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Apple Music |OT| Apple Invents Music, Time To Party Like It's 1989!


Oh don't get me wrong. I agree completely. Match was a pain to setup, and that was with a US account/store.

You said you had other albums... Basically my Match experience is this.. If you don't care about ratings and play counts, upload/match everything. Go through what worked and what didn't. What worked, great. What didn't, delete it from iTunes. you should get a notification that it is being deleted from iCloud, and also be asked if you want to leave it on disk. Say yes to leaving it on disk. at that point, hopefully there is something obvious that sticks out that you can fix. I see we've been talking about this for a day... my suggestion is to move on to the next album(s). Just upload/match everything, and work on what else doesn't work. Obviously not a great answer.. but my thought is this.. If you have say 100 albums and all but 3 upload, you're more inclined to figure out how to manage those three and you'll be generally fine with it. If you try to upload 2-3 albums that aren't working, and you spend 3 days and get nowhere, you are going to just piss yourself off.

Do everything in bulk/batch, see how much of it works, and then decide on the value/worth of getting the messed up stuff working. I certainly understand you are frustrated. But if the majority of your collection is out there waiting to be easily matched (if), then take that easy win right now and work on the problem children after.

tl;dr - Match is a fucking pain. Some shit just won't work.... :\ Move on to easier/working stuff and come back to the pains in the ass later.

Thank you - your input has been very helpful in this thread and it is appreciated.

The reason I have spent days on this one album, is because if I can't figure how to at least force these albums into the cloud correctly, then there is no point uploading my collection and I might have to consider alternatives, despite being deeply entrenched in the Apple eco-system.

I realise I have a slightly *odd* set-up, in that my iTunes library, is actually on my NAS, which actually works great, but I fail to see how that would be causing these problems. If only there was a way to force it to upload your exact track, like Google does, it would solve so many issues. Considering I have GBs of unused cloud storage space, this should be an option really, for the odd problematic track.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Apple Music is :

Pandora (You might like this) + Spotify (Stream on Demand) + 24/7 Radio (Discover Music)

sort of... but the big difference is that the lists are almost all curated and organized by people. This leads to way more discovery through For You than something like "you might like" by Pandora and such.

Thank you - your input has been very helpful in this thread and it is appreciated.

The reason I have spent days on this one album, is because if I can't figure how to at least force these albums into the cloud correctly, then there is no point uploading my collection and I might have to consider alternatives, despite being deeply entrenched in the Apple eco-system.

I realise I have a slightly *odd* set-up, in that my iTunes library, is actually on my NAS, which actually works great, but I fail to see how that would be causing these problems. If only there was a way to force it to upload your exact track, like Google does, it would solve so many issues. Considering I have GBs of unused cloud storage space, this should be an option really, for the odd problematic track.

"where" your library exists physically shouldn't matter as long as it works properly in iTunes. Sadly you are right.. there is no easy way to say "you guys are fucking this up. just upload as is". AFAIK only completely BSing the metadata will accomplish that.

All I was suggesting was, let it have a go at trying to get your collection put into the cloud. It is all automated, so just letting it run will just let it complete to a varying degree of success and/or failure. THAT IMHO should be the test on if it's worth using for you or not. Like I said.. if you just let the import run and it successfully matched/uploaded 99% of your collection, I would guess you wouldn't be super frustrated. but yeah, spinning your wheels on a single album the last day or so, I totally get your frustration. See what actually happens when it uploads.

One thing I did realize is that my situation and most of your guys' are different. I did Match when it first came out (and still have it), which matches against the Store, not Apple Music.. from what I've seen this past week, their matching to Music needs to be cleaned up CONSIDERABLY. A shame.

If anyone cared enough.. in theory you could still get a subscription to Match ($25/year in the US), upload/match your stuff through Match, then turn on iCloud Music Library which then just brings in your Match library as available. This should provide better matching capabilities (and a larger match library) and makes setting up Apple Music much easier. It SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED... it's a shame Apple Music's matching currently is what it is.. but I honestly had nowhere near the issues many of you are experiencing setting up Match years ago (I had issues, but they were very minor in comparison) and I never even setup Apple Music. It just brought all of my stuff over without even blinking.
Why would I choose this over Spotify? Is the Apple Music library bigger or not?

It's probably bigger, but there are some albums that are on Spotify that aren't on Apple Music and vice versa.

I like that I can combine in one app, the on demand streaming music with the music I already own (a lot of it not being available on either service like imported albums with bonus tracks, video game soundtracks, etc.)

After uploading/matching your music (which is time consuming/painful for some people in this thread) you can technically have your entire library of music with you on your PC/Mac, iPad, iPhone, etc. which is pretty nifty.

The playlists and recommendations are really good. This is the feature that convinced Apple to buy Beats' Music service. Curated playlists by humans, not just algorithms.

A lot of people like the Beats 1 live radio station (myself included) which has introduced a lot of new music I wouldn't have heard of or even sought to find. The guest artist DJs and the featured ones are really good. The genre based radio stations are like Pandora.

Radio features are free though, but it brings me back to having all of this in one app.

My setup before: Music app with iTunes Match activated for my own library of music and purchases plus Spotify as a different app to stream music. Now I just have the one Music app.


The for you section is great.. I just wish they ease up on the 'intro to..' playlists. Apple already knows I already have -----'s entire discography in my library, I don't need an introduction playlist.
The "Intro To..." isn't too bad, I didn't like it at first because I already have say, the Metallica catalog.

But it's handy if you haven't already made your own Playlist for that artist. There's "Intro To..." and "Deeper Cuts" like a quick Greatest Hits compilation.


Right, I think I'm going to delete my entire music library (it's backed up) and start over for this. I've been having some issues and I think a lot of is because of the crossover into my own library and I want to make sure I give this as much of a chance as possible (if only because my daughter will murder me if I don't carry on after the trial).

Loving For You and some of the radio stations (I'm too old to put up with most of the music on Beats1), but it's My Music where it's going to be make or break for me.



Yes, it's me, still trying to get my own copy of The Moon & Antarctica on there! lol

It's actually worse than I thought. If I click on track 1 it plays a live version of that track, from a completely different album on iTunes. The correct track 1 is actually track 16 here. Track 10 is wrong again (from the same album as the incorrect track 1, and the correct version is not here anywhere. Same with track 11, 12.

You can see from the grab that it is putting the incorrect art-work in the 'now playing' window.


I think I am going to be SOL when it comes to uploading this, not exactly rare, album. I am naming the track name, and all the meta data, EXACTLY, as it is named on the Apple store, so I don't see really what else I can do, although I'm convinced that the correct versions of these tracks, exists on Apple's servers somewhere, as they sell the album on the US store.

In a word - bugger.

In your position, I'd probably just add the one from Apple Music to your collection and be done with it. :D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
In your position, I'd probably just add the one from Apple Music to your collection and be done with it. :D

for f*** sake. I have no idea how I didn't #$@ suggest this.

Yes, this. 100% this. Obviously having our stuff matched properly is a big selling point of the service.. But if there are 1 or 2 things simply not working, an easy answer is to delete those items from your iTunes (but don't delete from disk), and add the ones from Music.

I actually did this which is why I am so pissed for not suggesting it. I've had the clean version of Blink-182 Dammit for three years now because Apple refuses to match the explicit version. So I added the explicit copy from the album (same album) and unchecked the matched (clean) version. Still not 100% clear on what check/uncheck does.. I suppose I could have just deleted the clean version.. but I have to check to make sure I actually have the explicit original somewhere as that was 2 desktops ago.

hmm, but the bonus tracks have to be uploaded, which may not be matched/uploaded correctly.

Give it a shot!

although this brings up a question... is the problem he's having from that EXACT same album? Or does he have a different deluxe album with bonus tracks and stuff.. that could be causing the problem.

I did come across an issue where an album I've wanted forever but couldn't bring myself to buy (as I already bought both the cassette and CD over the years, just can't find the CD) was up but missing one song (grayed out). I added the album and just bought the song for 99¢ and both combined together perfectly in My Music. just looking you'd never know that I owned one song but not the whole album. My reasoning was the album was worth 99¢ to purchase for the third or fourth time.

What are the FairPlay restrictions on songs in the service? Can you burn them? Can you re-encode them (obviously quality would suffer). IIRC pre-Plus, the only real restriction on .m4p files at the time were just the inability to copy and play them somewhere else without authorizing that PC with Apple first.


I don't like having iTunes Match and Apple Music I've decided. I tried to add a greatest hits album to my library from someone from Apple Music and it only put 1/2 of in My Music since I already had many of the tracks in iTunes Match. I don't want a best of album with 1/2 the songs, lame.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Yeah, I don't like having iTunes Match and Apple Music. I tried to add a greatest hits album from someone from Music and it only put 1/2 of in My Music since I already had many of the tracks in iTunes Match. I don't want a best of album with 1/2 the songs, lame.

Agreed. They need to just make this an option in Music/iTunes. Turn on/off dupes. I had a similar problem where I purchased a single. iTunes then let me "Complete My Album" which was great, but then would NOT let me download the song inside of the album. It showed "Purchased" in the store, but when I actually went to the "Purchased" area only the single showed up for download, not track 5 of the album. I fixed it by just editing the metadata... but still.. just let us turn dupes on/off at the app level.


In your position, I'd probably just add the one from Apple Music to your collection and be done with it. :D

Unfortunately the album isn't available on Apple Music or even the iTunes store in the UK otherwise I would have by now probably lol

....in other news, I SOLVED my issue. Huzzah!

I can't believe just how dumb I have been. I missed it being mentioned, on literally day 1 after launch, that you could actually directly edit the meta details of your cloud files!

So all I had to do was, rename the incorrect files to something ridiculous, add them to my library with the right album/artist name etc, and as Apple can't match it, you get the right file uploaded manually, and you can then correct the details once it is cloud-parked!

Well, consider me finally satisfied. Thanks all. All tracks happily clouded accurately...and breathe. DOH!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Unfortunately the album isn't available on Apple Music or even the iTunes store in the UK otherwise I would have by now probably lol

....in other news, I SOLVED my issue. Huzzah!

I can't believe just how dumb I have been. I missed it being mentioned, on literally day 1 after launch, that you could actually directly edit the meta details of your cloud files!

So all I had to do was, rename the incorrect files to something ridiculous, add them to my library with the right album/artist name etc, and as Apple can't match it, you get the right file uploaded manually, and you can then correct the details once it is cloud-parked!

Well, consider me finally satisfied. Thanks all. All tracks happily clouded accurately...and breathe. DOH!
I friggin said this to you in like my very first response to you..... I wish I could reach through the monitor and slap you... :p

glad you got it fixed. :D

So I like that Watch is able to heart songs. Sadly Force Touch does nothing. I was hoping I could add stuff to My Music with Force Touch.. bah... How do we make suggestions for stuff like that?


forgive me for not reading the entire thread, but I'm having a hard time understanding why someone might switch to this when they're already using spotify. I read the OT and I don't see anything that stands out as really appealing or even better. can someone give me a quick explanation or link to somewhere that shows the pros/cons of this vs spotify? or if anyone did switch, what aspects of it made you decide to do so?



Unfortunately the album isn't available on Apple Music or even the iTunes store in the UK otherwise I would have by now probably lol

....in other news, I SOLVED my issue. Huzzah!

I can't believe just how dumb I have been. I missed it being mentioned, on literally day 1 after launch, that you could actually directly edit the meta details of your cloud files!

So all I had to do was, rename the incorrect files to something ridiculous, add them to my library with the right album/artist name etc, and as Apple can't match it, you get the right file uploaded manually, and you can then correct the details once it is cloud-parked!

Well, consider me finally satisfied. Thanks all. All tracks happily clouded accurately...and breathe. DOH!
Ah, it's available in the US. The UK seems to be missing a bunch of stuff.

forgive me for not reading the entire thread, but I'm having a hard time understanding why someone might switch to this when they're already using spotify. I read the OT and I don't see anything that stands out as really appealing or even better. can someone give me a quick explanation or link to somewhere that shows the pros/cons of this vs spotify? or if anyone did switch, what aspects of it made you decide to do so?

I prefer it for two main reasons:
1) I can buy/match stuff not available for streaming (like the Beatles) and have the albums sit side by side next to my Apple Music albums.
2) I use an iPhone and Macbook and Apple Music is much more closely integrated into the OSes

I also like Beats 1 and the curated playlists and recommendations.


I friggin said this to you in like my very first response to you..... I wish I could reach through the monitor and slap you... :p

glad you got it fixed. :D

In my defence, I realised you could force the upload, but I figured you would be left with files with the incorrect data afterwards - I had no idea it was common knowledge that you could edit files in the cloud.

Saying that, it is only a partial success, as my iPhone doesn't seem to want to recognise all the changes LOL

Apple - it just works. *cries*

There must be a way to force update the iOS Music app? I've tried logging in and out.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
forgive me for not reading the entire thread, but I'm having a hard time understanding why someone might switch to this when they're already using spotify. I read the OT and I don't see anything that stands out as really appealing or even better. can someone give me a quick explanation or link to somewhere that shows the pros/cons of this vs spotify? or if anyone did switch, what aspects of it made you decide to do so?


info is right on this page in fact. basically.

* tightly integrated into the Apple ecosystem. i.e. siri support (which is incredible), app support (for bringing in music for videos and stuff), etc
* combined library, streaming, and radio in one app.
*curated (put together by humans with tastes, not computers with algorithms) playlists and suggestions based on what you add to your library (streaming or purchases)
* easily add stuff you discover from radio (Beats 1 for example) to your library.
* new music discovery through For You and Radio is leagues beyond any other service
* supports family sharing giving up to 6 total users access to their own libraries/subscriptions for $15/month total

only available on Apple devices. If you do a lot of listening not on apple, this can hurt.
android version on its way, but unknown quality.
$10/month is normal for premium services, but still more than free or $5 for students

overall if you do most/all of your listening on apple devices, I'd actually ask what is your reason for NOT going with Apple Music. However if that's not the case, it basically comes down to how much is it worth it to have a lot of REALLY nice extra features in exchange for being limited to only listening to music on your apple devices.

There must be a way to force update the iOS Music app? I've tried logging in and out.

The good news: it will happen
The bad news:
...whenever it feels like getting around to happening


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
perfect, thanks fellas!!

FYI, Beats 1 is awesome, and is FREE. It should be in the music app in Radio, with or without Apple Music turned on. So at the very least I would def recommend adding that to your listening rotation.


I am currently using Spotify for streaming songs I don't own and Amazon Music for my collection. I was hoping Apple Music could replace both but uploading to iCloud has been a mess. I could use Apple Music with Amazon Music but so far I don't see a reason to switch. I really would like to dump Amazon Music and just have one service.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I am currently using Spotify for streaming songs I don't own and Amazon Music for my collection. I was hoping Apple Music could replace both but uploading to iCloud has been a mess. I could use Apple Music with Amazon Music but so far I don't see a reason to switch. I really would like to dump Amazon Music and just have one service.

Yes Apple needs to improve matching. with an actual Match sub there was already minor hand holding needed to get your library in the cloud. Now with Music, remove a ton of tracks that are in the store and not on the service, and matching is even (expectedly) worse.

Bottom line, with serious hand holding, anyone should be able to get their library in the cloud. If you are really interested in moving to one app, I would really give a good go at it. Remember, most everything that does get goofed up in your iCloud Music Library creation can be fixed after by just editing the metadata. Album art is sadly the one area that seems to be the hardest to fix. But anything besides that can usually be fixed by just changing the incorrect/poor metadata. And outside of the randomness of reverting album art, all other changes, once made, stick for good.

edit - you know at the least, for tracks that aren't yet in the cloud, apple should just give you a right click option to "upload directly to iCloud as-is". Pretty sure almost everyone would be fine with that as an option.


Yes Apple needs to improve matching. with an actual Match sub there was already minor hand holding needed to get your library in the cloud. Now with Music, remove a ton of tracks that are in the store and not on the service, and matching is even (expectedly) worse.

Bottom line, with serious hand holding, anyone should be able to get their library in the cloud. If you are really interested in moving to one app, I would really give a good go at it. Remember, most everything that does get goofed up in your iCloud Music Library creation can be fixed after by just editing the metadata. Album art is sadly the one area that seems to be the hardest to fix. But anything besides that can usually be fixed by just changing the incorrect/poor metadata. And outside of the randomness of reverting album art, all other changes, once made, stick for good.

edit - you know at the least, for tracks that aren't yet in the cloud, apple should just give you a right click option to "upload directly to iCloud as-is". Pretty sure almost everyone would be fine with that as an option.

That must be what Amazon is doing because it works perfectly.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
That must be what Amazon is doing because it works perfectly.

yes, I believe both Amazon and Google Music just upload without any matching.

The somewhat poor "matching" of Match was always given a free pass because the service gave you "free" 256Kbps DRM-free AAC upgrades for your music regardless of what your original copy was (I think anything at least above 64Kbps)

The problem with Music is that it DOES give you a 256Kbps copy, but it's DRMed and only available as long as you subscribe to the service.. So give/take. Also giving you 256Kbps copies today is much different than even 3 years ago. In general music downloads are much higher quality now.

As discussed above with holygeesus, you can fake/force Music into doing a raw upload by just giving tracks totally unmatchable metadata.. aka titles of "this is my fake track 1", "this is my fake track 2", etc.. and then once they are uploaded, edit them and change their metadata back to being correct. if you only have a few albums/tracks failing, this is a flawless workaround. However if you have hundreds of tracks failing or worse, then this becomes pretty unreasonable to do.

edit - and by failing I just mean matching completely wrong. anything that doesn't get matched and just uploaded should be fine.


I've been uploading the music all day yesterday from my computer to iCloud. Of course it's a mess - can I even swap the album covers that Apple decided to match for me? Because 90% are completely wrong. But apart from that, whenever I add something onto iTunes, it pops up almost instantaneously on my iPod. This is impressive.

And today, I spent downloading, so far, 30gb of music through wifi onto my iPod,
selecting everything manually. Kill me. Of course it keeps fucking up and crashing because a) my iPod seem to be slightly too weak for Apple Music app b) both iTunes and and Apple Music are buggy and unstable and iOS devices never been too responsive with wifi (at least in my experience).
Omg as I was writing it I realised I could add everything via computer... oh dear.

Funny thing is, after all this bloody effort I am probably signed up to Apple Music for life because I am sure as hell I don't ever want to do it all over again should I ever decide to quit the service.
In my defence, I realised you could force the upload, but I figured you would be left with files with the incorrect data afterwards - I had no idea it was common knowledge that you could edit files in the cloud.

Saying that, it is only a partial success, as my iPhone doesn't seem to want to recognise all the changes LOL

Apple - it just works. *cries*

There must be a way to force update the iOS Music app? I've tried logging in and out.

Actually what's worked for me is to go to Settings, Music, turn off iCloud Music Library wait a moment then turn it back on.

I've been uploading the music all day yesterday from my computer to iCloud. Of course it's a mess - can I even swap the album covers that Apple decided to match for me? Because 90% are completely wrong. But apart from that, whenever I add something onto iTunes, it pops up almost instantaneously on my iPod. This is impressive.

And today, I spent downloading, so far, 30gb of music through wifi onto my iPod,
selecting everything manually. Kill me. Of course it keeps fucking up and crashing because a) my iPod seem to be slightly too weak for Apple Music app b) both iTunes and and Apple Music are buggy and unstable and iOS devices never been too responsive with wifi (at least in my experience).
Omg as I was writing it I realised I could add everything via computer... oh dear.

Funny thing is, after all this bloody effort I am probably signed up to Apple Music for life because I am sure as hell I don't ever want to do it all over again should I ever decide to quit the service.

Once uploaded, you can change the metadata including album covers. I did it because some of the album art is not high resolution or even looks like a scan of a torn up old album cover.


When I try to add an album suggestion to my playlist it has a habit of adding the first song multiple times or not at all.
I hope apple sorts this shit out before my free period is over or it's no money from me.


How do I add song to my own palyllist?
I made a playlist, I added a song to playlist (tick comes up to inform that the song is added to playlist), however when I go to that playlist, there are no songs.
Am I doing it wrong?


Anyone try to add a song from Apple Music (by clicking the check mark) only have to have the broken cloud icon appear in the upper right of iTunes (on MBP). When I hover over the icon it says, "Unable to access your iTunes purchases, click here to try again." I can click it and it goes away, but when I try to add the song again it does the same thing, every time.

The song is Years & Years', Shine (single, 1 song), Shine song title. They also have a Shine single with 4 mixes (both listed under Top Albums for them). I can add them, but all 4 songs get titled "Shine" even though in iTunes they all have who the remixer was listed after them, like Shine (Sanna & Pitron Remix)


Anyone try to add a song from Apple Music (by clicking the check mark) only have to have the broken cloud icon appear in the upper right of iTunes (on MBP). When I hover over the icon it says, "Unable to access your iTunes purchases, click here to try again." I can click it and it goes away, but when I try to add the song again it does the same thing, every time.

The song is Years & Years', Shine (single, 1 song), Shine song title. They also have a Shine single with 4 mixes (both listed under Top Albums for them). I can add them, but all 4 songs get titled "Shine" even though in iTunes they all have who the remixer was listed after them, like Shine (Sanna & Pitron Remix)


Yup, same problem. I have original Shine added to my music since day 1 of Apple Music
(waiting for the preorder!)
, so when I download to offline there's no problem...

Good to know that those remixes are up, I was dying to get Danny L Harle one for a while now

BTW I am struggling with getting tracks offline on my iPod. Its at least 10k tracks that I need to download MANUALLY and it drives me insane. I spent the whole day downloading them through the iPod which caused countless crashes and most of the albums have songs that could not download. It got to a stage that I had to wipe the entire iPod and start anew, hoping I can add the tracks through iTunes so they sync in bulk without me having to go into literally every single bloody album to upload what I want.

And now this happened:

I added them through iTunes by clicking "Add to iPod" Now they are here, impossible to delete and they don't sync. Does anyone had issues like that? How do you sync large number of files on your devices with Apple Music? Im feeling like sending Apple poo in a paper bag right now.
I find it semi-difficult to believe that even with more RAM Apple won't still let iOS shuffle things in and out of memory. People thinking they're going to be able to have 15 safari tabs that never reload or what-have-you are pretty likely to be brutally disappointed.

Yup... This needs to be a jump to 3GB or 4GB for web browsing and more advanced multitasking, not 2GB, but here we are.

It's still going to be better, but the tab reloading behavior should be gone, not minimized.


I've been using iPhones since 2009. Over the course of those six years, I used six major iOS releases and hundreds of apps, if not thousands. I'm very confident I've never seen an uppercase navigation bar title before.



And now this happened:

I added them through iTunes by clicking "Add to iPod" Now they are here, impossible to delete and they don't sync. Does anyone had issues like that? How do you sync large number of files on your devices with Apple Music? Im feeling like sending Apple poo in a paper bag right now.
I don't see any need to ever sync iOS devices using iTunes anymore. If you're using the iCloud Music Library, then you can have your whole library on your iOS device for streaming. For the ones you want available offline, hit the three dots button and press "Make Songs Available Offline" and they'll download from iCloud.
So it's not possible to "Like" songs on Beats 1? Another big one that needs to be fixed in the first update.

The iTunes experience has been a mess for me, as well. Songs take SO long to load from Apple Music that it seems like the app/website is unresponsive/frozen, but nope, 30 seconds later, a song starts playing....


I don't see any need to ever sync iOS devices using iTunes anymore. If you're using the iCloud Music Library, then you can have your whole library on your iOS device for streaming. For the ones you want available offline, hit the three dots button and press "Make Songs Available Offline" and they'll download from iCloud.

The problem is downloading about 10k songs back on to the device - it's not only time consuming - it doesn't even work properly. I'd rather have that done through iTunes.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
So it's not possible to "Like" songs on Beats 1? Another big one that needs to be fixed in the first update.
You can't like (or obviously add) songs from Beats 1 that aren't on Music. Not sure if it is actually able to be fixed or not. I suppose they could still have the info in the system for suggestions even if the song isn't in the system.

How do I add song to my own palyllist?
I made a playlist, I added a song to playlist (tick comes up to inform that the song is added to playlist), however when I go to that playlist, there are no songs.
Am I doing it wrong?
Double check that you don't have "Show Songs Available Offline" selected. Also I had a problem (that others didn't) where songs wouldn't add to a playlist until I added them to My Music first.

The problem is downloading about 10k songs back on to the device - it's not only time consuming - it doesn't even work properly. I'd rather have that done through iTunes.
But do you really want to download 10K songs? I used to be the biggest proponent of your entire library on your device, but since Match three years ago I can't ever see me doing that again. At most if I know I will be offline (plane trip, etc) I'll pick 5-10 playlists to download.
I download my favorite albums to my device and add more as I think about listening to them.

You can try making a playlist of all your songs then set the playlist to be offline to have the songs downloaded.


Easiest way to get all your music offline for your device is to create a smart playlist on iTunes named 'everything' or similar, make it so it adds all music and then just select 'make this playlist offline' in whatever device you want to have local files. This will automatically keep itself updated over time, too.

I have also created a 'loved' playlist which automatically populates with songs I heart.

Is there anyway to 'unheart' a song?


Can Apple update their native apps on the backend or do we have to wait until iOS 8.4.1 or 8.5 for updates to the Music App?

I'm really trying to like this service but a few issues are really getting on my nerves compared to Spotify.

1.) I can't seem to add songs to a playlist from the now playing window on iOS. It only seems to work if I add from the playlist/album page.

2.) Is there a way to quickly go to an artist/album page when you find a song you like from radio/playlists? I love that feature on Spotify but I haven't been able to find it on Apple Music.

3.) I've had a lot of issues with the iPad app. If I'm trying to search for artists/albums while listening to a song sometimes the app doesn't do anything when I click on the artist/song/album name sometimes. It works at times and other times the app seems frozen. Not sure if it's just me or not. I haven't found the same issue on the iPhone or iTunes.

I guess more than anything navigating the app just really gets annoying to me. There's also the whole having to manually transfer 3+ years of Spotify playlists I've created to Apple Music, but I wouldn't mind if I was really sold on the service. I wonder if I'm the only one who's been annoyed with this stuff.
People saying "curated" playlists are better in iTunes music than the playlists on Spotify are crazy. You are using Spotify wrong... It is a social app and music service that has thousands and thousands of curators, unlike iTunes music which is limited. Apple distortion field is alive and well even though jobs died...
Next someone will say that Beats 1 is a unique and innovative service giving artists a new avenue to reach their fans...
Can Apple update their native apps on the backend or do we have to wait until iOS 8.4.1 or 8.5 for updates to the Music App?

I'm really trying to like this service but a few issues are really getting on my nerves compared to Spotify.

1.) I can't seem to add songs to a playlist from the now playing window on iOS. It only seems to work if I add from the playlist/album page.

2.) Is there a way to quickly go to an artist/album page when you find a song you like from radio/playlists? I love that feature on Spotify but I haven't been able to find it on Apple Music.

3.) I've had a lot of issues with the iPad app. If I'm trying to search for artists/albums while listening to a song sometimes the app doesn't do anything when I click on the artist/song/album name sometimes. It works at times and other times the app seems frozen. Not sure if it's just me or not. I haven't found the same issue on the iPhone or iTunes.

I guess more than anything navigating the app just really gets annoying to me. There's also the whole having to manually transfer 3+ years of Spotify playlists I've created to Apple Music, but I wouldn't mind if I was really sold on the service. I wonder if I'm the only one who's been annoyed with this stuff.

Press the 3 dots and then tap on the name of the song at the top of the sheet that opens up. Should take you directly to the album or artist page.


People saying "curated" playlists are better in iTunes music than the playlists on Spotify are crazy. You are using Spotify wrong... It is a social app and music service that has thousands and thousands of curators, unlike iTunes music which is limited. Apple distortion field is alive and well even though jobs died...
Next someone will say that Beats 1 is a unique and innovative service giving artists a new avenue to reach their fans...
I agree, the UI and service is just okay but from a company that owns iTunes it's a mess.
I've never used spotify but this has pushed me to try it over the next week and I'll make my decision on which device I'll subscribe to before my free trial is over.
All of those billions on beats and this is what we received. Why didn't they just buy spotify? Or maybe that beats logo and overpriced headsets was just to hard to resist.


Can Apple update their native apps on the backend or do we have to wait until iOS 8.4.1 or 8.5 for updates to the Music App?

I'm really trying to like this service but a few issues are really getting on my nerves compared to Spotify.

Apple Music being bundled and replacing the existing music app does make that unclear. I don't really recall Apple updating default apps on their own, but there's a first for everything.

I think I'm at the point of giving up, purely due to my hassles with Match. Until we see a major update I might just return to google play music.


People saying "curated" playlists are better in iTunes music than the playlists on Spotify are crazy. You are using Spotify wrong... It is a social app and music service that has thousands and thousands of curators, unlike iTunes music which is limited. Apple distortion field is alive and well even though jobs died...
Next someone will say that Beats 1 is a unique and innovative service giving artists a new avenue to reach their fans...

Well I like them more and how they are surfaced.

Though one niggle is playlists appearing where tracks are not licensed for my region. I see this a lot with jpop playlists.
People saying "curated" playlists are better in iTunes music than the playlists on Spotify are crazy. You are using Spotify wrong... It is a social app and music service that has thousands and thousands of curators, unlike iTunes music which is limited. Apple distortion field is alive and well even though jobs died...
Next someone will say that Beats 1 is a unique and innovative service giving artists a new avenue to reach their fans...

Oh ok

Spotify has some playlists here and there That are worthwhile, it's just how they come up that's better. I've used Spotify for years and it's great but playlists isn't one of them.


I can't save a playlist to my phone. Every time it shows it downloading all the songs, but when I switch to airplane mode the playlist is empty.

It's driving me crazy.


People saying "curated" playlists are better in iTunes music than the playlists on Spotify are crazy. You are using Spotify wrong... It is a social app and music service that has thousands and thousands of curators, unlike iTunes music which is limited. Apple distortion field is alive and well even though jobs died...
Next someone will say that Beats 1 is a unique and innovative service giving artists a new avenue to reach their fans...
Eh, here's the difference. There's a ton of cruft with the social playlists on Spotify. The discovery mechanism for them makes no real differentiation between an expert-curated playlist and a random regionally-created playlist that has a lot of garbage.

What you call a limitation with Apple - one source for playlists - actually turns out to be a boon because when you look for, say, a 2000s indie pop playlist, you find the one 2000s indie pop playlist instead of 45 different playlists.


Eh, here's the difference. There's a ton of cruft with the social playlists on Spotify. The discovery mechanism for them makes no real differentiation between an expert-curated playlist and a random regionally-created playlist that has a lot of garbage.

What you call a limitation with Apple - one source for playlists - actually turns out to be a boon because when you look for, say, a 2000s indie pop playlist, you find the one 2000s indie pop playlist instead of 45 different playlists.

Well I don't think its a boon, but then I much prefer how spotify handles sharing user made playlists. I wish apple did the same (rather than leaving that up to users sharing links - though I guess thats an opportunity for a website devoted to user playlists). Though I think I'd want them to surface those playlists separately.
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