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Apple has rejected Epic Games' subimission of their own Epic Games Store in IoS


Gold Member
20% for each infringment - the fines would pile up so quickly that not even Apple could ignore that.
But it is way more likely that before that happens Tim Cook would be kicked out by shareholders.)
Keep job / Screw with Tim Sweeney

Just one example of the impossible decisions these guys have to face every day.. This is why they’re paid the big bucks.


What were they supposed to say? “Hahaha jokes on them we were going to do it anyway?”

You think that everything said in a press conference is the bare truth? There’s no strategy behind it? You seriously think Apple never had USB-C for iPhone on the docket?


Heres a tip. Dont like iPhones and Apple? Just buy a different product. Don't wait for the EU to stick their ore in and change it into something you actually want

I’m happily charging my 15 Pro Max with the same Type C cable I charge my other devices, thanks to the intervention of EU regulators.

People are happily installing emulators on iOS thanks to regulatory pressure.

People are eager for regulators to improve the product they already like. That’s what you’re not getting.


I love watching Tim Sweeney pick fights and then whine when he loses

He’s not likely to lose this one, though. And he’ll happily pay the install fee Apple charges.

I hope Apple makes a show of force here and just pulls out of the EU.

Before you screeching nerds scream at me about what a big market the EU is for them- import. Buy from the UK or Switzerland.🤷‍♂️

I think a demonstration of integrity is more important in the long run than short term cash loss. Apple certainly has enough stockpiled they can afford it.

Apple deleted multiple VPN apps off the AppStore in Russia on request from the Russians. And you’re here advocating they pull out from the more lucrative EU region? 🤣

‘Demonstration of integrity’ indeed.



Gold Member
I’m happily charging my 15 Pro Max with the same Type C cable I charge my other devices, thanks to the intervention of EU regulators.

People are happily installing emulators on iOS thanks to regulatory pressure.

People are eager for regulators to improve the product they already like. That’s what you’re not getting.
Wouldnt you getting an android sent a fairer message to apple rather than eu designing phones and forcing to comply? You act as if eu knows what customers want. Gdpr, digital euro, chat control, are all regulations that are awful and dangerous. And they decrease chance of new phone companies from forming because they might prevent business models like funding os development on app store fees and just from apple fucking things up with stupid decisions like lightning connector.

hemo memo

Gold Member
What were they supposed to say? “Hahaha jokes on them we were going to do it anyway?”

You think that everything said in a press conference is the bare truth? There’s no strategy behind it? You seriously think Apple never had USB-C for iPhone on the docket?
Well, something like “We were going to change to USB-C before the decision as we’ve seen that it will be more beneficial for our consumers” or some bullshit.

Yes, I truly believe that Apple forced to switch to USB-C due to EU regulation instead of their proprietary charger that they sell for millions in licensing fees.


Gold Member
Well, something like “We were going to change to USB-C before the decision as we’ve seen that it will be more beneficial for our consumers” or some bullshit.

Yes, I truly believe that Apple forced to switch to USB-C due to EU regulation instead of their proprietary charger that they sell for millions in licensing fees.
Why did they have it already much before on ipads? They would have made more money on cables like you said, so why the change before eu?


They made them drop the horribly anti consumer DRM cable that means users can not have one chager cable in their car for their devices and not have a 1200 phone shit the bed because the DRM reading HW on it failed. So the regulation had a great impact there. But go ahead and defend Apple against the evil EU because rushing to the defense of a multi trillion dollar company is so fucking cool.
Isn't a better solution to just buy an Android? They have phones that equals or even suprasses the iPhone.


Gdpr, digital euro, chat control, are all regulations that are awful and dangerous.
Yep GDPR is clearly awful and dangerous! ...for companies violating it:
Digital Euro - it doesnt replace cash money, so what is your point?
Chat Control - no objection there, that is dangerous, but technically impossible.


Wouldnt you getting an android sent a fairer message to apple rather than eu designing phones and forcing to comply?

I already have an Android phone. I’ve used two phones for over a decade.
Why should I not be keen on moves that can improve my experience with iOS?

You think the people excited about emulators on iOS should have moved to Android instead?


Gold Member
Yep GDPR is clearly awful and dangerous! ...for companies violating it:
Digital Euro - it doesnt replace cash money, so what is your point?
Chat Control - no objection there, that is dangerous, but technically impossible.
I feel like much simpler legislation would have sufficed without having to click cookies on every site and there would be market pressure to provide better terms of service. Digital euro enables spying and withholding transactions much easier and there is plans to prevent cash transactions over 5000.


Why did they have it already much before on ipads? They would have made more money on cables like you said, so why the change before eu?

They moved to only USB-C on their MacBooks, and had been touting their iPad Pros as computer replacements, including direct access to tons of inputs like regular PCs. They absolutely had to move to Type C on iPad in line with their marketing.


This whole thing is so confusing, so in short Epic is mad Apple won’t allow 3rd App stores on their on devices. Would this be like Microsoft suing Sony for not allowing the Xbox marketplace on PlayStations?


This whole thing is so confusing, so in short Epic is mad Apple won’t allow 3rd App stores on their on devices.

How is it confusing?
The EU has mandated Apple to allow 3rd party marketplaces on iPhones. They’ve agreed to comply but have so far been throwing up obstacles to approvals.

Epic will likely win this case.

Would this be like Microsoft suing Sony for not allowing the Xbox marketplace on PlayStations?

No. It would not be. Consoles are not general purpose computing devices and are sold subsidized with the entire business model centered around relatively low hardware cost with profit from software sales and royalties.

Apple sells their iphones with significant profit margins and advertise the devices as general
Purpose computing devices.
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How is it confusing?
The EU has mandated Apple to allow 3rd party marketplaces on iPhones. They’ve agreed to comply but have so far been throwing up obstacles to approvals.

Epic will likely win this case.

No. It would not be. Consoles are not general purpose computing devices and are sold subsidized with the entire business model centered around relatively low hardware cost with profit from software sales and royalties.

Apple sells their iphones with significant profit margins and advertise the devices as general
Purpose computing devices.
Okay, thank you dumbing it down, that makes perfect sense now. But Apple’s profits shouldn’t have anything to do with this.


Oh here comes the " Mac's can get viruses too " bs . The ratio to virus / malware infections is a minute amount compared to windows and android.
If you want a crappy experience get an android. Problem solved.🤷‍♂️😉
i want my own experience thats why i have android, not a curated experience i have basically no control over.


The people in here that are willing to bend the knee, to the walled garden of Apple, blows my mind. I don't particularly like Epic either, but I'll never bet against competition. If Apple is fighting this, rest assured it would benefit their customers, while stealing some coin from their trillion dollar coffers.

Apple have used monopolistic practices (as well as great products) to carve out a majority share of the mobile market in 1st world countries. They purposefully don't play nice with other platforms by ignoring standards (even when they are superior) to force their customers to submit to their proprietary solutions, and by breaking features so that they are degraded when used cross platform.

This isn't coming from an Apple hater, I have an Airbook, iPad, and Apple tv, but just like with politics, I refuse to be manipulated by tribalism to "vote" against my best interest.


Gold Member
The people in here that are willing to bend the knee, to the walled garden of Apple, blows my mind. I don't particularly like Epic either, but I'll never bet against competition. If Apple is fighting this, rest assured it would benefit their customers, while stealing some coin from their trillion dollar coffers.

Apple have used monopolistic practices (as well as great products) to carve out a majority share of the mobile market in 1st world countries. They purposefully don't play nice with other platforms by ignoring standards (even when they are superior) to force their customers to submit to their proprietary solutions, and by breaking features so that they are degraded when used cross platform.

This isn't coming from an Apple hater, I have an Airbook, iPad, and Apple tv, but just like with politics, I refuse to be manipulated by tribalism to "vote" against my best interest.

Think you mean Macbook



"Fortnite" maker Epic Games said today that Apple was impeding its attempts to set up a games store on iPhones and iPads in Europe, the latest escalation in a bitter feud over the technology giant's control of the iOS app ecosystem.

Apple has twice rejected documents it submitted to launch the Epic Games Store because the design of certain buttons and labels was similar to those used by its App Store, the video-game publisher said.

Star Trek GIF

Apple RN


I hope Apple makes a show of force here and just pulls out of the EU.

Before you screeching nerds scream at me about what a big market the EU is for them- import. Buy from the UK or Switzerland.🤷‍♂️

I think a demonstration of integrity is more important in the long run than short term cash loss. Apple certainly has enough stockpiled they can afford it.

Apple began implementing USB-C into their mobile products in 2018 with the iPad. So let’s not pretend the only reason they ever switched over was because of the EU’s constant moving goalpost mandates.

A smart manufacturer slowly doles out new features to keep numbers up. Long past are the days of radical changes to annual phone releases. At this point, you just drip feed must have features, even if it means playing the long game.

Holy fucking shit I've read bad takes. But this one is the worst of them all. In this case a Multi-Trillion dollar company. Be damned that you're getting drip fed features Android had 8 years ago where the stupidest will pay for it. And also damn the EU for mandating things that are consumer friendly by changing a port that everyone already had. Those greedy bastards made you buy a wire made in a Mongolian basket weaving sweatshop. We should send you to Mars for your entitlements, please leave Earth.

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Gold Member
Holy fucking shit I've read bad takes. But this one is the worst of them all. In this case a Multi-Trillion dollar company. Be damned that you're getting drip fed features Android had 8 years ago where the stupidest will pay for it. And also damn the EU for mandating things that are consumer friendly by changing a port that everyone already had. Those greedy bastards made you buy a wire made in a Mongolian basket weaving sweatshop. We should send you to Mars for your entitlements, please leave Earth.

You would be surprised how many corporate cock suckers are on GAF.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Cut to five minutes later the EUC was notified Apple actually un-rejected the store and approved it. So, I guess that the bravery ended there.

Corporate bootlicking in this case keeps boldening a company who, thanks to their own hubris, will likely lead to regulations making the product worse. So, great job loving the company so much you would like it to get worse and worse (the corporate bootlicking, paid congress people refusing to pass any law that could hold Apple or MS accountable has a limit too, just further out than other countries where Apple tries to pay $0 taxes in).
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Holy fucking shit I've read bad takes. But this one is the worst of them all. In this case a Multi-Trillion dollar company. Be damned that you're getting drip fed features Android had 8 years ago where the stupidest will pay for it. And also damn the EU for mandating things that are consumer friendly by changing a port that everyone already had. Those greedy bastards made you buy a wire made in a Mongolian basket weaving sweatshop. We should send you to Mars for your entitlements, please leave Earth.

iPhone users to Android fan boys.

Think Mad Men GIF


Is Epic trying to set up their own App Store on PlayStation or Xbox?

It is my impression that this whole case is Epic trying to avoid Apple’s sales comission. Why only Apple and not the other app stores?

Remind me when last MS or Sony went on stage and argued that your Xbox or PlayStation could replace your PC.
So what if I wanted to buy a phone with a lightning connector or any other connector? I can’t now because governments are forcing technological decisions. What if a phone manufacturer has a better solution than usb c? Now they can’t do it because they are penalized. I’d rather let the consumers decide because I don’t trust governments to always make the right decisions and it stiffles innovation.
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