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AP: Dashcam video shows officer firing 7 shots into Castile car


Hail to the KING baby
imagine the NRA/white people if this happened to some white dude and it was federal agents of some sort
Please follow up that response of theirs with what you said in the second paragraph. As long as it's legal to carry a gun, the onus is on the cop to not only be responsible, but to show more restraint than a normal person. That means NOT being ready to throw down when a gun is present, only when it is unholstered and pointed. That is their duty as a civil servant.

I'd be surprised if an accused cop didn't burst out into fits of laughter if someone made that statement in court.


This is why guns shouldn't be so prevalent in the US. So many people have them, or at least that's the impression, that cops are worried every person they stop has a gun. A cop in Canada, UK or Australia can stop someone and almost be certain they don't have a gun. It make US cops very jumpy and trigger happy.

Obviously there's more issues to this, but I see that as a big one.
how is this not murder?

a man died for a brake light. you ruined his daughters life over a brake light. that little girl will have some major demons to overcome because of this officers over reaction. he killed one man, but ruined the lives of a whole lot more for being a jumpy pussy.

awful all the way round.

He was pulled over because Yanez claimed he had the "wide set nose" of a robbery suspect. Yanez tells Castile he is being pulled over for a brake light, but that wasnt the real reason.


Yeah civillians with no training vs officers who should be undertaking training to handle situations like this, I absolutely put the onus of control on the police. Also if youre going to shoot a cop, why are you telling him you have a gun?

I mean, in this scenario the civilian had some training. He had a permit, which you need training to get (looks like as little as one 4-hour class). I'm not sure whether the training includes "how to deal with a trigger-happy cop," though.
How do american police officers still have any credibility in the eyes of a Jury? Despite a pretty damning video of a citizen with a carry license doing exactly as asked, all an officer has to do is pull a scout salute and promise they saw him reach for the gun and it's golden.

Police are worshiped in America fourth only to:

The military
Jesus, why even BECOME a cop if simply hearing the word gun come out of a black guy's mouth is enough to send you into this kind of panic? (Although, putting it like that, sure makes sense why white supremacists were trying to hard to infiltrate law enforcement.)

How the hell did any jury see that and conclude that the cop was not guilty? It's a denial of reality, itself, like denying he was wearing pants when he shot him. Even if half of the jury was "black lives matter are terrorists" buffoons, there has to be something else at play, like maybe the prosecutor overcharged relative to what could actually be said, legally, to have happened, or the judge gave instructions that basically constrained this jury to not call this out for what it so obviously is because of some technicality. You'd have to be huffing some Jim Crow-level racism to watch that and feel like nothing happened that was wrong.
This guy really should have got prison time. If someone was going to use a weapon against you, they wouldn't tell you they have a weapon. The officer went from 0% to 100% without even trying to deescalate the situation. The second he heard gun, he pretty much freaked out. He also shot seven times into a vehicle that had another person and a child present. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they said the weapon wasn't even loaded. This cop is just a shithead. He was racial profiling from the start and it led to excessive use of force.
I asked a bunch of cop buddies where they see this going wrong and they all said without exception the moment they hear "gun" they ready to throw down and are taught to take zero chances. None of em outright condone this shooting but all say at a stop like this to keep hands on steering wheel palms up and ask the officer "How should I proceed?"

What gets me is the onus is on the civilian to be in full control of their senses and know what to do and what not to do st all times yet the cop gets to assume and adlib it.

The system is broken.

And this is why I get furious every time I try to rationally discuss this issue with friends that I have that were cops. Each and every one says the same thing, which basically boils down to their safety is more important than anything and it's your responsibility as a citizen to make sure that they're not put into a position where they have to kill you.

The last guy I tried to talk to about this actually had the nerve to try to make it seem like the cops involved in these shootings were somehow the real victims because their lives get ruined and they usually can't ever work as cops again. What kind of brainwashing is involved during police indoctrination that makes them forget that they're the ones who signed up for the dangerous job and not the general public?


I mean, in this scenario the civilian had some training. He had a permit, which you need training to get (looks like as little as one 4-hour class). I'm not sure whether the training includes "how to deal with a trigger-happy cop," though.

Training for owning a firearm and training to handle stressful situation is what I was referring to, the latter of which the cop absolutely has been trained to handle where a civilian has not.
Was this video not viewed in court. What the fuck.


It was viewed twice. It proves how easy it is to get Americans to abandon logic, rationale, and better judgement if you appeal to a crude stereotype about the threat of a Black man (supposedly) on drugs.
Its transparently obvious the reckless and dangerous asshole in this video is the cop, but the defense convinced the jury to interpret the situation the exact opposite way it happened. That it was Philando who exercised bad judgement and reckless behavior.
And how did they do it? By appealing to America's oldest biases.
One of the jurors even went so far as to accuse Castile's girlfriend of being "suspiciously calm" after the shooting.
If a cop engages a black person, they have unofficial right to kill them.

This whole decade has enforced that.

So what do we do about that.


How can a jury say the officer is innocent of all charges after watching this???

The average jury-serving American will trust the words of the most crooked cop over the most law-abiding black man every time. The 'cops are keeping us safe and can do no wrong' mentality that people have ingrained causes justice to be denied over and over again. Despicable.


Reaching for the gun and officer telling him not to I guess
He wasn't reaching for the gun. Listen to the end of the recording. The officer first said he didn't know where the gun was and that he was nervous. He said he was reaching down, that's all- star odd wording. Then he says he had his hand on the gun. His owns words don't match. Castile said he had a hand gun and a permit to carry it. He was calm- does that strike you as someone who wants to shoot a cop? With a child in the back seat? He was likely reaching for his registration (just like his girlfriend said). As evidenced by the footage, he had zero time to clarify despite what the officer says immediately afterwards.

Come the fuck on.


This is fucking murder.
I dont live in the states but do you have to tell cops you have a legal gun? He should have just not said anything. This is 100% the cops fault but I am thinking maybe it could have been avoided if he didnt mention he had a gun.
He was probably worried that the cops would search the car and then freak out when they found it. (which he was correct to be worried about).

If he told the officer he had a gun, he gets shot
If he doesnt tell the officer and they find it, he gets shot
if he runs from the cops, he gets shot.

There is no scenario where he was getting out of there alive.
Well said. Sad, but that's the truth of the situation.

Wood Man

What chills me the most is his girlfriend & child were in the car. That's incredibly sad and terrifying at the same time.
This is honestly infuriating. What can we do to change the system? How can we get police to be less "on-edge?" How can we help reduce institutional racism? Should there be a requirement to have diversity on jury panel selections?

I still feel that less guns overall would create less need for cops to treat everything they do as a life-or-death situation.


I asked a bunch of cop buddies where they see this going wrong and they all said without exception the moment they hear "gun" they ready to throw down and are taught to take zero chances. None of em outright condone this shooting but all say at a stop like this to keep hands on steering wheel palms up and ask the officer "How should I proceed?"

What gets me is the onus is on the civilian to be in full control of their senses and know what to do and what not to do st all times yet the cop gets to assume and adlib it.

The system is broken.

I'm convinced the only solution is robot cops.
This is honestly infuriating. What can we do to change the system? How can we get police to be less "on-edge?" How can we help reduce institutional racism? Should there be a requirement to have diversity on jury panel selections?

I still feel that less guns overall would create less need for cops to treat everything they do as a life-or-death situation.

Better hiring practices.
Better candidates.
Better training.
Holding officers accountable.


Lol ok I'm out this thread. Don't want to get banned.

You know jack about what I think because I didn't post what I thought. Just how he wasn't found guilty.

Banned for what? Where are you getting your information about why the jury acquitted the murderer?
Unless you have actual statements from the jurors, those are your feelings not the jury's.


At this point they'll just shoot us for existing. Pretty soon there won't even be trials anymore. It's automatic jury nullification when it's a black victim.

My advice? GTFO of the states. It's never going to get better for us here. Armed insurgency, black separatism, peaceful protests and begging for rights. Countless martyrs laid down their lives and freedom for what? Nothing has fucking worked.

Most whites support this or at least don't care. Even other minorities despite blacks, latinos and Koreans in particular. If you aren't white this country is a false promise. The "system" is working as intended, it's only broken for us.


I honestly can't see how this is anything but murder. Yet even going for the lesser charge they wouldn't even convict on manslaughter. I don't even know what to say anymore. US cops can murder with impunity. Most certainly they deserve no respect at this point; just another criminal gang.

It's worse than a systematic issue. It's deeply cultural when a jury won't convict even on an outrageous case like this.


Junior Member
So the jury believed that Castile was going to put his family including 4 year old daughter through a firefight.....he also told the officer that he had a gun on him....most criminals with malicious intent don't warn the officer that they have a gun.


So has the NRA yet decided enough facts have come out to put out a statement?

Yeah, I thought not.
I think they've already made their statement about black people with guns...
0 to 100. Legit insane. I skipped to 6 mins in the video realized I missed it, watched it from the beginning and couldn't even grasp how that got outta hand. Dude just unloads a clip for no purpose.


Gold Member
There needs to be a set procedure for traffic stops that everyone knows, and the officer should be a part of that. I'm sure the police have one in mind, but civilians have no idea. I would not have known how to deal with police properly until I came across some bad ones and learned from it, which is just terrible.


They won't if I'm ever on a jury. Sorry cops, I can't tell just from the uniform if you're "one of the good ones", so I have to assume you're not.

Yes, assume the majority of police are bad. Really speaks about your thought process and maturity. I hope you are never on any jury of any case in fear for those involved.

There will always be authority needed, and common sense that not all, not even the majority are bad. Not even half. Thus if you really fear or hate every officer in the US, if you live here, leave. Its not changing. Forever be a pawn to the media who loves to put out material on every bad case, yet dismiss the far less juicy articles of events on a daily basis handled correctly and the heroic events.


Before everyone responds to J-Rzez's nonsense, just know that dude is a cop so don't expect an unbiased discussion.

Yes, assume the majority of police are bad. Really speaks about your thought process and maturity. I hope you are never on any jury of any case in fear for those involved.

Cops almost never, never turn in bad cops, the blue wall of silence is very real.
So until you and your fellow cops start cleaning house, all cops are bad.
There will always be authority needed, and common sense that not all, not even the majority are bad. Not even half. Thus if you really fear or hate every officer in the US, if you live here, leave. Its not changing. Forever be a pawn to the media who loves to put out material on every bad case, yet dismiss the far less juicy articles of events on a daily basis handled correctly and the heroic events.
Good old cop logic. Be better cops.
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