Oh shit yeah, whatever happened to Rusev? Dude is fantastic in everything.
He was tagging with Jinder then that broke up. "Yay".
Oh shit yeah, whatever happened to Rusev? Dude is fantastic in everything.
Maybe they know they can make a classic out of it and saving it for something like wrestlemania...a bragging rights type of match where they want to see who the top dog is!*You know Vince doesn't care about some Styles/Nakamura match.
Maybe they know they can make a classic out of it and saving it for something like wrestlemania...a bragging rights type of match where they want to see who the top dog is!*
*dream booking
Oh shit yeah, whatever happened to Rusev? Dude is fantastic in everything.
Those ratings are almost always crap. But that said, if I were to judge the main matches and use the system as is, so to me a 2 1/2 is average, then the only ones who strike me as above that is the ladder match and the AJ-Shane match. And those would be like 3 or 3 and a quarter. Nothing even remotely close to being a 4.Don't agree with most of it.
Rollins v HHH was the lamest 3 and a half star match ever.
I stick to liking Scott Keith's stars.
Goldberg and Lesnar told the best story of the show. The match was done as it should and wasn't overly drawn out or have many deadspots. Highlight of the show to me.
Rusev's injured sadly. Shoulder injury.
Yeah me too especially with his new look. He's got a main event heel look about him.Damn, hope that means they spend the time to have someone good ready for him once he is 100%
Ambrose/Owens switch would be good.
Won't happen but it'd be good.
More room for Owens at the top on Smackdown.
I can if it's the same shitty lazy formula he's been putting out for years... the guy is so damn talented but due to the suplex city popularity it's all he does.Kinda expecting AJ/Reigns and Brock/Stroman programs going through the summer.
If it gives us AJ/Brock at some point, though... can't complain.
It would make a lot more sense if reigns went to smackdown to replace cena and as a way to draw out the inevitable showdown between him and Brock... but apparently he's staying put so I dunno
I can if it's the same shitty lazy formula he's been putting out for years... the guy is so damn talented but due to the suplex city popularity it's all he does.
Here's Meltzer's WrestleMania/Takeover ratings
Looks like he was drunk most of the weekend
Here's Meltzer's WrestleMania/Takeover ratings
The problem today is that there's a paint-by-numbers mechanical feel to so much of today's WWE style, almost like an identikit reinforcement for every individual. It's like they're all taught how to develop a style that's a guaranteed *** 1/2 match or better once they surpass 15 minutes of match time, and because a number of them never really deviate from their perfected basics (Randy Orton, Sheamus, etc, are good examples), there's too much sameness. A Randy Orton/Sheamus match from last summer is kinda bland for us, but it'd be mind-blowing in 1988.
I know yall will like this. Here's some cliffnotes from AJ's book. Start the spectulation.
GWF 3: Sports-Entertainia
Date: Friday, April 28th, 2017
Time: 7:00PM Eastern/6:00PM Central
Where: Live from the Z-Pak Zone on www.twitch.tv/sephzilla
Upon the examination of the galaxies of space, images begin to appear -- images of strange and powerful forces. But of all the forces in the universe, the two most powerful -- Zach Hogan! And the Ultimate Menome! -- prepare to explode!
Filth Champion versus Purity Champion. Nickname versus no nickname.
Singles Match
FlammableD vs ShadowSwordmaster
FlammableD and ShadowSwordmaster kickoff the Sports Entertainiest event in Sports Entertainment with a high powered singles match! Who will gain footing and make a statement in the bigger GWF standings?!
Singles Match
SomewhatGroovy vs Mahonay
Will Earthworm Jim be able to stop the young buck of GWF, Mahonay?
GWF B+ Championship
Tall4Life vs Korly
After stumbling attempting to contend for the GWF World Championship, Tall4Life sets his aspirations and Super Bowl Punch towards the undefeated Korly and the GWF B+ Championship. Who's betta than Korly? Tall4Life hopes it's him.
GWF B+ Championship #1 Contender Battle Royal
BewareTheBatsie vs OwensIsNow vs Caderfix vs The Strokes vs BronsonLee vs RBH
Six men compete in an over the top rope Battle Royal to decide who will contend for the GWF B+ Championship at GWF4!
Singles Match
Sephzilla vs imBask
The boss is back and looking to pick up his second win in GWF. The ultimate upper case B player, imBask, hopes to stop the law in its tracks.
GWF Tag Team Championship
klonere & Heroman (The New Japan Express) vs Bronx-Man & Ithil (The Just Friends)
The New Japan Express is back on track and is hoping to claim the GWF Tag Titles. The Just Friends are looking to remain undefeated tag team champions in their first defense of their titles!
Singles Match
Hasney vs DMczaf
After demanding a match at GWF3, they got it! Will WrassleGAF's #1 Shooter be able to stop BROKEN Hasney!?
20 Minute "Loser Loses Slogan" Iron Man Match - Winner's tag team becomes GWF Tag #1 Contenders
Menome (w/ Browny) vs Zach (w/ Biggest-Geek-Ever)
A grudge match will huge implications. Menome is looking to reclaim his honor after being defeated by Zach at GWF2. This time the stakes are high as "Filth" and "BJ" are on the line!
Extreme Rules Match
Syder vs Kornflayx
After the controversial finish at GWF1's Pre-Show, Syder and Kornflayx square off one more time to settle the score. This time there will be no controversy as the rule book has been thrown out the window for this match.
GWF World Championship
FallingEdge vs Beefy
The match everyone has been waiting for! Beefy defends his GWF World Heavyweight Championship against #1 Contender FallingEdge! Who will walk out of the biggest event in GWF history as the champion of the world!?
Rock was on Fallon last night
In Orlando
Man that Benoit video before that match....
Man fucking 10 seconds in on that nitro episode and the match and it shows how much it used to be better.
No playing to the camera
No dumb fucking chants
A commentary team trying toe make it seem real
Right?! Glad someone checked it out and had a good time. It's not a five-star classic, but it was such a surprisingly enjoyable match that it needed a shout-out. Arn, man. Arn!Only thing I would have changed from that Arn match Zach is the bell was never rung and after the pinball it shouldn't have been.
The red being out of it after the ddt is a great touch.
Man what a fun match.
I'm shooting on that mother fucker !!
I still can't believe AJ got a 4 star traditional match out of Shane.
Vince better owe him one, pal
You can't go anymore DM.. you need to retire.I'm shooting on that mother fucker !!
Thanks for cliff notes.I know yall will like this. Here's some cliffnotes from AJ's book. Start the spectulation.
Heavy Machinery is fucking awesome
Yeah, the stories are never that complex and you'll get the gist by watching the big showsI give up on gaming side and OT. This is now a wrestling forum for me.
On that note, if I want to get into NXT, would it be fine to watch only the big events, like takeover? Are the video packages enough to get me up to speed?
I give up on gaming side and OT. This is now a wrestling forum for me.
On that note, if I want to get into NXT, would it be fine to watch only the big events, like takeover? Are the video packages enough to get me up to speed?
Black Culture ThreadI'll go back to the first one then. Thanks, Tall4Life!
What is BCT, Beefy?