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Apple Music |OT| Apple Invents Music, Time To Party Like It's 1989!


What's going on with the follower count on the Account screen? It said 25 for me. After unfollowing several artists, it was still 25. After unfollowing every single artist, it was still 25. After restarting the app, it was still 25. I restarted the app again, and now it's 11. What?

edit: After disabling "Automatically follow artists", the "Following" menu item on the Account screen has been replaced with "Find more artists and curators". How can I turn it on again?

edit 2: "Following" is back. It just appeared.
What if you want to play it offline? I don't want to stream everything.

There's options to make songs/albums offline (download to device) and a toggle in My Music to show just the music available locally.

Speaking of following, they should let you follow your friends and see their playlists/music.

That would be a great feature, seems fairly simple to do as well. I don't use it that much on Spotify but I know some people that do it all the time.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Speaking of following, they should let you follow your friends and see their playlists/music.

even weirder, they give you the ability to set an @username. I have to believe the feature is coming.
iTunes is pissing me off with how clever it's trying to be.

On my iPhone, I added pretty much the entire discography for a particular artist. Now due to greatest hits and various other releases, the same song may appear like 5 times across their entire discography. That's fine - I want that. I want each album to be complete.

The music app on my phone let's me do this. I open iTunes on my Mac and it's trying to be smart by not including duplicates across all the albums. So each song only appears once, leaving huge gaps in particular albums (especially in the greatest hits albums, some of which contain only two songs because all the others are in other albums).

Even if I search for that album within Apple Music on iTunes and try to add the album again, or even add the songs individually for that album, it just doesn't let me.

Is there nothing I can do about this? The terrible iTunes implementation is really dragging this whole experience down for me.

edit - I am not 100% right it appears.. hmm... I've seen itunes do this before.. Will try to look up a bit more.


Based on everything you've stated, I really don't feel there's a comparable service to what you want. I certainly never found Spotify anywhere near it in terms of combining libraries, Google is not as robust as Match, and having two services to access my "entire" library always seemed awful. Apple Music is the only service out there to meet that need. Ugh... But yeah, get your stuff up there and then it runs near flawless.

Certainly based on my experience Google works a ton better than Match, and its purely because it uploads the whole library rather than trying to match stuff and totally fucking up. It just works, unlike the nightmare I continue to have fighting to get tracks to even upload to icloud let alone displaying the correct metadata.

What google lacks though is the curation/recommendation part. Which is unfortunate, because otherwise (well aside from lossless support) it would be basically perfect.


I really hate what they did to the music app. How the hell can I access my Match content? Apple customer service says I should have the option to do that within the music settings, but it isn't there for me, or my friends with iPhones. This whole thing sucks.
To save headaches for myself after reading this thread I've created a new iTunes library just for Apple Music. My normal iTunes library is all lossless and quite a bit of 24-bit/96-192KHz files which don't actually get uploaded so I've been slowly converting those to regular 16-bit/44.1 files to put in the new library.

About halfway done and I think it's been working pretty well aside from some missing album art, whole library everywhere you are is the dream that's almost here.


Love new music app, "lets make all the music you own so hard to get to and navigate youll have to buy apple music!!"

I really don't understand what's so hard about it. Click the "My Music" tab and scroll down, or use the search box and hit the "My Music" tab.


Apart from the occasional slip up, I am really happy with Apple Music, but for some reason it keeps on just stopping to play a song in the middle of playback and skipping to the next for some reason, hope they fix it soon.
I really don't understand what's so hard about it. Click the "My Music" tab and scroll down, or use the search box and hit the "My Music" tab.

I liked having the tabs of the different sort options, it was so much easier to hit when quickly then having to go up to the top hit the drop down then hit the sort options, albums sorted by artist name not album name, if i want to shuffle all my music I have to start a song slide up to get to the actual player and then I can shuffle

Music app is awful now

go into settings and turn off Apple Music.

Did that already and turned off Connect, still doesnt make it how it was.


Expected Pharrell William's albums to be on there considering they're playing his new song every hour. No Beatles or Beach Boys either.
I liked having the tabs of the different sort options, it was so much easier to hit when quickly then having to go up to the top hit the drop down then hit the sort options, albums sorted by artist name not album name, if i want to shuffle all my music I have to start a song slide up to get to the actual player and then I can shuffle

Music app is awful now

Did that already and turned off Connect, still doesnt make it how it was.


You can go into the Music settings to change how it sorts albums (title or by artist)


I liked having the tabs of the different sort options, it was so much easier to hit when quickly then having to go up to the top hit the drop down then hit the sort options, albums sorted by artist name not album name, if i want to shuffle all my music I have to start a song slide up to get to the actual player and then I can shuffle

Music app is awful now

Did that already and turned off Connect, still doesnt make it how it was.

It's like one extra tap. Instead of having the Song, Artist, etc tabs on the bottom you just press it and select from the menu. That makes it "awful"? You can change the setting to sort album by artist in the Settings -> Music page.

My biggest issue so far is that Apple will not upload my playlist if there are any songs in the playlist that are missing on my PC. Don't see why it cant just upload the songs I do have. Also, this for some reason is only the case for some playlists. Weird.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I really hate what they did to the music app. How the hell can I access my Match content? Apple customer service says I should have the option to do that within the music settings, but it isn't there for me, or my friends with iPhones. This whole thing sucks.

Match works the same as it always does. This INCLUDES working at the account level (not family level). If you turn music on and have a library previously working in Match, your Match library should be instantly available in Music (mine was). You might have to scroll to the top, select the drop down that says "Artists", tap that and toggle off "Show Music Available Offline". This seems to be the default setting for people with Match and makes it look like you lost your whole library, when in fact you just don't have anything downloaded on your phone (which most really never did with Match)

If you have friends on your Match account (a little unclear if that's what you meant), this may be problematic.. the only person who will have access to the Match library is the person still logged in under that iTunes/Apple ID. If you are all logged in under separate IDs you simply won't have access to the previous Match account. It is what it is. Match was never at the family level.. It just never stopped people from sharing the Match service.. Now it's actually much more of a pain to share Match if you want access to the Music service also.

My biggest issue so far is that Apple will not upload my playlist if there are any songs in the playlist that are missing on my PC. Don't see why it cant just upload the songs I do have. Also, this for some reason is only the case for some playlists. Weird.

what do you mean "upload playlist"? You mean make it available on other devices on iCloud Music Library? Just reading this over, I'd guess(?) it won't let you upload a playlist with a song that Apple doesn't have. i.e. in either Music or the store. Might be why it's just some (and when I mean the store, I mean an identical track in the store.. name, album, play time, etc). Just a guess though. Apple may prevent uploading it because it's effectively a broken playlist at that point? I mean how would that entry even show up on your device? With that being said, yes obviously they could upload it and just delete that entry.. but I'm guessing other people would complain about that then.
Anyone else having trouble using "Add to My Music" during Beats 1 from iTunes on OS X? Works fine on iOS, but not iTunes for some reason.


Yeah, tried to add the new Eminem single to my music on OS X iTunes and it basically froze up "the cloud". Even the little cloud icon on the top right had a little zigzag line indicating no connection to the cloud.

I tried the same thing on my iPhone and it worked.

I find a lot of apple cloud services don't work too well on OS X. For example take the new photos app, some times new photos show up on there (photo stream) and most times they simply don't. I wish there was a "refresh" button on photos because it's really annoying not having your photos show up until it feels like it.
It's like one extra tap. Instead of having the Song, Artist, etc tabs on the bottom you just press it and select from the menu. That makes it "awful"? You can change the setting to sort album by artist in the Settings -> Music page.

My biggest issue so far is that Apple will not upload my playlist if there are any songs in the playlist that are missing on my PC. Don't see why it cant just upload the songs I do have. Also, this for some reason is only the case for some playlists. Weird.

It is one extra tap and more cumbersome then it needs to be/used to be. Especially while im trying to do stuff i.e. riding my bike which caused my fury yesterday.
It is one extra tap and more cumbersome then it needs to be/used to be. Especially while im trying to do stuff i.e. riding my bike which caused my fury yesterday.

I never really used the tabs in previous iterations, I usually went Artist then album to select the track I wanted. Now with Albums sorted by artist it's a little easier for me.

I think they can compromise here and keep it the same "My Music" tab but when you scroll down the Artist/Album/Song menu should remain so you can tap to change it without having to go back to the top. Or even just have a row of icons always at the top to select from, lot of empty space on the sides.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
It is one extra tap and more cumbersome then it needs to be/used to be. Especially while im trying to do stuff i.e. riding my bike which caused my fury yesterday.

used to be, yes. needs to be.. frankly the tabs at the bottom (given the depth of the app) are more appropriate than filtering criteria.

That being said, per the suggestion above and leaving the selector at the top of the screen could possibly work. or add another swipe page (like Music/Playlists) to swipe across.


theres tons of beach boys in the US.

UK too.

I've finally just abandoned uploading my own copy of 'The Moon & Antarctica' after trying dozens of edits to the meta-data, including naming it exactly the same as the file in the US store - literally nothing works. It *always* swaps the live version of '3rd Planet' with the studio one. You cannot prevent it.


Edit - actually, what it is doing is pulling the Live version of '3rd Planet' from the 'Baron Von Bullshit' album, which even runs a full minute longer, so the genius of Match ignores song run-times? I see no way of fixing that.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Sadly, not for me or my friends. Match does not appear as an option in the settings. It just doesn't exist.

So my experience is this...

don't get freaked out by the lack of iTunes Match settings in Music settings. No, it is not there. You're not blind. The way it seemingly worked for me is that if I turn off iCloud Music Library, my Match library then shows up on my phone. If I turn on iCloud Music Library (initially), my Match library still showed up on my phone. Now if I add Music selections to my iCML, and turn off iCML, I will lose those songs, BUT STILL have my Match library. The last thing I tested was uploading/matching songs both with iCL turned on and turned off. In both cases, Match did the matching/uploading, and the songs were available in both cases. Similarly, a song I bought while iCML was turned on, was still available in My Music (not downloaded) when I turned off iCML.

So no, there isn't a setting for it anymore in Music (or anywhere.. I only found the option to turn off the subscription in my Apple account page). But on my phone at least... with iCL turned off, Match acts the same as it always did. The steps I performed in upgrading were:

update to 8.4 (Match has been on since day 1)
at running Music for the first time, turn on iCloud Music Library
everything from Match looked basically the same the first time my iCML finished loading
then (only because it released later) downloaded/installed iTunes 12.2
in iTunes turned on iCML which then just looked exactly like it did on my phone

edit - and just for the heck of it I just turned off iCML again just right now. With it off, My Music looks as expected.. All of my previous Match library, along with the few songs I've bought and/or uploaded in the last week. All of my Music added stuff was gone. I turned it back on (it said I had local content and asked if I wanted to Merge or Replace and I chose replace just because I just had it turned on) and my iCML looked exactly like it did before I turned it off.

The only difference for me personally, is like you said. I can't actually turn Match on or off anywhere. It's basically forced on at this point and how my phone would/does behave with iCML turned off.

One interesting thing.. so you basically get three benefits out of maintaining a Match subscription

1. DRM-free cloud backup
2. DRM-free downloads for Matched content to your phone or PC
3. When Matching your own content, with a Match subscription it will match it against iTMS, aka a larger selection. With only an Apple Music subscription it will match it only against Apple Music... uploading the song if it can't find it.

Basically Match is like a $2/month "premium" add-on to Apple Music.

UK too.

I've finally just abandoned uploading my own copy of 'The Moon & Antarctica' after trying dozens of edits to the meta-data, including naming it exactly the same as the file in the US store - literally nothing works. It *always* swaps the live version of '3rd Planet' with the studio one. You cannot prevent it.


Edit - actually, what it is doing is pulling the Live version of '3rd Planet' from the 'Baron Von Bullshit' album, which even runs a full minute longer, so the genius of Match ignores song run-times? I see no way of fixing that.

this will happen in some cases. I have a few explicit songs that will Match to clean, and there is nothing I can do to force it. In your case, my suggestion is to just completely bullshit the metadata... if you're fine with your actual copies being up there, just change them to like "My Personal Song A" through "My Personal Song Z" or whatever. It should then upload no problem. After it's uploaded then go back to the songs and edit the metadata back to be correct.

many will insist that Google Music is better for just flat out uploading. In my case though, I probably received ~1000-3000 upgrades to 256Kbps thanks to Match. IMHO worth the hassle of fixing the stupid Match problems (which are in fact stupid)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so after a week of using the service, here are my negatives (I've already posted tons and tons of positives in here):

adding a song to a playlist from Music is broken. more specifically, if you add a song to a playlist without adding it to My Music first, it flat out won't work. They need to fix this. Either allow adding a song to a playlist without needing it to exist in My Music (unlikely), or automatically add it to My Music if you add it to a playlist (which is what they already do with Make Available Offline)

This one is goofy, but I've come across it enough for it to be annoying. If you jump to an album from a song (tap the ..., then tap on the song title/image) that is NOT IN My Music, you will go to a blank "Unknown Artist/Unknown Album" page. Clearly this is broken, I mean not even "broken" like above but actually not what Apple intends.

I wouldn't call this a negative... but confusing.. The saving of "Up Next" seems inconsistent, or at least confusing. I was adding songs to "Up Next" just fine.. I took a break.. an hour(?) or so later went to add a song to up next (or did I say play next?) and it asked me if I wanted to clear out Up Next or leave it. Maybe it's just lack of familiarity.. but yeah I thought it was weird that it was trying to clear out Up Next at one point, but then just freely letting me manage it earlier.

Obviously the well mentioned "iTunes/iOS not syncing". I mean yeah it is totally random.. Anywhere from a minute to many minutes.

I've seen people complaining about "Don't Recommend Me This" in For You not being removed. Now I just figured "duh, you need to pull down to refresh" but yeah, that's actually won't clear it either, even though it WILL update For You selections slightly.

That context menu.. I mean damn... the meme of the "iPhone 6 screen size now makes sense" is so true. Whoever designed that context menu needs to be tossed into UI summer school and not let out until he creates a USABLE context menu.

In general there needs to be a better flow in navigation. For instance, in iTMS I can double tap on any song and go right to the album. Why the hell wasn't that brought over? Why do I get an option to view the album the song is on in the iTMS, but not an option to view it in Apple Music (probably because they ran out of room on the menu........) I mean maybe iTMS isn't better navigation, but at the very least it is navigation that most of us are familiar with.. yet so much of that navigation was dropped completely in Apple Music.. odd..


So my experience is this...

What I find incredibly frustrating is that there is no clear documentation of this, and those manning the phones at Apple customer support don't know these things either. I was on the phone with them for over 2 hours, and the best they could tell me was to either just purchase a Match subscription or completely blowout my phone and restore it.

So in the meantime I get to stumble around and post on threads trying to find a solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. The implementation of Music is absolutely awful. I don't see how this shit-tastic service couldn't have been spun off as it's own app to be ignored. It is fantastically useless.

Thank you, broghe for helping me out. I think I've got it figured out. I've had to power down my phone everytime I turn iCloud off, as it keeps looking for music, but hey, at least I can put my music back on my phone.
adding a song to a playlist from Music is broken. more specifically, if you add a song to a playlist without adding it to My Music first, it flat out won't work. They need to fix this. Either allow adding a song to a playlist without needing it to exist in My Music (unlikely), or automatically add it to My Music if you add it to a playlist (which is what they already do with Make Available Offline)

It won't? I just picked a random song and added it to a playlist without adding it to My Music first just fine.

And as soon as I added it, it also appeared on the playlist version on my iPhone.
The songs you have ❤️ Affects the algorithm for the For You section. Not viewable on iOS as far as I can tell. On iTunes however there is a column with that and they show up there. (You may have to have added the music to library though)
Has anyone tested this to make sure that's true? Spotify continues to use up storage even if you toggle a playlist from offline, which always annoyed me. Haven't tried it with AM myself.

It's eaten all my 32gb ipad mini retina storage. And I can't clear the cache or anything.
The songs you have ❤️ Affects the algorithm for the For You section. Not viewable on iOS as far as I can tell. On iTunes however there is a column with that and they show up there. (You may have to have added the music to library though)

This is probably my number 1 feature request then. I might like a song, but am not sure if I want it in my library or want to buy it yet, so therefore... it just doesn't exist anywhere, outside of a database on Apple's server.

Between the numerous minor UI issues, performance issues, bugs, crashes, and missing features, iOS 8.4.1 needs to come ASAP. Like, stamp out the quick and easy minor issues in an 8.4.1, and then within a month, fix the most major UI/feature issues in 8.4.2.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
It won't? I just picked a random song and added it to a playlist without adding it to My Music first just fine.

And as soon as I added it, it also appeared on the playlist version on my iPhone.

I should have added "on iOS". Please check there. I JUST checked again. On iOS, if I try adding a song to a playlist that I don't first add to My Music, it won't add. I have to first add it to My Music. I didn't try this on iTunes but will when I get home. If it adds there (even to My Music simultaneously) that's awesome because it's what I would expect.. Frustrating that I have to add stuff on iOS to My Music first, then tap again to add it to a playlist. I just did this with a Genesis playlist last night and got pissed before I realized that I didn't add the song to My Music first (I actually intended to add it first, to actually add the song)
Speaking of following, they should let you follow your friends and see their playlists/music.
I honestly think it'd be smart for Apple to kill Game Center (as a standalone app) in favor of their own very basic social network framework. Not to try to compete with Facebook or anything, but as a means for comparing gaming scores *and* playlists with your friends, easily exchanging other contact info with them, et cetera.

Maybe create a contacts -> friends -> VIP/Favorite hierarchy that Do Not Disturb could hook into and stuff.
I should have added "on iOS". Please check there. I JUST checked again. On iOS, if I try adding a song to a playlist that I don't first add to My Music, it won't add. I have to first add it to My Music. I didn't try this on iTunes but will when I get home. If it adds there (even to My Music simultaneously) that's awesome because it's what I would expect.. Frustrating that I have to add stuff on iOS to My Music first, then tap again to add it to a playlist. I just did this with a Genesis playlist last night and got pissed before I realized that I didn't add the song to My Music first (I actually intended to add it first, to actually add the song)

I just tried adding a song from Apple Music straight to a playlist without first adding it to "My Music" on my iPhone and it worked perfectly. Found a song I wanted, added to a playlist, and it was added to my playlist as expected well as automatically adding it to "My Music".


Gold Member
How fucking shit is Apple Music catalog compared to Spotify? No London Grammar, seriously? I figured that Charles Bradley or Hird would be niche artists due to arrive in tier two, but not having London Grammar is just ridiculous.

Also, Siri keeps on failing. If I say "Play me some XYZ", it says "Playing XYZ", clearly understanding what I want, but no song starts playing.

I love the curation and would like to see Apple Music do well, but this is just crap.
How fucking shit is Apple Music catalog compared to Spotify? No London Grammar, seriously? I figured that Charles Bradley or Hird would be niche artists due to arrive in tier two, but not having London Grammar is just ridiculous.

Also, Siri keeps on failing. If I say "Play me some XYZ", it says "Playing XYZ", clearly understanding what I want, but no song starts playing.

I love the curation and would like to see Apple Music do well, but this is just crap.

Not sure which country you're in, but I searched for London Grammar and they are available in the U.S., so is Charles Bradley and Hird.


Gold Member
Not sure which country you're in, but I searched for London Grammar and they are available in the U.S., so is Charles Bradley and Hird.

Ah, well, seems Apple UK is behind the game. It seems they launched with just US catalog ready. I actually bought the Charles Bradley album to be able to continue my Apple Music experience...
Ah, well, seems Apple UK is behind the game. It seems they launched with just US catalog ready. I actually bought the Charles Bradley album to be able to continue my Apple Music experience...

You could also use the iCloud Music Library and upload your personal tracks to fill out the music catalog on your device.

So just to confirm, now that I have Apple Music on my ipod, I can't add anymore of my own songs from my itunes library?

I believe it depends on if you have iCloud Music Library enabled. When it is, iTunes shows that it won't be managed by iTunes.

I guess their intention is that you will upload/match your entire iTunes library and you just manage from your device. You can add more songs from the Apple Music library or just add more to iTunes on your computer which regularly gets scanned/matched/uploaded.


Gold Member
You could also use the iCloud Music Library and upload your personal tracks to fill out the music catalog on your device.

Yeah I did that for Beatles and some others, it's a really good feature to have. Not sure if I could download somehow from Spotify and upload to iTunes, that would be rad
I should have added "on iOS". Please check there. I JUST checked again. On iOS, if I try adding a song to a playlist that I don't first add to My Music, it won't add. I have to first add it to My Music. I didn't try this on iTunes but will when I get home. If it adds there (even to My Music simultaneously) that's awesome because it's what I would expect.. Frustrating that I have to add stuff on iOS to My Music first, then tap again to add it to a playlist. I just did this with a Genesis playlist last night and got pissed before I realized that I didn't add the song to My Music first (I actually intended to add it first, to actually add the song)
Just tried it on my iPhone. It worked perfectly. The new song is in same playlist I made on my Mac.


How fucking shit is Apple Music catalog compared to Spotify? No London Grammar, seriously? I figured that Charles Bradley or Hird would be niche artists due to arrive in tier two, but not having London Grammar is just ridiculous.

Also, Siri keeps on failing. If I say "Play me some XYZ", it says "Playing XYZ", clearly understanding what I want, but no song starts playing.

I love the curation and would like to see Apple Music do well, but this is just crap.

So far it seems quite a bit better than Spotify. Spotify only had about 75% of what I tried to find. Apple Music maybe 80-90%.

Not really the most important thing though, if I want to listen to a specific album I listen from My Music. Apple Music is for discovering new music for me.
So my entire playlist that I spent a good few hours customizing is completely fucking gone. Save for three songs. All gone. Gone on my iPhone, iPad, Macbook.

Anyone else get this issue? Kinda redundant to waste my time building yet another playlist if the shit is just going to wipe. Never had a wiped playlist with Spotify.

I want to like Apple Music so damned hard but the shit UI and the bugs are really getting to me.
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