I don't know how I feel about the Anderson and Gallows debut....on the one hand....yay.....on the other, yay?
It's great to see an amazing tag team in WWE, but at the same time, they're a tag team.
JBL drooling over them didn't help things either.
People on wreddit are losing their shit over this comparing it to The Outsiders and it felt really flat to me.
Overall the show has been really good (only up to midway, Styles/Zayn). Enzo & Cass have great charisma, but if every promo is going to be 5 minutes of them just doing a catchphrase it's going to get old, fast. New Day does the same, but they always find ways to work them in and out and keep their promo's a little fresh. Cass also needs to get way better on the mic, unless they want him to be that slow-tawkin kind of thing.
Just started raw, I'm totally getting worked here because I like what Shane is selling.
I've got to remind myself that nothing has really changed.....right?
I doubt anything has changed, except for them having a full clean slate. WM had the most head scratching pay offs, but the whole run up was marred with injuries and side steps. So now they can go at it fresh and try to build up story lines again. Of course I'm going to be trepidatious given recent track record.