of some cold, evil stuff.. it's hard for me to get attached anymore.
Yeah, good luck getting that money back. Could just cost you more with legal expenses. I’d personally just cut my losses and move on.
If its "only" 4 figures I'd cut losses. Especially if you have little or nothing in writing.
It shouldn't be like dat way but it do.
There was a line in Gerald's Game which I just watched last night that cracked me up.
"Do you know what a women is?"
"A life support system for a cunt."
Women are every bit as bad as the reputation of men. They are usually just *far* more, um...discreet. And to be fair, I get it. If you are the weaker sex physically, you have to be more calculating and subtle to get what you want. It's an evolutionary imperative. All (read 99.9%) of women are eager to jump on the next branch if it's perceived to be more advantageous. Men kid themselves, but women can be absolutely ruthless. (red pilled)
I hope you know how insane you sound, this is pure incel bullshit.
Fact is, all people suck. Not just women, or men. Everyone. Has nothing to do with gender, has everything to do with upbringing, family values and our society.
Lol, dude I was married for 20 years. I didn't say that men aren't as bad. I said that women are equally bad, and they go about getting theirs differently. Re-read the post.
Women are every bit as bad as the reputation of men.
Take a dump on her porch and move on with your life.
You literally qualify that women are as bad as the reputation of men, but not men.
Being married for 20 years doesn't disqualify the incel piece, by the way.
I have no stake in this, I'm a cynical bastard that thinks all people are bad. Your post is just..weird and filled with obvious insecurities.
Yep, best to get out with your pride intact at least.That's fucked up.
Best thing to do is reverse ghost her. It always plays with their mind, especially once their honeymoon period with the other guy is over (yeah there is an other guy), as to if you really cared. Let that simmer and move on. The more you try to talk to her, the more power you will give her. Never do that. Go no contact ans stay on that no matter what.
Uh, I imagine that any one is capable of doing that and while there are general biases towards behaviorial patterns, wouldn't go so far as saying 'all men or women do this' because:And you imagine that women aren't? I know that women handle their business in a different, less direct manner than men, generally speaking. They are as driven to fuck around just as much as men, but men have the reputation for it. They're just far better at keeping things on the down low.
Uh, I imagine that any one is capable of doing that and while there are general biases towards behaviorial patterns, wouldn't go so far as saying 'all men or women do this' because:
1) it's logically not true
2) it's stupidly ignorant
3) it doesn't help anyone learn anything.
Men have ghosted women, women have ghosted men. The only thing they have in common is that individually they are bad, disrespectful people who value themselves and don't respect their partners.
That's it.
ReeeeeYou literally qualify that women are as bad as the reputation of men, but not men.
Being married for 20 years doesn't disqualify the incel piece, by the way.
I have no stake in this, I'm a cynical bastard that thinks all people are bad. Your post is just..weird and filled with obvious insecurities.
OR reverse-reverse-1080 ghost her: Marry her grandmother and give her $5 every year for her birthday.That's fucked up.
Best thing to do is reverse ghost her. It always plays with their mind, especially once their honeymoon period with the other guy is over (yeah there is an other guy), as to if you really cared. Let that simmer and move on. The more you try to talk to her, the more power you will give her. Never do that. Go no contact ans stay on that no matter what.
I hope you know how insane you sound, this is pure incel bullshit.
Fact is, all people suck. Not just women, or men. Everyone. Has nothing to do with gender, has everything to do with upbringing, family values and our society.
next time you do the ghosting baby
Uh, I imagine that any one is capable of doing that and while there are general biases towards behaviorial patterns, wouldn't go so far as saying 'all men or women do this' because:
1) it's logically not true
2) it's stupidly ignorant
3) it doesn't help anyone learn anything.
Men have ghosted women, women have ghosted men. The only thing they have in common is that individually they are bad, disrespectful people who value themselves and don't respect their partners.
That's it.
You sound like a bitch.![]()
Rather be a bitch than so insecure I blame all women for all my issues.![]()
Yeah cheaters cheat and women move on easier since they almost always have stronger personal social networks to provide emotional support.
I don't think many people cheat because they're just super horny either. But that's a long, long road to go down.
Really they should just make "He's Just Not That Into You" required reading at a high school level because nearly all of the advice in the book cuts both ways.
I had something similar with a gf of about 6 months. It was for the best. I met my wife 2 weeks later
Funny story though, the old gf called me two years later the day before I got married, absolutely shit faced drunk and sobbing about how she made a horrible mistake and asked me to cancel my wedding so we could be together![]()
Been through it man. Women are capable of some cold, evil stuff.. it's hard for me to get attached anymore.
scars are good for the soulGet an answer or you’ll be forever wondering, that shit leaves scars.
I’m more pissed thatTrainedRage ghosted all of us about nailing his hot boss.
I’m still pissed about that thread.
No kind of answer will make him feel better.Get an answer or you’ll be forever wondering, that shit leaves scars.
To be fair, I've ghosted plenty of women, and have never had it done to me.Been through it man. Women are capable of some cold, evil stuff.. it's hard for me to get attached anymore.
Not exactly ghosted, but just flat walked-out on recently. The girl and I (started dating around 2009) have always been pretty independent (kept all finances and business separate, had our own separate bedrooms, our own hobbies, etc) so it was never a conventional relationship, and that's how we liked it. Things had been kind of off the past few months (this was fall of 2019) and it kinda felt like we were drifting apart, but after putting on happy faces for the holidays I thought things were heading in the right direction. Then she dropped the bomb: "I'm seeing someone else, I'll be leaving for valentines day and we won't see each other again. I'll pick up my stuff while you're at work over the next few weeks and leave the final rent check on my last trip. I'll have everything out by the end of the month." And that was it. No discussion. No trying to work it out. Just an "I'm leaving" and she was gone. Haven't seen or heard from her since.
I agree with the others, don't try to chase her or even call or text her. Life usually isn't like a romcom. Trust me, you probably don't want to know what she's doing. The best thing to do is take a look at what you did, if you could have or should have done anything differently, and try not to make the same mistakes with your next relationship. It's just as likely you didn't do anything wrong at all. Some people just grow apart. But ghosting you like she did is cold.
But sometimes a clean break is best. Maybe. Right?
separate bedrooms? That was never your woman. She’s been fucking other dudes from the beginning.
Naw, it's mostly because she is one of those people that needs 8+ hours of sleep a night and I'm around 4 or 5. She likes it pitch dark, I like accent lights or xmas lights, she likes it silent or just a fan, I like a low radio. I'd also stay up during the week to read or watch a few sitcoms before bed or be playing video games on the weekend, talking on chat, and that didn't work with her sitting next to me. I think most couples would get along better if they each had their own room!
So, she basically cheated on you for a month and suffered no consequences? Wow.Been there sadly. Dated a girl for a good 6 months didn't hear from here for 4-5 days and then out of no where I got the "let just be friends."
Found out the next day she had been seeing someone else for a month.
It's super shitty but the thing you have to remember is that whatever the situation is this is her choice and her doing.
Easier said then done. But knowing you did nothing wrong is extremely important.