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Apple Music |OT| Apple Invents Music, Time To Party Like It's 1989!

ummm.. yes?

I mean I've had Match from day one, and have it on my entire library (maybe about 3-4 days to get everything up to snuff enough to be ok with). When I turned on Music, My Music basically looked exactly the same as it always did. Then I started adding music from Music and it just showed up along side my stuff.

So basically ummm... from iTunes (I don't have it in front of me for specific examples), turn off Apple Music, turn on iTunes Match (it might now be iCloud Music Library with Apple Music turned off). Match. It should go against iTunes Match. Then turn Apple Music back on.

I think that should work. Hopefully someone corrects me if I'm wrong.

From my experience, it seems that Apple Music syncing is giving me huge problems, and syncing with iTunes Match is a completely different that that would avoid that problem.
Why do "hearts" not do what any reasonable person would expect them to do?

Hearting a song or album tells Apple Music to suggest more music like that in the For You tab. It basically just help refines the algorithm's knowledge of what you're into.

But I do wish there was some mechanism to add songs to the equivalent of Safari's 'Reading List' feature, so that I can go back and explore an artist's music later at my leisure. Right now I'm literally having to write songs down.

It does seem like they designed Apple Music by a list of features they had to shove in, instead of thinking about use-cases in which a user might want to interact with the software. It's extremely un-Apple. I'd love to know the inside story on AM. Who was the product manager...Dye? Someone from Beats? The same person that oversees iTunes?
Supposedly it was the Beats Music group with some iTunes engineers. Rumor is that some engineers from Apple's side left in frustration. Eddy Cue oversees this like he does other services.

I know Trent Reznor was closely involved with making Beats 1 a reality and with the @Connect feature.

Definitely doesn't feel focused. I'm hoping that we'll look back next year marveling at how much it has improved.
Supposedly it was the Beats Music group with some iTunes engineers. Rumor is that some engineers from Apple's side left in frustration. Eddy Cue oversees this like he does other services.

I know Trent Reznor was closely involved with making Beats 1 a reality and with the @Connect feature.

Definitely doesn't feel focused. I'm hoping that we'll look back next year marveling at how much it has improved.

Interesting. Not sure why they thought they could bring in outside designers from Beats and trust them to come up with an Apple experience. Wonder how much that came down to internal politics. I also find it strange that Cue, who has obviously never cared much about UX or elegant experiences given the software that falls under his watch, continues to be given that role.

It's not just the UX within the UI of the app, but the whole ecosystem. Having Match, AM, and iCloud Music Library as three separate things (oh, and Genius) is like something Microsoft would do. Even when Apple's software had bugs, their vision for how software should be elegant was generally on point. But this Music solution is neither elegant or reliable. When technophiles like us and Jim Dalrymple can't even figure it out, you know the solution is crap. It should have never been released to the public in this state. At the very least it should have a Beta tag on it.

Sure, things might be better in a year, but that's a year of tarnish to build up on their brand and Apple Music's image. I thought Tim would've learned that lesson from iCloud and Maps.
I agree. I think even better than labeling it a beta would be to release it with iOS 9 and only have the developers and people who participate in the public beta be able to use it. Another 2.5 months probably would serve them well.

Hmm might have been mainly Apple interface designers.


Reading this again it looks like the issues people are having now existed back then. I wonder how bad it was before!


Hearting a song or album tells Apple Music to suggest more music like that in the For You tab. It basically just help refines the algorithm's knowledge of what you're into.

I wish it worked like that for me. I mean I hearted only tracks from J-Pop albums and its never once suggested any J-Pop.


Interesting. Not sure why they thought they could bring in outside designers from Beats and trust them to come up with an Apple experience. Wonder how much that came down to internal politics. I also find it strange that Cue, who has obviously never cared much about UX or elegant experiences given the software that falls under his watch, continues to be given that role.

It's not just the UX within the UI of the app, but the whole ecosystem. Having Match, AM, and iCloud Music Library as three separate things (oh, and Genius) is like something Microsoft would do. Even when Apple's software had bugs, their vision for how software should be elegant was generally on point. But this Music solution is neither elegant or reliable. When technophiles like us and Jim Dalrymple can't even figure it out, you know the solution is crap. It should have never been released to the public in this state. At the very least it should have a Beta tag on it.

Sure, things might be better in a year, but that's a year of tarnish to build up on their brand and Apple Music's image. I thought Tim would've learned that lesson from iCloud and Maps.

All the things Cue is in charge of represent Apple's biggest weaknesses and he has overseen iTunes' massive decline in the last few years. iCloud, iBooks, Apple Music and Apple Maps all suck compared to the competition. I don't know why they keep giving him new projects.


Does the "For You" tab come with the Apple Music subscription or is that just a new base Music app feature?

I have the free trial but I still never turned Apple Music on for fear of what it may do to my library, but I do really like checking out the For You tab every day to see what it recommends and it does recommend a lot of cool playlists.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Does the "For You" tab come with the Apple Music subscription or is that just a new base Music app feature?
Sub only. I believe the only thing you get without a sub is Beats 1 and Connect. New, and For You both require a sub.

Turning on Apple Music doesn't do anything to your library. It's the iCloud Music Library option that will attempt to match/upload your library that is causing many people problems.


Sub only. I believe the only thing you get without a sub is Beats 1. New, For You, and Connect(?) all require a sub.

Turning on Apple Music doesn't do anything to your library. It's the iCloud Music Library option that will attempt to match/upload your library that is causing many people problems.

Thanks! Yeah I meant iCloud Music Library, my fault. I have Apple Music turned on currently but not ICL.


I wish it worked like that for me. I mean I hearted only tracks from J-Pop albums and its never once suggested any J-Pop.

I think you have to have a Japanese account for anything j-pop, my us account never suggests it, but my Japanese one does it fine. Now if they actually had a good selection that would be super.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Looks like Neil Young really did remove his music from Apple Music. *sigh*
He's probably making it all Pono exclusive.
Sub only. I believe the only thing you get without a sub is Beats 1 and Connect. New, and For You both require a sub.

Didn't know Connect was a freebie. That seems like a bad strategic move. If they continue to archive shows and put them on Connect, it makes more sense to give Beats1 away for free, but put Connect behind a sub wall – you get the live experience for free, but if you want on-demand, you gotta pay. Because the Beats1 content seems to be the only thing pulling people away from Spotify.


Already seeing some songs in my library being greyed out (and it's not upcoming albums). Stuff like that makes me paranoid about music services.


I feel like its a lot lower in volume compared to Spotify but if bass is all you're missing you can just use the equalizer in the settnings.

It's lower compared to the music already in my library. When I'm listening to a playlist and one of my ripped songs comes on I have to lower the volume quickly
It's lower compared to the music already in my library. When I'm listening to a playlist and one of my ripped songs comes on I have to lower the volume quickly

Make sure Sound Check is turned off in the iTunes/Music settings. I was having the same problem and that fixed it.
Is there any way to re-Match songs that have been previous uploaded?

I've been hoping there was a way since iTunes match started, but I can't figure it out outside of deleting them from the library and re-adding.

edit: found a way better than deleting/re-adding


Does anyone else get less bass in apple music then spotify?

Today I took my new iPod Touch out for a jog. I loaded the same playlist in Spotify and in Apple Music. I obviously downloaded both to the device. Spotify produced a better, more vibrant sound than Apple Music, but it also played at a noticeably lower volume than Apple Music. That's with EQ off in Spotify and in AM.

So at the same volume, AM was louder but also terribly lacking in bass. I attempted to solve that by turning the EQ on in Apple Music and selecting bass boost but it produced a horrible sound. Incredibly muffled. Many of the other EQ settings were equally bad. The only truly acceptable EQ setting I could find was called Rock. But ultimately I opted to turn EQ off completely for AM. In Spotify I activated its own EQ and tested its individual settings and found them to actually change very little about the sound. It was odd how little they affected what I was hearing, so once again I opted to turn EQ off.
So, will be cancelling my Spotify on the 9th to try this, adopters how is it? The three month trial will save me £30 anyway! *mini fist pump*, just annoyed at moving all my stuff from Spotify to AM and a bit dodgy about AM's lack of streaming on the PS4/selection are what'll stop me adopting after the 3 months I think...but would love some opinions!


So, will be cancelling my Spotify on the 9th to try this, adopters how is it? The three month trial will save me £30 anyway! *mini fist pump*, just annoyed at moving all my stuff from Spotify to AM and a bit dodgy about AM's lack of streaming on the PS4/selection are what'll stop me adopting after the 3 months I think...but would love some opinions!

If it wasn't free, I'd never use it. It's that bad. I've never used a music service that makes it so difficult to create a playlist. You'd get much more value by just creating a brand new Spotify account. It's 99 cents for 3 months.
Doesn't make any sense to put Connect behind a paywall. If they want artists to use it, it's going to restrict who they can 'connect' with if it's only Apple Music subscribers.

I have no problem with Connect being accessible for AM subscribers. I think right now the value proposition of AM (since AM itself is currently a mess) is not that high without extra features like Connect as exclusives. Positioning Beats1 as the free tier, with on-demand archives of shows as a premium tier feature, makes perfect sense to me. Of course I'm speaking as a stockholder here – I want AM to be successful and giving away the best parts for free doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


So today on my iPod Touch I manually created a playlist of a new cd I wanted (because AM doesn't appear to have the option to create a playlist from a selection). Then I clicked the three dots next to the playlist and told it to be available offline. So I'm out on my run and I go to choose my new playlist and it says the music isn't available offline. The playlist is, but the songs within the playlist are not. Am I missing something obvious? Why would I mark a playlist for offline play if I didn't want the music to be available offline? And I'm assuming that adding a new song to a playlist marked offline won't also immediately download that song for offline play.


I just marked another playlist to work offline and it puts an icon on it, but not next to any of the songs in the playlist. Then 10 - 20 seconds later the icon disappears from the playlist and the option to make it functional offline is back. Seriously, this service is garbage.


Um, I'm probably incredibly stupid, but I'm listening to one of Apple's playlists and I'd like to put the song that's playing at the moment into one of my own playlists. Do I have to search for the song and add it that way? On Spotify that was like one or two clicks and I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot for not finding the correct button (iTunes).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Um, I'm probably incredibly stupid, but I'm listening to one of Apple's playlists and I'd like to put the song that's playing at the moment into one of my own playlists. Do I have to search for the song and add it that way? On Spotify that was like one or two clicks and I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot for not finding the correct button (iTunes).
The '...' next to the title of the song on the playlist. Should then have "Add to Playlist..." "Add to Library" etc.
Apple Music hits 10M subscribers in four weeks, report says

Anonymous sources connected to major music labels provided the supposed adoption numbers to HITS Daily Double, saying the swift and substantial uptake is surprising even for Apple. The data reportedly comes directly from Cupertino, which is sharing streaming statistics internally with content owners.

The report's veracity is questionable — the site itself published the tidbit under a "Rumor Mill" banner — but 10 million subscribers in four weeks is within the realm of possibility for Apple's mammoth installed customer base. Earlier in July, for example, it was estimated that iOS 8.4 adoption hit 40 percent of compatible devices after just one week of availability. Apple Music launched at the end of June as part of iOS 8.4.


Be interesting to see if we get any numbers from apple in 6 weeks or so at the Sept event.
I've added a song to "my music" on my iPad and it shows up on iTunes but still not on my iPhone. In fact I can't add anything to "my music" on my iPhone

this happen to anyone else?

Apple Music hits 10M subscribers in four weeks, report says


Be interesting to see if we get any numbers from apple in 6 weeks or so at the Sept event.

50% of Spotify already, wow, don't underestimate the power of Apple and pre installed software, word to Apple Maps
I find it easier adding music on my phone and having it sync to the iPad. The other way around seems to take longer than necessary. Seems like if I add something to my music in my iPad it doesn't show up on my phone until I add something on my phone, then it seems to refresh and sync. It worked much better initially but I'm using 9.0 beta. Maybe try adding an additional item to see if it refreshes? Otherwise turn off and turn back on ICloud Music library (but unfortunately it seems to delete the locally stored music...

Edit: actually I don't know anymore, lol. Just added a playlist and it instantly synced like how it's supposed to work. :-/
I find it easier adding music on my phone and having it sync to the iPad. The other way around seems to take longer than necessary. Seems like if I add something to my music in my iPad it doesn't show up on my phone until I add something on my phone, then it seems to refresh and sync. It worked much better initially but I'm using 9.0 beta. Maybe try adding an additional item to see if it refreshes? Otherwise turn off and turn back on ICloud Music library (but unfortunately it seems to delete the locally stored music...

Edit: actually I don't know anymore, lol. Just added a playlist and it instantly synced like how it's supposed to work. :-/

up until today everything synced instantly, regardless of the Apple device I used
Hmm, I guess just wait and hope it sorts itself out, not the best solution though...

10 million sign ups is not that big of a deal until people's free trials end and decide whether to pay the $9.99. With Spotify they tout 70 million users? But 50 million are using the free tier while the remaining 20 million probably has a huge chunk on a 99 cent trial or a student discount.


The '...' next to the title of the song on the playlist. Should then have "Add to Playlist..." "Add to Library" etc.
There's an "Add to my Music"-Button but nothing to add the song to a playlist or something.


edit: Oh, you have to open the whole playlist and when all the songs are listed you can click the "..." button and add that song to a playlist.


I've added a song to "my music" on my iPad and it shows up on iTunes but still not on my iPhone. In fact I can't add anything to "my music" on my iPhone

this happen to anyone else?

50% of Spotify already, wow, don't underestimate the power of Apple and pre installed software, word to Apple Maps
The real question is: how many remain after the free trial period?
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