Man this match is nuts. Action all over the place. Just so weird they're putting this match on first. Man ACH really does have a pretty damn good Death Valley Driver.
1-10 on your current WrestleMania excitement level?
I'm up to about a 3.
That was a nasty ass move. If they told me that I was taking thw screwdriver that night, I was packing my shit and going home.
Or pornography.
ONS 08 and ER 2010Friends, recommend me a good PPV (if possible) with Beth Phoenix on it. I have never seen her wrestle, but I presume she must be a skilled athlete in the ring if she now rubs shoulders with Trump and Pete Rose in the HoF.
I'm looking to kill time while I decide on if staying up is a worthwhile endeavour.
They saves it for the weekend shows. Maybe once on Raw but yeah, that shit was probably the brain child of don't try this at home.I used to watch Superstars, Challenge, Mania, Prime Time... but I have no recollection of the Screwdriver happening in the 'E. It looks like he busted it out every match.
Friends, recommend me a good PPV (if possible) with Beth Phoenix on it. I have never seen her wrestle, but I presume she must be a skilled athlete in the ring if she now rubs shoulders with Trump and Pete Rose in the HoF.
I'm looking to kill time while I decide on if staying up is a worthwhile endeavour.
Friends, recommend me a good PPV (if possible) with Beth Phoenix on it. I have never seen her wrestle, but I presume she must be a skilled athlete in the ring if she now rubs shoulders with Trump and Pete Rose in the HoF.
I'm looking to kill time while I decide on if staying up is a worthwhile endeavour.
Porn fucking sucks these days. Stoya retired, Yhivi retired. All that's left these days is girls with clown makeup and inflatable boobs that keep turning themselves into grotesque Barbie dolls.
Porn fucking sucks these days. Stoya retired, Yhivi retired. All that's left these days is girls with clown makeup and inflatable boobs that keep turning themselves into grotesque Barbie dolls.
How do you even know what pornography is? You're not old enough for that!Or pornography.
Where's the king?I don't like that somewhat smile that Pete has. He should've mean mugged as usual.
Porn fucking sucks these days. Stoya retired, Yhivi retired. All that's left these days is girls with clown makeup and inflatable boobs that keep turning themselves into grotesque Barbie dolls.
Goldust stuttering... This guy really fucked up going back to wcw.
I am an a-dult, jabronie ass Pikmark.How do you even know what pornography is? You're not old enough for that!
I never get why people watch good shows before WrestleMania, why set the bar high and guarantee disappointment?
Bit of advice. Never say a venue is standing room only when you have people sitting at tables eating food. More so when it's outdoors.
On the other hand, it is nice to say "at least there was some great wrestling this weekend that I watched"
Intercontinental match should end this way...
Did you not watch Joey Janela's Spring Break?
Remember when Taker showed up to team blue (lol), said Mania didn't define him and SD was his home, and then never showed up on SD again and is about to be retired at Mania https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DyCnA8sOG8
And FIP's main event was short too. Man. Not even an hour and a half. Kind of disappointed too. Best match was first match on the card. Insane that they put that match on first.