Yeah I've read that, great book. Haven't seen the TED talk though I'll have to check that out.
I wish I would've known the stuff years ago. It's pretty enlightening.
Yeah I've read that, great book. Haven't seen the TED talk though I'll have to check that out.
Here's an infographic I saw for nailing interviews.
Thought it would help you all.
Well after one interview where I flew across the country for didn't work out, I have two more this week. One is out of my state, in which I actually had a phone interview for yesterday. i think that went pretty well. I should know if I am selected to move on by early next week. The other is in my home state and I have an in-person tomorrow.
So ok results and I'm confident at least one of these two options will work out. If they don't I'm really screwed. I've been out since mid May.
I think I've sent out about 35-40 apps so far.
Did she make it sound like that was a bad thing, you being an introvert? Because it's just a thing, not good or bad. People think it's bad, but it's not.
Pisses me off.
Good luck for the big interview! You can do it!Big 2nd round interview today at 1:30 so I'm as prepared as I'm going to get!
Amazing how similar this is to my situation. I've got a big second interview tomorrow to get out of the coal industry into construction aggregates.Tomorrow is basically the biggest day of my career. I've got an important second round interview with a major bank for an awesome analyst position, this is my big chance to get out of the oil and gas industry. I'm prepared and obviously qualified since I made it this far but I'm still super nervous �� I've already interviewed with HR and both hiring managers in the department.
Here's an infographic I saw for nailing interviews.
Thought it would help you all.
What do they mean by "Failing to ask for the job"?
Probably just telling the hiring manager how interested you are in the position and how you'd appreciate the opportunity to work there. Politely begging basically.What do they mean by "Failing to ask for the job"?
What do they mean by "Failing to ask for the job"?
Unfortunately a lot of people associate introvertedness with "bad". Just the way the world is, and it sucks.
Introverts should read this book.
She has a TED talk also if you're pressed for time.
But her thesis is about the Extrovert Ideal, where extroverts are considered funnier, more competent, better looking, and so on, especially in America, and how advantageous that can be in the world of work.
However, it doesn't make extroverts more brilliant, according to her research.
It also has some strategies on how to thrive in an extroverted world.
She meant it as bad thing. At least that's my impression.
I told her that it takes some time for me to "warm up" with new people and that I'm different/more open after a while, but she didn't believe it.
Thanks man, I just bought the audiobook with my Audible trial month. Let's see how that will turn out.Well like I myself and others said, it's unreasonable and unfair. But I suppose the silver lining is that you don't have to work with someone who thinks the only people who have any value in this world are the rock stars.
Don't apologize for who you are, man. Pick up that book if you haven't already.
Thanks man, I just bought the audiobook with my Audible trial month. Let's see how that will turn out.
On the bright side, I have another interview next Thursday. They have a Youtube video about their hotel and they all seem really down to earth and friendly in it. Plus we had the nicest E-mail conversation with each other. Have a good feeling about this.
Amazing how similar this is to my situation. I've got a big second interview tomorrow to get out of the coal industry into construction aggregates.
Hope it goes well for you, you got this!
Amazing how similar this is to my situation. I've got a big second interview tomorrow to get out of the coal industry into construction aggregates.
Hope it goes well for you, you got this!
It's for an apprenticeship as a hotel clerk, so the the same thing as with the other hotel.That's great! What kind of position are you going for? Would love to hear how it turns out.
I just accepted the job offer I talked about a page ago. I was able to get them to up their starting salary by $2k which was satisfying. I will be out of work for about a month and a half by the time I start this new job, and I ended up with a 10% raise and a better job.
Getting fired ended up being a good thing generally speaking.
Get those resumes out there, and appear confident in your job interviews even if you're not.
I'm in the same business (aggregates for construction) looking for a new job and have had a couple of recruiters call, have an interview set up for Monday with one company. I'm in South Eastern PA and the business is absolutely booming, we simply cannot crush enough to meet demand (we run two twelve hour production shifts 6 days/week). It's a niche industry but absolutely vital so the experinced labor pool is pretty small.
Good luck to both of you
Nice! Congratulations!I got a job offer that position today! I'm so happy I'll be out of oil and gas lol. The company is great, the position will be awesome for developing my career and its a 17% pay increase! I'll probably start the position in three weeks, depends how long the background check and drug test take to come back.
I have a job atm, but want to move in a field relevant to my science degree.
I've had two interviews for good jobs where my answers were pretty good. I didn't get hired though, and I honestly think being nervous (which caused fidgeting, face touching and probably bad posture) has cost me these two roles. Does anyone have legitimate advice (not deep breaths...) for circumventing nerves in job interviews? I really can't see any solutions besides maybe some form of drug.
Man, the OP totally describes how I'm feeling.
I graduated last December with a Communications and PR degree and have been applying to tons of different places since. I've only just recently had four different interviews: two at some small-ish marketing firms (which both turned out to be positions they falsely advertised... meaning I did not want the position they were interviewing me for), one phone interview for a PR agency of sorts (but this interview was with their outside hiring agency so I haven't even had an interview from the company itself!), and one group interview for an Apple retail store position.
The only interview I felt bad about how it went was the phone one and it was my first phone interview so I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know what to expect because it was being conducted by someone outside of the company I was applying for so I didn't know they were going to ask roughly the same type of questions I had read up on and practiced before. Unfortunately, I flubbed pretty bad on one or two questions and today is basically the last day I can hear back from the PR company (the hiring person said "hopefully you'll hear back by the end of the week if they want to set up an interview with you"... not very promising).
The Apple store interview I just had on Wed. and I thought I did really well despite the circumstances (group interview, four people including myself). And I'm very knowledgeable about Apple products and software etc etc but unfortunately... they declined me -- interested in other candidates. :/
So, I've been SOL. I never got any prior job experience due to personal circumstances with my family but I have volunteer experience over the past 5 years that are very relevant to what I'm trying to apply for yet it's almost like it doesn't matter to these companies. And every other job I'm ever interested in is like, "Oh, you need 1 year or more of experience for this position!" and to get that experience you need to either have a degree for it or you need to apply for that job but then you learn that job requires some other amount of experience, usually a few months, in order to be considered for the position at all.
Truly does feel like a degree is worthless. You could be the most dependable, organized, responsible, dedicated, and passionate individual about your potential career/work but if you don't have any experience (despite having a degree which not many people can get!) you're not good enough. You need to waste away several months to a year on a minimum wage job before you can even hope to get something remotely resembling a proper and stable career.
The media and other people talk up about how few people get degrees and how important a degree is to get yet it seems to matter very little now. I don't get it. It's incredibly frustrating to have worked to get something through blood, sweat, and tears for years only to be getting ignored or outright declined despite the work ethic and clear dedication one has. I'm just... frustrated... :|
Anyway, I'm still trying... the only hopeful I have right now is this internship with a theater (for plays) who is accepting recent graduates for the internship. It's a PR/Marketing internship and it's like 5 minutes away so I hope I get messaged back -- they're reviewing applications now. Really, really hoping for it. Only reason I'm hopeful is because they e-mailed me back confirming they got my application (most companies fail to do just this) and they're starting to review applications.
Are there any Bigshots here that have any samples of what a good resume should look like?
I feel like mines is coming along ok, but I want it to be perfect as possible. Especially with the little experience that I have amongst other things that wont land me an interview.
I just got a job with this resume. Got compliments on it during interviews. *shrug*
Sorry it's huge.
Don't do an objective of you can otherwise fill a page. If you need one, tailor it with job specific keywords.
Thats how the one I'm making looks.
I'm changing my page width just a little bit so the viewers eyes aren't looking everywhere, instead they are drawn toward a more compact but easier to read body of text.
Is this a good idea?
How did your interview go?
Mine was pretty good, I ended up being interviewed by two people simultaneously that would be my coworkers. I'm pretty sure it was just a culture check to make sure I would get along but they seemed curious about my experience and it ended up being the most difficult out of all the meetings. I answered about 90% perfectly but I was honest about programs i'm using at work instead of bullshitting and I think that could hurt my chances. Although I have academic experience with the program they're looking for some I made sure to hammer that home. I'm always good with questions too so I did great once I had a chance to start asking.
There were some positive signs and comments made by them so we'll see. I think the next time I hear from the company will be whether I got the job or not, they're moving pretty fast on this so hopefully it's soon.
Congratulations, man! I'm glad to hear your interview went well and you landed the job, that is fantastic news!I got a job offer that position today! I'm so happy I'll be out of oil and gas lol. The company is great, the position will be awesome for developing my career and its a 17% pay increase! I'll probably start the position in three weeks, depends how long the background check and drug test take to come back.
I hope your interview goes well today! If you know of any companies that are looking for mining engineers or project engineers feel free to let me know.I'm in the same business (aggregates for construction) looking for a new job and have had a couple of recruiters call, have an interview set up for Monday with one company. I'm in South Eastern PA and the business is absolutely booming, we simply cannot crush enough to meet demand (we run two twelve hour production shifts 6 days/week). It's a niche industry but absolutely vital so the experinced labor pool is pretty small.
Good luck to both of you
I hope your interview goes well today! If you know of any companies that are looking for mining engineers or project engineers feel free to let me know.![]()
Honestly I would be okay leaving mining completely if it came down to it but that's where I feel most comfortable. Aggregates would be a fantastic fit for me, I'm sure of it.
IT, especially at the lower levels, is absolutely horrible. Unless you're getting a fat paycheck (which you almost never are), it's wise to look elsewhere.I'm entering the job hunt again even though I am currently employed. I don't like the atmosphere of my job but could bear it if I didn't get paid like a McDonald's employee to do level 2-3 IT support.
Didn't get a job I interviewed for.
I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.