Holy crap, what a bunch of retards. I know it's not nice to talk about cult "victims" but seriously, if you are that easily convinced, I can't say I feel too bad for you. The stories that the followers were preached were HILARIOUS, a 6th grader with an imagination and too much time on his hands could have come up with something better. Do and Ti are the master aliens and they are riding behind a comet, and when they came near the earth it was the cult's time to go to THE NEXT LEVEL and watch the Earth get ruined from a SPACESHIP. :lol Then they would talk about how your body is a VEHICLE and you will be your true self when you transport to the NEXT LEVEL.
I mean, it was just amazing, watching these people sit there out in the back of their mansion and talk about how they are perfectly content with leaving this world and moving onto the next with Do and Ti in the spaceship. I remember watching the tapes on MSNBC. I couldn't fathom how these people could be so stupid. But it was scary how DEVOTED to this cause they were.
They also had alien insurance. :lol
But the thing that is perhaps the most disturbing is how they died - or, I'm sorry, left their VEHICLE and went off to the NEXT LEVEL! They all went to their beds. They drank some alcohol, took some pills and suffocated themselves. They did it in SHIFTS. Do you know how content you would have to be with your cause to do something like that? 39 people killed themselves. Over a "religion" that had a story so bad it could be entertaining.
"By now you should be aware that I have too have (sic) exited my vehicle," said one of the men. "I do not pretend to have accomplished my task of overcoming this human vehicle and gaining the degree of control I would have liked, but nonetheless, I know who I am and that I must go back with them whether I am ready or not."
"I'd rather gamble on missing the bus this time than staying on this planet and risk losing my soul."
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