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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


Nintendo releasing a gimmick free console


Nintendo doesn't know how to get over anymore without some smoke and mirrors gimmicks

so true

right now Nintendo is a plastic toy company that happens to make video games.


I don't understand how any of this is a good idea with the policies they have in place. Hamstrings developers, there appears to be no actual value, I don't know. To pull a Meltzerism, I just don't know. Things can change, because right now, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But who knows. Plans change.

I think this whole mid-term power upgrade is all bullshit. Shit was fine the way it was. Is this to target Millennials? Beats me.

But count me out. I'm not going to be this test market for this non sense.


It depends on the gimmick really... but if the no-physical-buttons rumors are true, Nintendo is fucking dead

there's no way they're that idiotic


Remember how epically they botched the Wii-U announcement? That was basically the

of console announcements. Nintendo is pretty idiotic in some ways.

I still have some faith left. Now that Iwata is gone, I can only hope they'll move on from his horrible gimmick-infested reign (no offense to the guy, I hated Iwata the character not the person)
Speaking of Meiko Satomura week, let's jump to 2015 and STARDOM's Goddesses of Stardom show, featuring the World of Stardom championship match between Meiko Satomura (c) and Mayu Iwatani.

Opening video package lays out the story. Satomura is the veteran invader from Sendai girls who beat Kairi Hojo for the World of Stardom championship. Iwatani is the plucky babyface trying to win the title back for Stardom. A respectful handshake leads to a respectful knucklelock and test of strength as the veteran Satomura is not taking Iwatani lightly. An ankle trip leads to a leg kick, and Iwatani tries to score a surprise pin to no avail. A pinning attempt exposes an arm to an armbreaker as Satomura start to work on the left arm. A slightly botched lucha arm drag lets Iwatani hit a dropkick to a seated Satomura against the bottom rope. Satomura retakes control with a couple of kicks to the shoulder and lights Iwatani up with stiff kicks to the leg and body. A backdrop suplex and a vertical suplex gets a two count. Crossface and a cruxifix pin get a two count. Forearm uppercuts and a kick to the head force the referee to give Iwatani a standing count. Iwatani gets a babyface hope spot by blocking Satomura on the top turnbuckle and hitting a double stomp from the top. Satomura returns the favor by slingshot stomping Iwatani on her way back into the ring. Iwatani responds to a Satomura cartwheel knee with a desperation Sling Blade, and Iwatani gets her second hope spot with another dropkick to a seated Satomura that sends her outside. A plancha suicida from the top to the floor gives Iwatani momentary control. Back inside the ring, and Iwatani lays into Satomura with a series of kicks and another doublestomp from the top. A buzzsaw kick and a crucifix bomb get Iwatani a two count. The two exchange elbows, and Iwatani hits a Frankensteiner and some kicks. Satomura regains control after an Irish whip and some kicks, and she applies a sleeper hold. Satomura gets a two count, and Iwatani blocks Satomura's Death Valley Bomb. She hits a dragon suplex for a 2.9 count. Iwatani picks Satomura up, but Satomura wiggles out, hits a Pele kick, kicks Iwatani some more in the head, and Iwatani looks done. Satomura wants to make this definitive, so she drags Iwatani's prone body up, kicks her again in the head, hits the Death Valley Bomb, and puts her out with the sleeper hold to assert her and Sendai Girls' dominance over Stardom.

Holy shit, capturing gifs from DailyMotion is an annoying process since the banner ads keep changing sizes. It took me about 15 tries to capture that finishing sequence in gif.

This was another great match by Satomura, who played the dominating veteran perfectly while Iwatani got her underdog spots in where she could. Iwatani's spots - dragon suplex, double stomp, the dropkicks, and the plancha - kept it from being a complete squash, as Satomura's kicks just proved to be too much for Iwatani. I never bought that Iwatani would win this, so it lacks drama, but it was a fun title match.
Actual swearing has always turned me off of indie promos. There's just something about, say, Steen telling the fans to fuck themselves that's off-putting to me. I guess its the fact that it makes its very clear its dudes fake fighting for the benefit of 30+ year manchildren that just makes the whole thing seem way more pathetic.

Everyone is shitting on everything, be it the PS4k, XBox OnePointFive or Nintendo's Gimmicky bullshit. It's not a console war, it more of a war against dumb consoles.

Actually it's pretty cool that you can generally talk whatever shit you want in community threads and not catch a ban.


Actually it's pretty cool that you can generally talk whatever shit you want in community threads and not catch a ban.

Please, don't make Y2Kev's wrath fall upon this community.

Nintendo is Max Landis. Controversial, annoying, somewhat of a prick, but inside we all know he's the best

That's good.

Nintendo is Bayley, looks kiddie on the outside, but secretly the most fun.

And imbask's favorite.


Nintendo is Cena.
Love it as a kid.
Think it's lame when you're a teen.
Realize it's not so bad after all when you're an adult and the rest is shit.
The wwf needs a superhero like the blue blazer to defend good from evil. So remember my little blazers, eat your vitamins, say your prayers, and drink your milk.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Since the release of the PS4 Sony have completely fucked up everything I liked about PlayStation. It's one thing after another. They've burned me so badly this gen that for the first time ever PC is my primary gaming platform and I'm actually rooting for Nintendo's next system.

A PC gamer and rooting for Nintendo. That's what Sony have reduced me to.


Since the release of the PS4 Sony have completely fucked up everything I liked about PlayStation. It's one thing after another. They've burned me so badly this gen that for the first time ever PC is my primary gaming platform and I'm actually rooting for Nintendo's next system.

A PC gamer and rooting for Nintendo. That's what Sony have reduced me to.

The thing didn't really have anything good games at launch. I think we all bought it because we hated Microsoft now. I mean I was playing bullshit like Knack. Why?

Because 399? Because isn't not Xbone?

I don't think I can much longer.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
The thing didn't really have anything good games at launch. I think we all bought it because we hated Microsoft now. I mean I was playing bullshit like Knack. Why?

Because 399? Because isn't not Xbone?

I don't think I can much longer.
Sony announced they were putting online behind a paywall and got cheered because 30 seconds earlier they announced they were doing he exact same thing with used games that they were already doing.

You motherfuckers got worked so bad. Those of us that saw through it were ignored and shouted down.


So not worth it
Vince will respect the shit out of that. Steph will look up Mike Ehrmantraut in an Albuquerque phone book to order a hit. Triple H will quietly sit in a corner wonrdering why 90% and of his NXT roster ends up as JTG level jobbers.


The current consoles are like the members of The Shield

PlayStation - Seth Rollins, the one everyone likes. Waiting for Rollins to come back right now is like how everyone was waiting for Sony to retake the console throne with the PS4.

Xbox - Dean Ambrose. Oh look at that crazy lunatic Xbox One thinking it can DRM everything! What a console lunatic fringe, Maggle!

Nintendo - Roman Reigns. A lot of people want to like it, but Iwata McMahon kept trying to make it more like it's popular cousin Dwayne The Wii Johnson.

Anyways, when did Rose get Wellness Policy'd? I don't remember hearing about this.
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