I've been trying to find a good job lately. I failed nursing school clinical and they thought I didn't have the clinical skills even though I passed the lecture courses. That doesn't help the nurse, so that was May of this year. I learned that I failed in something I went to school for 6 years. All I had in the meantime were jobs in security, sales, and food. I'm pretty pissed off at a few things that are out of my control, but that doesn't mean I can't forget about it. I have moved on. I no longer want to work in healthcare, but an IT job wouldn't be bad.
I got a dismissal letter in the mail a month or two ago, it said I cannot reapply and it said I should rethink my career choices. I went to UNMC here in Nebraska. I am done with healthcare. All my courses went to the state school, so I can graduate with a General Studies degree. Not a wonderful degree, but it's still something I can show for all the work I've done.
I got a few jobs from Careerlink and Indeed. I had an offer to become a visitation worker and later social worker. They were going to promote me, but I'm a guy who decided he didn't want to do that. I even had some people help me decide it wasn't the right job. I know people who hate it, they hate the pay, the emotional stress, and having to use their own car. I got countless offers from Life Insurance agencies, which is like anybody's job. New York New York, Aflac, you name it. I turned down another job for the neighbor state which dealt with social work. I just had an interview for TruGreen Chemlawn as a driver, but I need experience in a field that I can move up. Lawn service is something you start out in and it can't pay my bills once I graduate in December.
You see I have this second interview here at 09:30 AM and it's 03:44 AM. I'd be hired to do lawn work, driving their car, and I have to make over $300 a week in sales on merch because it's mandatory. Now I've sold magazines, steaks, video games, and sporting goods. I know I can sell it, but I know noone who wants to spend $300 on lawn services by myself.
I have years of work in computer classes with an IT degree and a load of science/medical. Making $12-$13 an hour isn't going to cut it. I've been applying left and right. I had an interview at a computer company which does tech support as an intern. I sat there talking to him about building my own PC, Razor gaming chair and mouse in the room, real rich place inside a bank, and he wants someone to do P2P tech support. I didn't have enough experience and I get the whole reapply and that I'm impressive. Now, I'm not that informed on the PC programs businesses use and how could I unless I worked the job.
I laugh off some POS PC program a database or computer company uses and I get it thrown back in my face. I'm sorry my attitude sucks, but I find knowing how some trucking company manages Windows like an anti-gamer personnel a bit distasteful and bit full of BS. I know what respect is and I do respect a company, but I don't need to believe the sky is falling.
I'm thinking about not taking this lawn job and calling a head hunter. I feel like people are looking out for my best interest, but I'm not a used car salesmen. I'm not a manager with sweat down his shirt because I want to wrestle with the next guy coming in the store. I know I wasted some good time with pointless jobs and it's coming down to D day. I'm doing okay, just on edge a bit.
My family is weird about things. They assume I bring up video games inside of meetings because I worked for GameStop. I'm a professional person. I'm also incredibly aware. I know how to act and I feel like ripping my head off some days because my family is on my back.