After having been out of full-time work since January 2016, I just started my next full-time position 2 weeks ago, and somehow got a $5000 raise over what I had been making at my last job?!?
I probably applied to 1000 jobs, got contacted back on 50ish of them, had in-person interviews with 20 of them, and had second interviews with 3 of them. I never had a single phone interview turn in to an in-person interview, and on well over half of my in-person interviews, the application process was e-mailing a resume and cover letter- not entering the data into a website.
I mostly used Higheredjobs (I was primarily looking for an administrator role at a college), but also used Linkedin, Indeed, Ziprecruiter and Beyond. I never got anything other than spam/fake job contacts from Ziprecruiter, Got one bite from Beyond (for a shitty sales job I was massivly overqualified for), and had some success with Linkedin.
I'm not sure what I would emphasize- I wasn't applying to things that had technical aspects to interviews (Project/Grant management/administration roles), so mostly what I had to focus on for interviews was taking my previous experiences and explain why I felt they prepared me for this position. I guess I was also terrible at filling out online job forms/doing those shitty personality tests- I had way more success just sending resumes out!
My heart goes out to people working shitty jobs full-time and trying to apply places. 3 months ago, with my unemployment checks stopping, I took a call center job, and it just drained me on a daily basis. Thankfully, I had applied to where I am now a month before starting (if you thought your industry moved slowly in the hiring process, let me tell you about Higher Ed!), because it was a struggle to apply to even a single job after coming home each day!