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April Wrasslin' |OT| 2017 Season Premiere


He's the only heel who knows how to get heel heat.

inb4 Liu Kang Derailing A Thread

I just think it's funny how much love Miz gets which is understable but Zigggler get's so much hate. Miz/Ziggler was a Top 5 feud last year not only because of Miz shooting, also story in the ring Ziggler help tell(His promo were also solid) I mean Miz/Dean and Miz/Cena were meh at best cause matches were forgettable. Miz didn't carry that feud. Shooting can only get you so far and Fake HBK deserves more respect


The 2nd one is the cheesiest thing I could think of, so it's perfect for WWE lol

Nah, cheesy would be Bray Wyatt coming out in a suit and renouncing the Church of Sister Abigail and the Wyatt name and calling himself Bray Rotunda and going on a mission to save the souls of his fireflies.
Nah, cheesy would be Bray Wyatt coming out in a suit and renouncing the Church of Sister Abigail and the Wyatt name and calling himself Bray Rotunda and going on a mission to save the souls of his fireflies.
That would be character assassination, which isn't something that's happened in a long time.


I just think it's funny how much love Miz gets which is understable but Zigggler get's so much hate. Miz/Ziggler was a Top 5 feud last year not only because of Miz shooting, also story in the ring Ziggler help tell(His promo were also solid) I mean Miz/Dean and Miz/Cena were meh at best cause matches were forgettable. Miz didn't carry that feud. Shooting can only get you so far and Fake HBK deserves more respect

I'll disagree with you there because I thought Ziggler was the weak link in that feud and most of what made Ziggler's stuff work was Miz's reactions/responses to what Ziggler was doing. Like how Miz would cut a promo about how he doesn't need to prove he's better than Ziggler anymore, Ziggler gives a decent (but not great) promo stating he loves his job so much that he'll put his career on the line for one more shot, and Miz immediately shifts to shark smelling blood mode and cuts an even better promo talking about how he wants to make sure Ziggler is gone.

To your credit, Zigger and Miz together put on a pretty damn solid match though.


Bray should definitely be a face at this point. Crowds are begging for it.

Look at every time they even hint at it. Wyatts vs the Shield. Wyatts confronting the League of Nations. Triple H & Bray staring down each other at the 2016 Rumble.

Every time they even suggest turning Bray face, crowds lose their fucking minds. Just pull the trigger already.


The Day Wyatt Died

He was never the same after that. Sure, we thought he recovered but there was no excuse for this. Mind you this happened after Cena was squashed by Lesnar.


Lawd have mercy


I'll disagree with you there because I thought Ziggler was the weak link in that feud and most of what made Ziggler's stuff work was Miz's reactions/responses to what Ziggler was doing. Like how Miz would cut a promo about how he doesn't need to prove he's better than Ziggler anymore, Ziggler gives a decent (but not great) promo stating he loves his job so much that he'll put his career on the line for one more shot, and Miz immediately shifts to shark smelling blood mode and cuts an even better promo talking about how he wants to make sure Ziggler is gone.

To your credit, Zigger and Miz together put on a pretty damn solid match though.

I can agree that montage of all Ziggler's failures was A+ work.
Bray should definitely be a face at this point. Crowds are begging for it.

Look at every time they even hint at it. Wyatts vs the Shield. Wyatts confronting the League of Nations. Triple H & Bray staring down each other at the 2016 Rumble.

Every time they even suggest turning Bray face, crowds lose their fucking minds. Just pull the trigger already.

Bray with the title on the Smackdown after Elimination Chamber


Bray should definitely be a face at this point. Crowds are begging for it.

Look at every time they even hint at it. Wyatts vs the Shield. Wyatts confronting the League of Nations. Triple H & Bray staring down each other at the 2016 Rumble.

Every time they even suggest turning Bray face, crowds lose their fucking minds. Just pull the trigger already.

Here's the problem. He'd be a face who's more over than Roman and on the same show as Roman.


I must say I'm so happy to be into Wrestling again after just having no fucks for months. Right now gaming side sucks ass.

... right now? ;)

I'm just happy WrassleGAF is a pretty solid community these days. Gaming side does nothing for me anymore and OT feels like a minefield

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
whoa whoa whoa.... lets not get carried away

he should pin him dirty as fuck and then we get a story where monster brock is killing everyone in the locker room hunting for miz

lol yeah I was about to say, the dude's main evented the most main event thing he can main event

I think it would be hilarious to have Miz pin Lesnar clean but make it clear it was an absolute fucking fluke and have him running for his life.


If Bray had beaten John Cena in three straight PPVs starting with WM30, the victories wouldn't have given him enough EXP to level up his wrestling ability or promos or made his character more interesting. This shit isn't an RPG.

He's the same damn performer.


Written By John Pollock on The Law's Website:


**The story involving Mauro Ranallo and the WWE was not ignored by the live audience in Boston on Tuesday night. When JBL was introduced there were clearly a lot of boos for him and later in the night there was a “We Want Mauro” chant. One fan had brought a sign that read “JBL Bullied Me” and was positioned very close to JBL and video emerged of the fan being escorted out of the arena. There was also a series of signs that read “We Love You Mauro” in the crowd. The story has only gained momentum with a lot of major outlets such as Sports Illustrated, VICE and the New York Post all covering the story. I know it’s been stated prior, but it’s very glaring that ESPN hasn’t touched this story yet and when you have competitors such as the ones listed above on the story and you’re absent, it makes ESPN as a whole come off poorly.

There has been a lot of support for Ranallo publically by people in the industry and even way more privately. It represents a crossroads in the industry for many that came up with this environment as the norm and just accepted that this behavior is part of the frat mentality. If there is enough public pressure, the company will have to respond but there is also the belief that they will ride out the negative criticism and the story will disappear. It is unknown if Ranallo will go into any depth regarding the story on his podcast with Bas Rutten this Friday (they have been off since March 13th) but he will have to say something given how much attention this story has received.

Ranallo is not popular with everyone and I’m aware of people that didn’t enjoy working with him in the past, but everyone knows of his issues that he has been open about in the past with bipolar disorder. It’s tough for me to go into heavy depth with commentary on this story, because I worked with Ranallo for years and consider him a close friend. I saw his battles up close and the struggles he dealt with on a daily basis and to enter an environment that has a well-documented past of breaking people down and disguising it as just being part of “the business” is a recipe for disaster with mental health issues involved. I’m not writing this with a pitchfork in hand for anyone’s head, I simply want to see a change in the environment and often that doesn’t come as a result overnight but one that takes a massive transition and change in culture and there is no reason to assume that will happen.

My final point on this is the opinion by some regarding this matter as being “overblown”. I have a real problem with those that have never suffered from mental health issues to the level Ranallo has, simplifying and imagining how they would have handled the stresses of the job. There is a documentary that is being produced on Ranallo and heavily covers this element he lives with daily and it’s a fascinating look with incredible insight. I really wish that documentary was out already so people could see it for themselves the highs and the lows that Ranallo frequents. It is a major issue when you look at all the outlets Ranallo has worked for and only one was the cause of a major battle for him.
NHL Playoffs start tonight, NXT won't even try to compete dawg

* Aleister Black vs. Corey Hollis
* Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Dylan Miley and an unknown talent
* Ruby Riot vs. Kimberly Frankele
* Andrade “Cien” Almas vs. Danny Burch
* Drew McIntyre vs. Oney Lorcan
* Shinsuke Nakamura’s NXT farewell
You know that JBL thread got me thinking it's fucked up to think that only a few years ago WWE would probably have turned Bliss' history with anorexia into an angle and by angle I mean some face woman repeatedly making fun of her for having had anorexia and getting cheered for doing it. Think Piggy James but 10 times crueler.



ESPN's lack of coverage of WWE's bullying accusations shows that ESPN is only covering WWE to promote it. They aren't really "covering" it.

I bet if someone died in the ring on Raw next week they'd promote Payback the next night and not mention it.
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