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Anyone heard of Predator: Concrete Jungle (plot by Grant Morrison!)?


I was flipping through last month's EGM and took a look at the "Previews: Under the Radar" section, and this game caught my eye:

Predator: Concrete Jungle
PS2 * VU Games * October 2004

What's the Deal? Predator's titular manhunter (and only cast member seemingly not cut out for a career in politics) sets his laser sights on Prohibition-era bootleggers, crooked cops, and crime bosses. The plot (by comic scribe Grant Morrison) sounds silly, but when the movie monster strings together combos with his signature cleavers, smart disc, and plasma casters, you can bet that blood will flow like booze in a speakeasy.

Closest Known Relative: It's kinda like Mafia (PS2/XB), but instead of a gangster you're the, um, Predator.

Prognosis: Bound for Obscurity
Fans will hunger for a game to go along with the new Alien vs. Predator film. This is not that game.

I guess it really is bound for obscurity seeing as I've never heard of the game. The plot sounds wacky as hell, but seeing as it's written by Grant Morrison, it doesn't surprise me. I wonder if this game'll be any good. It might be worth a rental for the plot alone.


Based on the excellent graphic novel?
(Written by Mark Verheiden, NOT Grant Morrision, I might add...)



Compiles Dark Horse's original "Predator" comic, a 4-part limited series. It came out well before the movie Predator 2, but in many ways it was a blueprint for the movie. Features Dutch's (Ahnold's) brother in NYC battling an army of Predators that are overrunning the town. Some sequences from the comic were lifted directly into the film sequel when it came out.

I still have all four original issues... At the time, I thought that in some ways that comic was even superior to the Danny Glover version (which ruled as well).

Here's the original cover of issue #1,

But it seems there was also a paperback novel version that Mark Verheiden followed the comic up with, so make sure you get the comic and not the straight novel.


this was my gots at E3, just because it was

a) the predator

b) in the 1920s

c) fighting corruption

still trying to pitch this as a feature idea for an upcoming issue. take <game>, put it in the 1920s, and fight The Man = sales GOLD.
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