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anyone get the Gradius V Bonus DVD @ Gamestop?

I'm looking at my order and it says it didn't ship with my Gradius and that it has an ETA date of 8/31/04. Anyone know what's up with that? I would hate to not get the DVD cuz that's the only reason I got it from them. I canceled my EB order which had free overnight shipping, which was a better deal and I'm sure Fry's will have an even better deal. Gamestop was the only one offering the DVD which is why I went with them. So anyone know what's going on? If I'm not getting the DVD, I wanna complain to Gamestop.


My order says the same - I emailed them about it so hopefully they'll get to me in the morning. I'll keep ya posted.
Coincidentally I walked into a local GS today to inquire about the DVD and their response was quite vague where they couldn't give me any info at all. The manager even suggested that the DVD may be included inside the game, meaning that all copies (not just GS) may actually have it. We'll see I guess.


I ordered from them too. Their site says it's been shipped and Fedex says it should arrive tomorrow at 4:30. If something's missing I'll be back tomorrow to partake in the hating.


I checked my order status too, and sure enough, Gradius V is indicated to have been shipped but the bonus DVD is *unshipped* I called the 800 number knowing I'd get a recording, but got the email address for inquieries, and immediately shot off an email.

hopefully GameStop.com has got, or will be getting alot of emails about this, and will rectify this matter with shipped DVDs as soon as humanly possible, that is, if the DVD doesnt come with the game.


Oh crap. you're right. Under shipped items, it says Gradius V. But above that , under "unshipped items," it says Gradius V DVD Inet!


I won't be getting mine until probably next week since I selected the slowest shipping.... until then I will scratch my Gradius itch with my newly acquired Gradius Deluxe Pack.




I ordered the game from outpost....so what am I missing from this DVD again? I remember hearing about perfect play throughs...what else?

doncale said:
my Gradius V arrived today, of course with NO extra DVD.

I hope the guys at gamefaqs are right...

I just have a feeling that we're all going to get shafted. This is Gamespot we're talking about. When was customer satisfaction ever a priority? Did anyone get at least an automated response when they wrote an email asking about this? I seriously would not be surprised if the DVD was never totally confirmed, but Gamespot advertised it anyway.


go eat paint
I keep trying to buy games from GameSpot, but I can never find a shopping cart or list of games they sell.

Oddly enough, GameStop works just fine.


I just have a feeling that we're all going to get shafted. This is Gamespot we're talking about. When was customer satisfaction ever a priority? Did anyone get at least an automated response when they wrote an email asking about this? I seriously would not be surprised if the DVD was never totally confirmed, but Gamespot advertised it anyway.

I have a bad feeling too. ive never dealt with GameStop before, until now. I've called their customer service several times. it took forever to talk to anyone, and when they did answer (both times) it seemed as if they couldnt wait to get me off the line. they simply said it would be shipped seperately than the game. but i have my doubts i will get it without twisting some arms....


Running off of Custom Firmware
The good news is that I rarely use Gamestop because I always have problems with them, errrr, wait....

Seriously, I only went with GS because of this deal. I was surprised that EB didn't get it also, as I waited until a week before it released before finally settling upon GS.


FortNinety said:
I just have a feeling that we're all going to get shafted. This is Gamespot we're talking about. When was customer satisfaction ever a priority?

EB and Gamestop does this bait n switch alot, when it happens to me I usually just dispute the charge with my credit card company and get back a partial refund
I asked my local B&M GameStop last night if they had the bonus Gradius DVD's for Gradius V, to which I was met with blank stares. They explained to me that the website will have offers that the B&M stores don't. Who knows... I went home and ordered it online. Hopefully we don't get shafted.

The same thing happened with the PS2 Viewtiful Joe. The site said there was some limited VJ card or some shit for the preorders, and they had no clue at the store. I hope this isn't a trend.


I just got off the phone with GameStop.com again - this time I got to speak with a MALE rep...thank God!... He sounded like he knew what I was talking about, and knew what he was talking about also, thankfully. he said that the manufacturer sent us (them) the game but not the DVD. the DVD should be there, at GameStop.com, in the next day or two (friday or monday i guess) and they will then send it out to me....those of us who pre-ordered it i mean.


I heard last week that there was a production issue with the DVD and they had to be remade, hence the delay.

The preorder DVD is a Japanese thing while there's still some equivalent of the perfect dvd due out soon as well which has other stuff, and they couldn't get permission for the Japanese perfect footage on it so they made their own. For that dvd, I know there's a limited # between 250 and 500. I don't know how many total will be made, though or what you have to do to get them.

I know it's also not a "perfect" DVD as the guy tends to die a lot on stage 7...
Priz said:
I heard last week that there was a production issue with the DVD and they had to be remade, hence the delay.

The preorder DVD is a Japanese thing while there's still some equivalent of the perfect dvd due out soon as well which has other stuff, and they couldn't get permission for the Japanese perfect footage on it so they made their own. For that dvd, I know there's a limited # between 250 and 500. I don't know how many total will be made, though or what you have to do to get them.

I know it's also not a "perfect" DVD as the guy tends to die a lot on stage 7...

So what we're getting is NOT the DVD that came out in Japan then?


FortNinety said:
So what we're getting is NOT the DVD that came out in Japan then?

I can't answer that. I know something about Japan is on that preorder dvd... but the other dvd that is the equivalent of the "perfect" one isn't.

If I find out exactly what it is, I'll let you know.


Ok, so the dvd's are called "Breakdown" and "Breakdown - Uncut".

They have "exclusive" content that differs from the Japanese dvd's. I'm sure some sites have printed about the content. The Uncut dvd has some extra goodies, but is in the limited run... but could be torrented somewhere once members of the press start getting it. I guess we just have to wait and see how it's distributed.

There was a disc manufacturing error and the compression supposedly looked like crap on the stuff on the Breakdown disc... which if they knew there would've been a delay it would've been fixed... but never was. So it could look bad... but it might only be part of the disc. I don't know, again... I haven't seen it. This is only what I've heard.
I was wondering about this the other day. I ordered it from them online to make sure I'd get the bonus DVD. Got the game, but I'm still waiting for the DVD.


So now in my order status the dvd still hasnt shipped, but it says "Usually ships in 24 hours". Looks like I'm going to have to email them again.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I emailed them on Friday and got an auto-response saying that he'd be away on vacation until Tuesday!!

WTF, only 1 online customer service rep?


Just got this email from Gamestop:

Thank you for writing us today.
Your dvd shipped 9/28/04, you should receive it today.
Thank you and have a great day.

I checked my order status and it did ship, but theres no tracking number. Guess they over-nighted it or something.
robot said:
Just got this email from Gamestop:

Thank you for writing us today.
Your dvd shipped 9/28/04, you should receive it today.
Thank you and have a great day.

I checked my order status and it did ship, but theres no tracking number. Guess they over-nighted it or something.

Thanks for the update. Good to see it's still alive. Now I just wonder if you have to remind them that you're owed a copy of if they already remember...
Here are the contents:

History of Gradius--
Game footage/intro footage of Gradius games from 1981's "Scramble" to 2001's "Gradius Galaxies."

Developer Interviews (why plural?)
Interview with Game Director Yasushi Takano

Ship Gallery--
Shows still pictures of Gradius V's 3D models.

Bonus Movies--
E3 2003 and 2004 trailer movies

Playthroughs of stages 1-5
The player doesn't take out every ship and there's English text during the "story sequence" in stage 2, so I suspect this is not the original Japanese footage..


the dvd is awesome, by the way. much better than the japanese version, which only had a single level playthrough + 2 interviews.


still waiting for mine. it's probably not arrived yet because I moved and mail is being forwarded from my old address. but I expect it today or tomorrow.


What's the two interviews about on the JP DVD? The interview on the Breakdown DVD didn't give out as much information as I had hoped.
Mine finally came on Friday, too. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. The RE4 demo also came and most of my free time was taken up with that... ;)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Got mine this morning. Barely watched much of it, but the history chronicle is good shit.


NotMSRP said:
What's the two interviews about on the JP DVD?
one of them is the same thing as the american dvd. the other is a similar interview with another staff member. considering i don't speak japanese, i don't know if it had any interesting content, but the video wasn't too impressive by itself.
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