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Apple Watch |OT| Apple invents the watch!


It's clearly an aesthetic choice. E-ink doesn't have the same DPI or refresh rate as LCD\OLED and the new color screen Pebble Time uses has a much lower number of colors.

TBH I'm rather surprised that only Pebble has taken advantage of this display tech, but I understand why the other players have chosen to go in a different direction.

I can understand some like Samsung. They make LCD displays, that's a huge part of what they do, it's quick and dirty to get to market, you don't need specialized display engines that account for low redraw speed and partial redraws, you can use off the shelf software. But Apple had options. I mean they might have wanted a small bezel but I wonder if that's worth it in the end.

You are seriously saying why isn't it very-best-in-class for battery life like the Pebble, with all the compromises they would have had to make? Like the gigantic bezel around a smaller, lower-resolution screen, non-vibrant colors (except maybe in direct sunlight), low refresh rate. And color e-ink is still bleeding edge, very few devices at all use it, so it's possible it would have been a lot of work to mass produce it in Apple numbers. Also I'm sure the touchscreen, sensors, and speaker use up more battery life (Pebble has none of these)

But the properties (readability in high light and low battery drain) make for better properties in a watch. The point is, people aren't watching movies or viewing photos on their watch, probably not even going to do much gaming so how much utility does such a thing have? The battery is a huge compromise to make for some extra color. And while color e-ink/paper is bleeding edge and likely harder to produce in large quantity, that's what Apple Watch is supposed to be, bleeding edge, It's expensive on the low end and insane on the high end. Current LCD and SoC tech is so cheap because it was embraced by Apple, moving to touchscreens from mini keyboards was a bold move that changed the market and ultimately that's the sort of play I would have hoped for. I don't think they have anything like that now, at least not yet.


I'm so excited to get one. My work just "legalized" smart watches so I'm just gonna zone the fuck out for 10 hours a day put on pandora if the wifi is good enough or just load it full of stuff and change it around every so often.


Junior Member
I think the back of the watch totally looks better than the front of the other guys.

Also the Watch got 2 events and plenty of attention at each. It also has had an unprecedentedly long pre launch ad push. I would argue that they have overhyped the thing if anything.

I don't feel like either event did enough for the Watch to convince people to buy one. I'd argue to say the new MacBook at last month's keynote was what got talked about the most by the press and potential buyers.
How often are you wanting to look at your wrist to justify the beautiful screen? That's why you have a phone. The pebble display is more than adequate.

Surprisingly often, actually, and everything is hugely more enjoyable to look at when it's not on a super low res e-ink display.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Whoa, we watched Josh's video review on Bloomberg and those spinning dials are not even an animation I expected to be part of the OS.. woooof
My girlfriend and I were questioning whether or not they were wireless handoff delays or the device itself being underpowered. I'm inclined to believe its a bluetooth thing?

My view hasn't changed much, I'm still on board big time. But it is quite interested to see the majority of the responses being fairly muted. Part if it is just the time we live in, the WOW factor isn't really there anymore.. for anything.

I'm actually kind of glad to read these pieces bringing the whole thing down to earth a little bit.


Hmm. One of the main reasons I wanted the watch was for health and fitness tracking, and if the battery jumps off a cliff during fitness sessions then...

I'm still [intrigued] regardless.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm. One of the main reasons I wanted the watch was for health and fitness tracking, and if the battery jumps off a cliff during fitness sessions then...

I'm still [intrigued] regardless.

Fitness is #1 with a bullet for me.
I've wanted an activity tracker ever since I had that Pokemon game with the Pokewalker. I think the concentrated nature of Fitness activities will allow for some wiggle room. My jogs are ~1 hour, my bicycle commute is 25 minutes. I rarely do both in the same day. I would imagine for the majority of average joe types I'm at the "more active" end of the spectrum.

For sure if you're an athlete or someone who is gonna need intense fitness monitoring for hours and hours it might affect your daily average but I'm expecting it not to be an issue.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
More so than anything, these reviews have made me realize just how goddamn nice looking the watch is (in certain configurations)...I'll definitely be getting one just because I'm a tech-whore. I'll grab a Space Grey Sport and an additional Milanese Band separately. Preorders start 27 hours from now, right?


If I jump in, I'm definitely going to be waiting some weeks to see how the general public reacts to the battery and the different daily usages.

The wrist flick to turn on behaving erratically some times is going to make me fume too.

I suppose this is all part of jumping on a Gen 1 device. It'll probably boil down to how much I like the look of it on my wrist once I try it out at the store and ignore the growing pains of a new product.


Agreed. Everyone who keeps saying the second generation Apple Watch is going to be miles better should explain what they expect in the second version. Granted, it'll probably be thinner and lighter, have a faster processor, and possibly improve battery life. But considering Apple is more likely to forego battery life improvements in favor of slimmer design, I wouldn't hold my breath on the last option. Especially since the reviews say that the battery life is very good on the current model, provided you buy into the "need to charge every night" approach.

The biggest changes in terms of performance are probably going to come through software, and this version of the Watch will get those updates as well. Just like the iPhone, much of the functionality will be updated with improvements to the OS.

Considering the chipsets that are going into the Apple Watch day 1 when it's mostly just handling Bluetooth handoffs from the phone? Yeah, this thing was made to not obsolesce at the same rate as some other personal electronics. I've been saying it for a while, yearly hardware revisions are not terribly likely, and if they happen, it likely won't be the sort of game-changing revision that people seem to be expecting for no discernible reason.

Aside from the teenage romance tangent he went on, this was a great review. It wasn't trying to sell you on the device like others have (which is fine, considering what a piss-poor job they did while trying to), it was just simply "Here's the features, here's what they do, here's the true differentiators of the product." It's that last point that the bulk of reviews just aren't giving. They aren't telling anyone what's legitimately different about it from other smartwatches. Because just like with iPhone, it looks similar feature-for-feature with other devices, but the way those features present themselves to the user are why people buy iPhones over an Android device. Gruber tells us what those important little touches are.

Apple's done it before though. And I wager that they sold more of the $500+ iPad 3 during those 6 months than they will sell of the $350+ iWatch before holiday season

You're assuming that people who were buying iPad 3 were doing so because of whatever spec bump it had and not because it was what was available at the time they went to buy an iPad. If we see a new model in that timeframe, the difference will be so modest as to be a pointless revision for 1st gen owners, just like the vast majority of iPad 2 owners weren't raging over the pittance of a difference between it and the 3rd model.

It's funny because Gruber doesn't realize that teenagers will be sending dick pics with their Apple watch, not taps and smiley faces.

I thought people didn't want to use an Apple Watch for photo browsing?
Besides, a dick pic on such a tiny screen is probably not terribly flattering. ;)

Glad to see hands on are out! Gruber seems pretty unimpressed, gonna read j.tops when I get home.

I don't see how you get that impression from Gruber's writing on the subject.

How often are you wanting to look at your wrist to justify the beautiful screen? That's why you have a phone. The pebble display is more than adequate.

After retina displays, I can't go back to reading pixelated text. I simply can't.

I went in to the Genius Bar at the Apple store for Macbook service and as I was talking to the service guy I noticed him look down and read his watch. He had an Apple watch on.

It was like someone pulling out and using their phone in the middle of a conversation.
My feeling towards wearable technology has changed.
I understand he was working and maybe it was a work related update, but is this going to be the norm from now on?

If you can get your Twitter feed, emails and texts on your wrist, when WON'T you be looking at it?

(In a few years from now I will probably look back at this post and wonder how I even functioned without a smartwatch.)

I would have to disagree. Taking out of a phone usually ends up with someone looking at it much longer and getting sucked into it more readily. It's easily more obtrusive than glancing at a watch. I know which I'd rather have.

I feel like the Verge and Bloomberg reviews brought this up a lot too in the context of "THING IS TAPPING ME I HAVE TO LOOK AT IT NOW NOW NOW. OH IT IS JUST AN INSTAGRAM LIKE. WE CAN RETURN TO MEETING."

I understand the lure/desire but if it's just a tap on the wrist type nudge (the strength is configurable) why do you have to look at it immediately at all? It's different if the notifications are set to only be important apps/people/things but it doesn't seem like many reviewers did any of that filtering.

It's these parts of the reviews that really illustrate how addicted we are to being immediately informed. I mean, why does ANYONE need to be notified of every social media like that they get? Aside from narcissists, that is.

More to the point, I don't see how it's any different from having vibrate on with the phone in your pants pocket. Aside from the phone's vibrate function being louder and more physically obtrusive, of course.

Apple Watch is almost assuredly going to make granular notification options the norm for apps. We simply haven't had a need to be concerned about notification overload before, we just let our phones rattle incessantly on desks around the world. Now that it's on our wrists, people will definitely become more mindful of what they need to know, as opposed to having apps try to keep you engaged every second of the day with pings and almost violent device shaking.


Watching these videos, why are so many men wearing their watches so high up the arm? Am I just abnormal for wearing mine on my wrist all these years? I hope the sendors don't need to be that far up to work
I don't feel like either event did enough for the Watch to convince people to buy one. I'd argue to say the new MacBook at last month's keynote was what got talked about the most by the press and potential buyers.

The Macbook is easy to understand to anyone who has used a laptop. It has obvious strengths and weaknesses so of course it is going to be talked about. It's a very easy subject.

The Watch is brand new. Watching the hype for the Watch build has been impressive. Apple has done a pretty good job of slowly doling out information. I think they are going to sell everyone they can make for a while.
£100-£200 for some of the bands is ridiculous. Why are some third party bands not compatible with the Sport?' Does that not have interchangeable bands?


Can't fathom ditching 1200€ for the black steel + link bracelet ...
Would have considered buying a black steel + fluo bracelet, but 500€ only for the band is way too much.
Guess it's Aluminium black + black sport then.



Number one reason Pebble sucks for me.

it's not as much the resolution as it is the refresh rate of the e-ink display for me. Swiping gestures don't work for me if the UI doesn't exactly follow my finger. an interface like that simply isn't a trade-off i'm willing to take anymore.

I don't need to be able to live off a charge for 7 days if my interactions with the device itself are sub-par.
i wouldn't drive a car with twice the MpG of my current if that car doesn't have power assisted steering.


Huh? How are you going to look at the watch if you don't move your arm to look at it?

This sounds like Wii all over again with "if I have to play games while waving my arms all over I am going to get tired".

You look at your watch, it shows you the time. Who cares if the screen is off when you are not looking at it? You don't have to do interpretive dance to make the display show.

In exactly the ways that Gruber's described. I'm using the computer and I twist my wrist a tiny bit and there is the time. Or I'm watching TV and I just glance down and my wrist is already in the right position for me to see the watch face. Or I'm walking along and I glance down while twisting my wrist slightly to glance at the time. I probably check the time more like that than I do by bringing my arm up horizontally in front and rotating my wrist.

And I'd bet a ton of you also do that, but perhaps aren't concious that you do. I first really noticed it when I borrowed a moto 360 and was annoyed when I had to 'activate' the screen conciously.

Therefore an always on screen is a must for me personally. Also you'd think with an OLED screen and watch faces that are primarily dark, that screen must be sipping the battery.


the holder of the trombone
it's not as much the resolution as it is the refresh rate of the e-ink display for me. Swiping gestures don't work for me if the UI doesn't exactly follow my finger. an interface like that simply isn't a trade-off i'm willing to take anymore.

The pebble isn't a touchscreen.


I went in to the Genius Bar at the Apple store for Macbook service and as I was talking to the service guy I noticed him look down and read his watch. He had an Apple watch on.

It was like someone pulling out and using their phone in the middle of a conversation.
My feeling towards wearable technology has changed.
I understand he was working and maybe it was a work related update, but is this going to be the norm from now on?

If you can get your Twitter feed, emails and texts on your wrist, when WON'T you be looking at it?

(In a few years from now I will probably look back at this post and wonder how I even functioned without a smartwatch.)

Someone looking at their watch during a conversation is no less rude than someone checking their phone during a conversation. In theory using a smart watch should let you be more 'present' - you have a quick check of a notification to check the importance and then are back to what you were doing. I hope most people won't have Twitter/Facebook on there, gets annoying quickly having your wrist buzz all the time.
Just read Grubers review, glad to read the rubber band is decent that puts one of my fears to rest. I'm (not) surprised other reviewers made no mention of how comfortable the band options are.

Also, what size what Joanna stern using? It looks massive on her wrist.


Just read Grubers review, glad to read the rubber band is decent that puts one of my fears to rest. I'm (not) surprised other reviewers made no mention of how comfortable the band options are.

Also, what size what Joanna stern using? It looks massive on her wrist.

no black band for the silver watch though? That is really surprising. How much are they separately (do they even sell them separately)

I'm surprised nobody talked more about the haptic stuff. I'm really curious how different it is (or isn't) compared to normal vibration on your wrist. Does it really feel like a tap? Can it do more than tap simple rhythms - eg can it tap left/right? Is it quieter than the equivalent android wear watches with basic vibration?
Here's why screen resolution, size, and refresh rate are high up on my qualifications:


Now imagine that on a Pebble Time:


Even a simple text-based app like that would be much easier on the eyes and faster to read on the high resolution OLED screen (and the scrolling schedule list much faster/smoother to move through with a high speed refresh rate).

Let's ignore the whole smartwatch debate for a moment and focus on the bigger issue. If you are scheduling your whole life based on when it's time to dig for virtual items in FFXIV, it's time to rethink your life.


The pebble isn't a touchscreen.

i am aware of that. I was just using the hypothetical "e-ink apple watch".

fact is: i'm not going to go back to non-touchscreen interfaces, neither would a touchscreen work with e-ink.

it's usability > longevity for me, personally. And e-ink's only advantage is longevity (and visibility in glaring sunlight, maybe)
Let's ignore the whole smartwatch debate for a moment and focus on the bigger issue. If you are scheduling your whole life based on when it's time to dig for virtual items in FFXIV, it's time to rethink your life.

hahahaha I didn't even notice... Are these images real? Or did someone make these?


£100-£200 for some of the bands is ridiculous. Why are some third party bands not compatible with the Sport?' Does that not have interchangeable bands?

Where'd you read that some third-party bands are not compatible with the Sport?

Yes the Sport has interchangeable bands, and you can switch it out with anything as far as I'm aware. BUT Apple does not sell the Sport with all types of bands directly, so you'd have to buy them separately. Third-party bands not by Apple... who knows (there are no restrictions or lockouts on third-parties making bands).


people aren't watching movies or viewing photos on their watch, probably not even going to do much gaming so how much utility does such a thing have?
It's not about utility, but aesthetics and consistency across iDevices.

That said, I will be viewing photos on the Watch. At Watch-viewing distances, photos on the 42mm version will be about the equivalent of looking at a 3.5" image on my PC monitor. That's as big if not bigger than the typical Google Image Search thumbnail, plus the Watch has nearly 2x as much pixel density as those thumbnails.


It's not about utility, but aesthetics and consistency across iDevices.

That said, I will be viewing photos on the Watch. At Watch-viewing distances, photos on the 42mm version will be about the equivalent of looking at a 3.5" image on my PC monitor. That's as big if not bigger than the typical Google Image Search thumbnail, plus the Watch has nearly 2x as much pixel density as those thumbnails.

also, i consider the remote camer viewfinder to be an undermarketed killer-app of the device.
Also not really possible with a bad display.


Do we actually know if we get two complete bands in different sizes? I could imagine that there are three pieces of which one is of neutral size.

You might be right. None of the reviews thus far feature or talk explicitly about the Sport model, but The Gadget Guy unboxing video shows the Sport band packaging being opened and there looks to be one complete band in there - a neutral size piece with the fastener, then S/M and M/L single pieces. (Similar to the Apple Watch Sport description the bands separately are described as including "2" in the package.) Welp, if true, so much for the band-swapping secondary market!
I think it's pretty shitty that Apple is only making cases for the Editions. They should've included some kind of case or stand for at least the standard version.
Let's ignore the whole smartwatch debate for a moment and focus on the bigger issue. If you are scheduling your whole life based on when it's time to dig for virtual items in FFXIV, it's time to rethink your life.
Hahaha - I hate to make that awesome theory a bit boring, but what you aren't realizing is those are in-game times. FFXIV's in-game clock runs through an entire day in a little over an hour, so that app shows the current time in the game world, and the in-game times when you can mine rare ores or gather rare plants.

Ninja Dom

Someone looking at their watch during a conversation is no less rude than someone checking their phone during a conversation. In theory using a smart watch should let you be more 'present' - you have a quick check of a notification to check the importance and then are back to what you were doing. I hope most people won't have Twitter/Facebook on there, gets annoying quickly having your wrist buzz all the time.

Hopefully even less so than that as you eventually learn the taps and vibrations each type of notification has.
I'm torn. Was pretty set on the space gray sport with the black band, but now considering going the lighter color sport model since some of the extra bands seem like they would look better with the lighter color watch. I also have the thought of just sticking with the space gray and black band combo and never worrying about changing the band. Anyone else in this spot?
I'm torn. Was pretty set on the space gray sport with the black band, but now considering going the lighter color sport model since some of the extra bands seem like they would look better with the lighter color watch. I also have the thought of just sticking with the space gray and black band combo and never worrying about changing the band. Anyone else in this spot?

I was set on the space grey Sport as well, but I changed my iPhone 5 case last night and was reminded of how terrible all the little silver nicks look. I'll probably keep my Watch for around 18 months and I don't want to end up staring at that every day, so I decided to go for the silver Sport Watch with white band for now.
I'm torn. Was pretty set on the space gray sport with the black band, but now considering going the lighter color sport model since some of the extra bands seem like they would look better with the lighter color watch. I also have the thought of just sticking with the space gray and black band combo and never worrying about changing the band. Anyone else in this spot?

That is exactly what I've been wrestling with. The space gray looks great with that black band, but horrible with everything else. My current plan is to grab the silver sport with the light blue band, then pull the trigger on a second black band to go with it. Amazon seems to have some identical looking bands at about half the price Apple is asking for.


I'm torn. Was pretty set on the space gray sport with the black band, but now considering going the lighter color sport model since some of the extra bands seem like they would look better with the lighter color watch. I also have the thought of just sticking with the space gray and black band combo and never worrying about changing the band. Anyone else in this spot?

in the same exact spot.

dark sport is much more low-key for everyday wear.
light sport looks much more fun and active for workout.

i feel like silver with a black band works better as a combination than space grey with a colorful band, so i might just go for the silver.

That is exactly what I've been wrestling with. The space gray looks great with that black band, but horrible with everything else. My current plan is to grab the silver sport with the light blue band, then pull the trigger on a second black band to go with it. Amazon seems to have some identical looking bands at about half the price Apple is asking for.

exactly my plan, as well. (except maybe going for the original Apple black band)


I'm torn. Was pretty set on the space gray sport with the black band, but now considering going the lighter color sport model since some of the extra bands seem like they would look better with the lighter color watch. I also have the thought of just sticking with the space gray and black band combo and never worrying about changing the band. Anyone else in this spot?

Here's a site that lets you mix and match so you can see what the different cases look like with different bands. I actually like the black sport with the navy leather loop.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
finally read the gruber article.. aside from the cringe-worthy anecdote at the end.. the article was pretty spot on.

seems to indicate that the watch is a much easier sell to people who don't wear watches as opposed to people who do wear traditional watches. I also apologize to any in here that I mocked for "how hard is it to raise your wrist to view the time!?!?!?" He gives a lot of actual instances where he found himself inconvenienced and explained them perfectly. It seems something apple could totally fix just by giving options on how long before the screen goes to sleep instead of just the 6 second and 17 second behaviors.

as someone who really doesn't wear a watch (despite owning three fairly nice ones), I don't "think" any of the actual watch stuff will be a problem for me.. though now as I type this I do see that if I were wearing a traditional watch I could in fact just glance down at my wrist and tell the time. however as a non-watch wearer at the same time I am so conditioned to either checking the time naturally/subconsciously other places (computer, wall, etc), or ACTIVELY checking the time anyway (phone).

I also think some of the naysayer tinting of these articles in this thread is really stretching it. Out of the reviews I've read no one seems to have come away unimpressed or thinking (as some have put it in here) that this is "the best of not great products". Most of the reviews seem to indicate that it's actually a great product but with some notable downsides depending on your needs/expectations.

Still very excited, and after watching the video reviews and seeing pics of this actually in every day use, am dead set on getting the stainless steel body, even if I upgrade to next year's model (though I fucking swear apple better not release that model this fall.......) The steel body is gorgeous.

And others bring up a great point on where apple can really go with an upgrade.. I mean obviously they can ultimately go to a computer on your wrist with no phone needed... but until that point.. I mean the phone is already doing most of the lifting.. the native apps seem to run perfectly fine.. I can't see them adding much hardware tech until battery life grows dramatically.. (i.e. they aren't going to just be able to slap a GPS in there as is which would destroy the battery)

obviously an upgrade will happen sooner than later.. but I feel right now that this version will be more 3G iPhone and less OG iPad in terms of software updates.

not sure what to do... waking up in the middle of the night will probably destroy my day (I don't handle my sleeping pattern being ruined very well..) but I have a feeling that my normal wake up time 4 hours after it goes on sale will leave me waiting a month plus.... argh...

edit - man, that mix your watch site just reinforces my decision on the 42mm steel. Looks great with EVERY band (except black steel but I don't think the black steel is available as just the band anyway)
Here's a site that lets you mix and match so you can see what the different cases look like with different bands. I actually like the black sport with the navy leather loop.

Thanks. That's actually a very helpful site. My biggest concern with the dark watch is that some of the bands have silver enclosures and silver with the band slides into the watch. It's probably not realistic that I'm going to be buying many bands though, maybe I should just stick with my dark sport black band combo and just never worry about buying/changing bands.


...hate me...
Also, I prefer the black one but it's much less playful with other bands and colours. I don't know anymore.
As you can see you can join me to the club, guys.

Black only goes well with dark bands (black or dark grey or navy) to my likings. That's a bit of a limitation, even though most of the time I'd prefer the all-black discrete look. But sometimes colours is good. Especially after reading how good the fluorelastomer bands are.

This is such a last minute indecision too, as I was dead set on the black model a few weeks ago. Sigh.
in the same exact spot.

dark sport is much more low-key for everyday wear.
light sport looks much more fun and active for workout.

i feel like silver with a black band works better as a combination than space grey with a colorful band, so i might just go for the silver.

exactly my plan, as well. (except maybe going for the original Apple black band)

I feel like silver with the blue or black leather loop might actually look pretty good.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
They think that demand will be strong and will outstrip supply.
they also think that water is wet. :p

yeah... pretty much certain that if I sleep til my normal wake up time I'll be looking at over a month wait... fuck..


I feel the silver face will look extra goofy when the phone screen is off. Black sport all the way

Personally think the black looks great with most of the color bands myself.

I have clothing that combines black with the colors Apple is using; not sure why people don't think it looks good.
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