half a moon
Thanks ^_^
Thank god. Raw's womens' division has been The Charlotte & Friends Show for almost three years now.
Can you put one right into my eyes for me?Been 8 days not smoking and I'm not craving a cig. Whooo
👊 You smoke?Can you put one right into my eyes for me?
Kurt Angle prob does and you could include othersLol, Shinsuke's debut deserves a thread or is he just an excuse for people that hate wrasslegaf to have somewhere to post?
Been 8 days not smoking and I'm not craving a cig. Whooo
Lol, Shinsuke's debut deserves a thread or is he just an excuse for people that hate wrasslegaf to have somewhere to post?
Lol, Shinsuke's debut deserves a thread or is he just an excuse for people that hate wrasslegaf to have somewhere to post?
Rewatching SD on youtube, Tye's theme is awesome. Perfect for listening to in the gym.
I want just a black shirt with Shinsuke's name written just how it is on his titantron, is that so much to ask?
The fact thatmight end up leaving means eitherCharlotteor there is some stuff planned forSasha turns.Emma
All good in my book.
C'mon man, feel THE VIBE!
What the fuck is thisC'mon man, feel THE VIBE!
No thank you.
If Seth comes to SDL do we get a COME ON THE VIBE WHERE ARE YOU THE VIBE promo?
The fact thatmight end up leaving means eitherCharlotteor there is some stuff planned forSasha turns.Emma
All good in my book.
Thank you. Been saying this stuff for years (too much OT threads from people who don't like us), glad to see others finally carrying the torch
Sasha is absolutely 100% turning, it's just a matter of when at this point. Her and Bayley already started teasing it after the tag match last night.
No thank you.
If Seth comes to SDL do we get a COME ON THE VIBE WHERE ARE YOU THE VIBE promo?
Shinsuke will thrive on the Smackdown Brand. Probably will be WWE champ as early as Summerslam....
Shinsuke will thrive on the Smackdown Brand. Probably will be WWE champ as early as Summerslam....
Just finished up 205 live, that Fatal Four Way was a lot of fun, if you guys normally skip 205, it's worth watching tonights.
Another thing I like on this week's SD: Miz & Maryse. God, Miz has been on fire for almost a year now. I love the Cena impression and he's spot-on with how everything Cena does is focus-tested bullshit. Putting him with Nakamura is a great decision since they're probably my two favorite guys in WWE right now.
Also good: Maryse mocking Nikki Bella's promo skills despite not being that good on the mic herself.
Watching the dark match now, of course they bring Ziggler out to fight another minority.
A 12 year old smokerDon't do it. Stay strong brother. I'm taking a tolerance break. Not as nearly as tough as what you're going through. But I'm also craving a smoke.
Eidn't read the not.
It needs entertaining well built heelsIt's been consistently good for a while now. But it needs some improvements.
Little lungs😱A 12 year old smoker
Yeah, I pretty much agreed with all they said about Rollins/Triple H. Lame ass entrances. Match way too long. Both trying to get their shit in. Lack of selling on that injury. No more Triple H matches please.Stone Cold had some real good thoughts and critiques on wrestlemanjs 33. Highly recommend listening to his bits about the Hardys and Seth/HHH. Seth does have a serious branding/identity problem.
Haven't heard his thoughts on Roman and Taker yet.
Shinsuke will thrive on the Smackdown Brand. Probably will be WWE champ as early as Summerslam....
Yeah, I pretty much agreed with all they said about Rollins/Triple H. Lame ass entrances. Match way too long. Both trying to get their shit in. Lack of selling on that injury. No more Triple H matches please.
Rollins would really benefit by going to Smackdown.
You know who never got the strap? Sandow. And this guy won MITB.