Make a sign that says "RBH > DMczaf"
No etiquette that I'm aware of. Here are some previous signs:
Is Matt supposed to be Beethoven?
I could get on board with Mental Breakdown Hardy
Make a sign that says "RBH > DMczaf"
No etiquette that I'm aware of. Here are some previous signs:
Is Matt supposed to be Beethoven?
am i on tumblr
EDIT: Dammit, top of page.
So here's a question: why don't we see more wrestlers change their theme music anymore?
Even the damn New Day still use their wildly out of character song still.
Tonight's probably not the night; next week is the night where they explain why Extreme Rules will have the same card as Payback, except the matches have weapons.
DA:I feels super dated after playing the Witcher 3, imo.
They do on NXT. Joe went through a few from memory before they settled on what he has now. Vaudevillians had a face theme and a heel theme.
Reigns badly needs a change. It'd mean so much more to the inevitable shield reunion if we didn't already hear their music every week.
This still pisses me off.
Wait so you mean to fucking tell me he shot on Yokozuna (the heighest rank) that night? Well fuck me and I would say something else but I don't want to disrespect the dead. But I was like..... Uh Earthquake is a nobody at this point, have Yoko beat him to have the ultra heat..... NOOO HE LOSES WTF!Don't get worked, Blue. Tenta was a decent sumo in real life, he went into business for himself that night.
I knew he was legit, just hated they had him beat the kayfabe highest ranked guy. Who was the hottest heel. Well one of them. Especially since Tenta did jack shit afterwards.Yokozuna never actually competed as a sumo, whereas Earthquake only stopped his sumo career when rising in the ranks meant he'd have to have his tattoos removed.
I knew he was legit, just hated they had him beat the kayfabe highest ranked guy. Who was the hottest heel. Well one of them. Especially since Tenta did jack shit afterwards.
It's time. Time to win.
Could have been a serial killer in Hannibal TV show.
I knew he was legit, just hated they had him beat the kayfabe highest ranked guy. Who was the hottest heel. Well one of them. Especially since Tenta did jack shit afterwards.
Honestly never understood why Yokozuna was pushed; dude was just huge and looked ridiculously dangerous to work a match with just because of his weight alone. I mean, I guess its early 90's WWF and he was a big foreign guy, but even at the time I couldn't figure out how this was the best they could find.
Maybe they just wanted to make Roman's family look strong 20 years in advance.
Ah, the famous "Asshole Showing" maneuver!
Oh, unrelated, but smh at people shitting on Facefuck Me Finn girl, but thirsting over women wrestlers 👍👍
Oh, unrelated, but smh at people shitting on Facefuck Me Finn girl, but thirsting over women wrestlers 👍👍
And predictably the reddit comments were mostly trashHell just listen to the comments Alexa Bliss gets at the house shows.
Oh, unrelated, but smh at people shitting on Facefuck Me Finn girl, but thirsting over women wrestlers 👍👍
Nah man, you can thirst over anyone you want. Bringing signs like that is still gross as fuck though. Imagine the reactions if a dude had a similar sign about a woman wrestler.Oh, unrelated, but smh at people shitting on Facefuck Me Finn girl, but thirsting over women wrestlers 👍👍
Edge and Christian's show just gets better each week.
I never knew how much I wanted a wrasslin themed skit show that was full of carny language and backstage references.
Oh, unrelated, but smh at people shitting on Facefuck Me Finn girl, but thirsting over women wrestlers 👍👍
Watched WM 20-22. Trips did the job in the main event 3 times in a row. Trips not putting people over is complete bullshit.
He was trying to make people ignore that this happened at WM19
The only match conveniently left out of the documentaryHe was trying to make people ignore that this happened at WM19
So, ifklonerea guy were to bring a sign that said "suck my big fat cock all day, Becky Lynch" that would be totally fine with you too, right?
Shoulda started with the Booker burial at 19.Watched WM 20-22. Trips did the job in the main event 3 times in a row. Trips not putting people over is complete bullshit.
I'm officially starting #BalorWatch2016
Is it Balor week yet?
So if Trips wasn't married to Stephanie how would be fared in his career?
So if Trips wasn't married to Stephanie how would be fared in his career?
So if Trips wasn't married to Stephanie how would be fared in his career?
he'd still be a top dog, because he can put on solid matches and works like a horse.
Most likely would not main eventSo if Trips wasn't married to Stephanie how would be fared in his career?
Most likely would not main event
that's some next level delusion
No, partially because there's not a cultural undercurrent of severe sexual harassment against men, and partially because I said nothing about how I felt about sign girl, I only pointed out the hypocrisy.So, ifklonerea guy were to bring a sign that said "suck my big fat cock all day, Becky Lynch" that would be totally fine with you too, right?
I think 32 is fair
Really? Couldn't have at least tried to be creative?
No, partially because there's not a cultural undercurrent of severe sexual harassment against men, and partially because I said nothing about how I felt about sign girl, I only pointed out the hypocrisy.