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Anyone pick up Men of Valor?


I'm no reviewer but I don't think I like it. Only did training and played aout 10-20 minutes beyond that though. I'm still going to give it a chance, but so far "eh".

Musashi Wins!

Scoobert said:
I'm no reviewer but I don't think I like it. Only did training and played aout 10-20 minutes beyond that though. I'm still going to give it a chance, but so far "eh".

did you get a chance to hop on LIVE with it? That's my only real interest.


Vietnam fps by 2015. It's definitely better than the other crap that just came out a little while ago. I'm still waiting for Brothers in Arms though. :D

Musashi Wins!

whoa, this is surprisingly good online, though I played very briefly. Good maps, jungle and bombed out buildings, etc. It was very smooth though. I'll play more late tonight and give a fuller impression.

Still think the single player is pretty meh...though it can get hard. There are definitely some AI issues and graphic hiccups in single player. Sound is really great.

Easily the best Vietnam game I've played on console this year, though that's not saying a whole lot. If it continues to be good online I'll keep it though.

Musashi Wins!

Online is fairly addictive. It really has some great maps...from the jungle of Cambodia to the US Embassy during the Tet Offensive. Hit detection seems quite good and I like the controls. Still, they need to fix the damn radio issue. Spawn protection is a great idea, but not being able to secretly talk sucks.

It also benefits from having a lot of modes. Get the documents, mission mode, etc. were quite fun.

It's by no means a great game, but it has potential to be a fun one...it's the only real fun I've had in a Vietnam game as I mentioned before. I still haven't studied the classes and different modes enough. I hope they can drop a patch without having downloadable content.

Will anyone be playing this in a few weeks though?

EDIT: to clarify...every person playing shares the voice channel [retarded]. And you're protected in spawn for a few seconds to kill campers.
this game is actually pretty sweet dudes. i rented it, haven't played single player, but online play is smoov and fun.

i picked the communists!

p.s. musashi is correct. the maps are excellent, and the graphics are also very good. but to answer your questions, "will anyone be playing this after nov 9th?", the answer is most likely no. But the game is fun
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