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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


It definitely seems like something changed. The opening promo was 8 minutes at most, and laid everything out. It wasn't an "entertainment" piece, but more of an "informative" piece. I like the idea that Shane doesn't just hand out rematches, but you have to earn them instead (cuz fuck rematch clauses).

This felt more like a Raw after Mania than last week.
Cole had too much information on Gallows and Anderson. Like hey guys no need to get excited WE KNEW they were coming here's their Wikipedia.


Becky takes a shot at Emma's thieving past.

"come at me bro"

will do

Cole had too much information on Gallows and Anderson. Like hey guys no need to get excited WE KNEW they were coming here's their Wikipedia.

That's better than the usual thing where a dude debuts for the company, comes out of the backstage, complete with an entrance video, and they act all surprised like 'WHO THE HELL IS THAT, KING?!"


Meltzer confirmed that Vince indeed booked the show so I wonder what's caused these changes. Maybe Shane's got more input and maybe Vince is finally smartening up but I guess we'll see.


Main event was decent enough. That booing of Reigns is kinda surprising, I wonder if it continues once we get out of smarky cities.




so that's where Naito's haircut came from!
One hour in on raw and the main event just got announced. Back to the real world.

Roman is basically Cena with the whole boo/cheer me while I stand here and smirk gimmick. It was annoying last year, it will be migraine inducing a decade from now.


Well shit, that was an entertaining RAW

-> Owens vs Cesaro was great. "HEADLOCK MASTER", "I got carried away John". Owens is so good.
-> Miz and Maryse are great together, Cesaro kind of looks like a Uber driver
-> Styles vs Zayn was great
-> Natalya

-> More Enzo/Cass vs Dudleys
-> Main Event was actually decent

I'm happy
Wow, that was a great raw. There were some great matches, solid storytelling, and most importantly I'm looking forward to next week. Even when I thought I had found something to complain about, it was as if WWE was reading my mind. I thought the Uso's and the Social Outkast were going to be the low point and then bam, here's the bullet club. I started asking, where is Corbin this week? Then they show a promo building him up. In the main event I wanted Bray to start hesitating on his tags, and what happened? He did it right after. My only complaint is that I wish there was another women's division segment, but I really don't know what you would cut to put it there. I don't think I've ever said that about a raw before, or really a ppv for that matter.

Has anybody noticed how awful Natalya is at selling the figure four? At payback she straight up no-sold it for an extended length of time, while tonight she gives the crowd a look of acknowledgement and this starts doing this hilarious moaning. I could also do without the whole "come on you guys" thing that she's shouting out. Nitpicking aside, that was a solid match between the women that ended in a dq that makes sense.
Nattie is just annoys me now thanks to the Total Divas stuff.

I'm guessing "I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a good guy I'm just THE guy" is Roman's catch phrase now? Or did he just forget his lines pull that out to cover up? At least they're letting him be more of dick he comes off in interviews as.

Good Raw, would've been better if I stayed off Twitter and didn't have a few things spoiled.

Have him take the nxt title off Balor, hideo can return at that time and have a great match with someone his size like Austin Aries. Bayley can come for her rematch but lose. With those three matches alone it would be amazing.

Is Hideo ever going to return? It's been almost a year since his shoulder injury.


Just finished watching last night's RAW. Wowsers.

After last week's rather middling Mania and RAW, I was expecting more of the same. Instead, they managed to put out a consistently good show for the full three hours and even Reigns wasn't bad aside from reusing "THE Guy".

I may even watch Smackdown this week on the back of this.
The twist in Zandig's Tournament of Survival is that no one survives, except The Zandig. OOOOOHMAAAAAA, YOU WILL DIE! I GUARANTEE IT! I WILL KILL YOU!! JEEEEEEZUSSS!!
The twist in Zandig's Tournament of Survival is that no one survives, except The Zandig. OOOOOHMAAAAAA, YOU WILL DIE! I GUARANTEE IT! I WILL KILL YOU!! JEEEEEEZUSSS!!

Ultraviolent June OT? I will review another CZW show, provided there are no needles this time.


Did....did I see a good Raw last night?

Did I actually see a match you should go out of your way to watch in Sami Zayn vs AJ Styles on a Monday Night Raw in 2016?

Also, Roman Reigns has been studying Brett "New Attitude" Hart circa early '97. He just hasn't threatened to break ankles yet.


I don't know how I feel about the Anderson and Gallows debut....on the one hand....yay.....on the other, yay?

It's great to see an amazing tag team in WWE, but at the same time, they're a tag team.

JBL drooling over them didn't help things either.


Caught up 'cause I heard about RAW. Show was great tonight. What happened backstage that caused this turn around? Hopefully the ratings reflect the quality of the show.

Also, as a big Bray mark, I'm happy for him. Anyone else love that chokeslam he does? It's like a standing rock bottom. Love the hell out of that.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Zack Ryder was not on Raw. I am shocked and disappointed. But I guess they're going for an absence makes the heart grow fonder angle so he gets a bigger pop next week when he inserts himself in to the intercontinental title match at Payback.

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Unconfirmed Member


Meltzer says that TNA was evicted from their office. Also their whsrehouse is really small.


Didn't we have Mecca Marks reports of people calling it downsizing and that it was a smart move? That's BRUTAL. Eviction isn't smart. LOL

Just started raw, I'm totally getting worked here because I like what Shane is selling.

I've got to remind myself that nothing has really changed.....right?


Am I alone in my favorite part of the show at this point, aside from Owens of course, is seeing how low Roman can sink in terms of fan approval? I mean he got the League of Fucking Nations over last night. I haven't seen anyone this hated since Rocky Maivia. I mean prior to Mania it seemed like he could go either way. Smark crowds destroyed him, but he still got a lot of cheers from more casual audiences. I don't even think Miz could outheel him at this point. Also, he really needs to drop "I'm THE guy" line. Its been run into that ground faster than tater tots.
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