WTF is going on in here
I was going to ask the same thing.
Adam is making money to do nothing, I would have just kept my mouth shut.
WTF is going on in here
Nintendo - Roman Reigns. A lot of people want to like it, but Iwata McMahon kept trying to make it more like it's popular cousin Dwayne The Wii Johnson.
I was going to ask the same thing.
Adam is making money to do nothing, I would have just kept my mouth shut.
more like
Nintendo is Bayley, kids love it but the gimmick obviously won't catch with adults who respect themselves, which means it's bound to fail
So you have no ambition and no backbone, then?
Good on Adam.
OK, let me put it another way.
UFC is to Wrestling as Sony is to Nintendo. One is for real men who take their gaming/fighting seriously, the other is fake kiddie bullshit for 10 year olds.
Xbox is the outlier, the CZW if you will, strictly for carnies and inbreds who fancy themselves smarter than adults because they identify as juggalos.
Now hes going to be released within the next 12 months.
It's a 60 day suspension and he's back to being JTG and getting paid to not even do anything. I don't get why he'd go out of his way to fight it.
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
Xbox is the outlier, the CZW if you will, strictly for carnies and inbreds who fancy themselves smarter than adults because they identify as juggalos.
Was Adam Rose part of a good feud or memorable matches? I really don't like his gimmick, but I must admit I know next to zero about him.
I guess not everyone's willing to be a doormat?
Someone must be reading Reddit.
Sometimes I don't understand why Vince promotes guys.
Adam Rose and Apollo Crews are two of the most confusing call ups, at least to me. Rose sucked in the ring, had a really dumb character, and the only thing over with him was his entrance. Crews is straight up not ready.
Vince thinks he understands this better than everyone else, and that he can see something in people that others can because of what happened in the past. Once again i'll repeat it, he's literally George Lucas
Vince thinks he understands this better than everyone else, and that he can see something in people that others can because of what happened in the past. Once again i'll repeat it, he's literally George Lucas
Max Landis is a great director and shouldn't be lumped in with Nintendo.Nintendo is Max Landis. Controversial, annoying, somewhat of a prick, but inside we all know he's the best
PlayStation - Seth Rollins, the one everyone likes. Waiting for Rollins to come back right now is like how everyone was waiting for Sony to retake the console throne with the PS4.
Xbox - Roman Reigns. The one that you were supposed to like, the chosen but people know better. Still some people keep thinking that it can turn the corner.
Nintendo - Bray Wyatt . Has alot of fans, but keeps tripping over itself and getting injured every time there is a chance at momentum. Still always has its pop and its fireflies no matter how routine it gets.
Max Landis is a great director and shouldn't be lumped in with Nintendo.
hahahahaNew social outcast member, possible spoiler
Yeah, there was no risk of that happening before nowNow hes going to be released within the next 12 months.
Adam Rose and Apollo Crews are two of the most confusing call ups, at least to me. Rose sucked in the ring, had a really dumb character, and the only thing over with him was his entrance. Crews is straight up not ready.
Adam Rose and Apollo Crews are two of the most confusing call ups, at least to me. Rose sucked in the ring, had a really dumb character, and the only thing over with him was his entrance. Crews is straight up not ready.
A couple of tweaks
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
John Pollock ain't shit. Meltz 4 Lyfe
That Video Does Not Exist
Ha, not even YouTube wants to subject us to Da Hammer circa '05.
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
Bushwhackers? They're more like Atari80's Tag Teams
Sony: Legion of Doom
Nintendo: Rockers
Microsoft: Bushwackers
I promise that's my last one.
.Adam Rose said:I was not going to respond to my suspension but I feel I have to. I have two sons that will one day read that news about there daddy and a sister that died from complications related to a life long battle with heroin.
So I feel the absolute need and right to respond and let the truth be known.
I am pretty sure this response will meet nowhere near the publicity that my suspension did and that this response is tantamount to career suicide.
But I feel for my sons my sister and rest of my family... you the Wwe universe have the right to the know the truth over my suspension and what it was for.
I will also quote my Dr in my response as he was as shocked and appalled by this suspension.
I can say right now I did not do anything knowingly wrong and was taking prescribed medication that my Dr and I followed all the correct protocol on.
My actual response and Doctors response will be coming soon. So before you judge, know the facts.
My family and I are still collecting ourselves from this blow. I have zero anger or animosity against the WWE. But feel the administrators over the WWE Welnness policy were just simply not right in taking this action.
But I feel facts are the facts and my family and I will will be the ones putting our lives back together after this mess.
My response will be up soon along with my Doctors.
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
80's Tag Teams
Sony: Legion of Doom
Nintendo: Rockers
Microsoft: Bushwackers
I promise that's my last one. Baron Corbin going to even make the PPV? They already have like 6 matches for Payback set. I guess Corbin's gonna squash Ziggler or something...
New social outcast member, possible spoiler
Good idea.
Remember when one Uso got hurt so the other Uso brother basically got 9 months off?