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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


The thing that bothered me throughout the night...

Was.. Johnny and Cena haven't really had any beef.
Sure they've crossed paths when it came to the WWE title and even the Ryder thing, but that was months ago. And it was never on the personal level of Johnny vs Punk...

But Johnny hates Cena so much that he hired someone from outside to take care of him? And not Punk?


garbage raw

Nice to see Brock break Cena's face. I love how there was more contact between the two guys in one show than there was between Rock and Cena during the entire last year.
2 weeks post mania and not a single mention of Rock.

Did he piss people off?

Also tonights RAW was ok by current RAW standards.

Not as good as last weeks RAW but better then the pre Mania RAW.


Lol one guy is already bored with Brock...

No one wonder they never listen to the fans...

Ok goodnight for real. GO TO.SLEEP

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
The thing that bothered me throughout the night...

Was.. Johnny and Cena haven't really had any beef.
Sure they've crossed paths when it came to the WWE title and even the Ryder thing, but that was months ago. And it was never on the personal level of Johnny vs Punk...

But Johnny hates Cena so much that he hired someone from outside to take care of him? And not Punk?

Remember when Del Rio cashed in on CM Punk and the next night Cena cut an angry promo about Del Rio not being a champion but a target?

Sometimes I feel this show is on repeat.

4/10 if 5 if average, and that's with an extra point for the opening brawl. Boring show.

It's astounding how quickly the WWE can get me to not care for something.

Honestly, I think even with the Post-Mania Miami crowd this Raw still would have been pretty boring compared to last week.
I honestly can't name a single good thing about the show outside of busted lip (which Cena played like he does everything, by smiling) and Lesnar F5ing Cena, again.
Real question: If Cena does go heel, how do you handle it?

-Generic heel that does heel stuff(attack from behind, punches women, etc) but with Cena power.

-Make him cater specifically to the women and children, while destroying males on the mic.

-Make him a realistic heel that just draws on the truth to instigate the crowd.

-Monster heel(Brock, Batista, etc) but with Cena super human power. Pretty much monster heel x10

-Become rich and taunt the poor to help Ted DiBiase


more money than God
I'm half expecting an "IT'S ME AUSTIN!" reveal from you in regards to that, lol
Shoot, I don't need to dress up as a woman, go to random RAW events, and post up Kane signs for no reason. Kane already gets women.

Lesnar is the only good thing on the show and that's probably more him refusing to do stupid shit when they bring it up. Them bringing in Lesnar is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. It might help slow the bleeding, but they still have a fucking gunshot wound and are bleeding out.
Real question: If Cena does go heel, how do you handle it?

-Generic heel that does heel stuff(attack from behind, punches women, etc) but with Cena power.

-Make him cater specifically to the women and children, while destroying males on the mic.

-Make him a realistic heel that just draws on the truth to instigate the crowd.

-Monster heel(Brock, Batista, etc) but with Cena super human power. Pretty much monster heel x10

Cena is as heel now as he's ever going to be. Gets booed, people want to see him die in a fire (Masked Cena?), and he sells t-shirts.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Real question: If Cena does go heel, how do you handle it?

-Generic heel that does heel stuff(attack from behind, punches women, etc) but with Cena power.

-Make him cater specifically to the women and children, while destroying males on the mic.

-Make him a realistic heel that just draws on the truth to instigate the crowd.

-Monster heel(Brock, Batista, etc) but with Cena super human power. Pretty much monster heel x10

Honestly, I think if you'd do any of that stuff you'd still get the same reactions you do now. Hell, I think they've already done some of this stuff before but he's still a "face" in the WWE's eyes.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
You know, I find it funny that pretty much the only thing we all liked about tonight's Raw had John Cena involved in it.

Vince's plan is working...


o_O @_@ O_o
Yeah, outside of the pull-apart brawl this show was awful. I wasn't even expecting Bryan to show up (hooray brand split), and the realities of a post-smark crowd were predictable, so that wasn't even a point of disappointment. Punk/Y2J is in a weird spot, because it's been the same ol' shit for weeks now, yet I do like Punk getting angrier and angrier as a lead in to what will hopefully be a good rematch at Extreme Rules. Other than that, it was an awful show. I can't even blame the crowd. It was just boring.

Unless Ambrose actually does crash the show and go off on Foley, I don't expect much from Smackdown this week either. Maybe some nostalgic moments, but otherwise it'll be a quiet week.

For whoever was asking for a rating: 3/10. It'd barely be a 2 without the intro brawl.


Please bring back Paul Heyman, Brock needs a mouth piece.

Even though it was believed that Heyman was involved in the original plans in 2010 for Lesnar, at this point he is not part of this deal. Because of the way the Heyman/Vince McMahon relationship fell apart at the end of 2006 with the basic destruction of ECW after the disastrous December to Dismember PPV, it was said that McMahon wanted no part of Heyman if Lesnar was to be brought back. The original plans for the WWE 12 video game, featuring the return of Lesnar, was for the Lesnar character to be managed by Heyman, since it was supposed to be the WWE Lesnar and not the UFC Lesnar. And that ended up being nixed.
Dear Vince,

Why do you hate money? You had a successful Wrestlemania, a very hot raw last week, and you just re signed a guy who brings legitimate credibility to the WWE. You start off shitty and then Brock Lesnar accidentaly gives you a hot segment by busting open Cena. This is what we want to see Vince, two guys who want to beat the hell out of each other, just like we want to see Punk and Jericho hate each other out of pure ego, not some alchohol drama BS.

I understand you need to have some fun segments, a little Brodus Clay and Santino is fine, Zack Ryder is fun too, I get that. In the end though the bottom line is we want to see people want to destroy their opponent, not pour beer on people for no fucking good reason. I dont need Teddy fucking Long, Johnny Ace or his dumb ass legal counsel shitting on my TV time. You bill Brock as a badass destroyer and then follow it up with the three fucking stooges. I want to see people kick each others ass. It is so fucking simple. People whip ass, destroy some shit in promos, ?????, Profit. You fucking Dumbass.

Daniel Bryan can make you money, you shit on him. CM Punk not being neutered can make you money, cant have that. Zack Ryder can make your midcard something the fans would have intrest in, you job his ass every week. Del Rio has legitimate shoot fighting skills and you make him a fucking cartoon. Tyson Kidd can actually perform and he cant even get off the fucking rookie show. Give us something to get behind you dumbass! It dosent have to be attitude era but for the love of everything decent give us a character worth having. Better yet when we find guys we like dont shit on them, especially credible guys like Daniel Bryan. Dolph Ziggler puts guys over better than anyone since Shawn and he is stuck with Jack fucking Swagger? Bullshit.

And why do you have advertisements for a show that has already happened? Not a single damn Extreme Rules Promo but lots of fellatio for HHH the greatest burying SOB of all time? Really? Pull your head out of your ass.

While I laughed at you burying Hogan was it really necessary? Without Hogan, Savage, Bret Hart, Shawn and other long gone superstars you would be nothing. Hogan is an asshole, I get that, he also made you incredibly fucking wealthy you ungrateful SOB.

John Cena is a good guy, I respect him, as do most people. That being said either evolve his character or give him some time off. He is stale as shit and now you even see the kiddies booing his ass because no one in the WWE has the balls to try and make his character better. Jesus, Hulk fucking Hogan even went heel and it absolutely gave wrestling a shot in the arm. For the price of a Subway Combo meal I can purchase WWE stock, your empire is going down the shitter and you dont even give a shit.

One of these days TNA is going to pull their head out, or someone will buy them, or a new company will emerge and give you real competition. I hope you are alive for the day when someone with some balls starts kicking your ass again. I have no doubt you will win because you will actually give a shit again. Until that day comes I wish nothing but misery for your stupid ass. You are ruining one of the most enjoyable forms of entertainment on the planet. Vince in all sincerity Go fuck yourself and kiss my ass.

Love, Squashmatch
Fun opening, the rest, not so much.

Cena smiling I felt wasn't so much a jokey type of thing, but fed more into the "I like hitting and I like getting hit" thing he was talking about with Ace. So, I'm guessing Brock vs. Cena ends in some whacky shenanigans. Cena gets wrecked and taken out by Lesnar, who goes on a rampage until Cena comes back and they have a proper match at Summerslam.

This build has been going on for two weeks and it's already shitting all over anything Cena and Rock did for the last year.
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