Hearing Austin talk about Bossman, he doesn't look that damn big imo. Then again, I never saw him in person. But still he doesn't look all that menacing.
Hearing Austin talk about Bossman, he doesn't look that damn big imo. Then again, I never saw him in person. But still he doesn't look all that menacing.
Idk man. It would probably be better to see him in person. Obviously Show and Khalinare huge. Henry is huge girth wise as he's only what, 6'2. But Ray looks smaller.WWF 1985-1992 disrupts your senses. Bossman is fucking massive.
Hell even WWE 2014 was messing with my mind. Justin Gabriel looked like the Great Kahli when they sent him down to NXT, and Jack Swagger looks like Hagrid.
Remember when Snowglobe Kliq were carried in this thread ?
We never feuded with the Mexicools.Snowglobe Kliq? Was that like the bWo?
Remember when Snowglobe Kliq carried this thread ?
We never feuded with the Mexicools.
Idk man. It would probably be better to see him in person. Obviously Show and Khalinare huge. Henry is huge girth wise as he's only what, 6'2. But Ray looks smaller.
Why can't they both just be equally bad?I can't decide if Hawk falling off the Titantron on RAW or Judy Bagwell cutting a promo from her hospital bed on Nitro is worse.
That was our punishment for not shaking hands in the locker room.Remember that time we feuded with EviLore and got sent back to developmental ?
I agr--
::rolls up DM::
Audio of Hulk Hogan's rant has now been released:
Ugh...Audio of Hulk Hogan's rant has now been released:
Audio of Hulk Hogan's rant has now been released:
It's a fucking shame, Cornette has been doing this forever, he can say whatever the fuck he wants. Even if he doesn't like the product. Marks getting worked up over something they have no damn business in.
Damn right Dave, you trying to make Cornette be reasonable. Hell no, Cornette lives in his own world. Once his mind is made, that's it.You shootin on me??
It's a fucking shame, Cornette has been doing this forever, he can say whatever the fuck he wants. Even if he doesn't like the product. Marks getting worked up over something they have no damn business in.
Lucha Underground's baffling season 3 decisions don't change the fact that Jim Cornette is an out of touch nobody that killed ROH and has never contributed anything interesting creatively since the early 90s.
Don't be talking shit about Jimmy. You know he has goons in this thread
I learned from the best. Nerds on the Internet.I'm a fan of your emoji usage
The night Macho Man Randy Savage took the Diamond Cutter:
It's a fucking shame, Cornette has been doing this forever, he can say whatever the fuck he wants. Even if he doesn't like the product. Marks getting worked up over something they have no damn business in.
The Warrior award should be named after DDP or Mick Foley.
I nominate whoever makes the decision to cancel Holy Foley as a future Warrior award recipient.
What are the highlights of Smackdown?
Godfather did more for the wwe than anyone not named John Cena and Randy Orton in the past ten years.DDP still isn't in the Hall of Fame right? And the Godfather is?
Try falling asleep after seeing this.
Is that what Benoit saw?
Damn friend everyone gunning for you.The betrayal... ;_;