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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


For anyone interested, the beer Jericho used tonight was National Bohemian:

Hey GAF, sorry I wasn't around for Raw tonight, I beat Mass Effect 3 before so I haven't really been in the right state of mind.

How was it tonight?
www.wrestlingobserver.com said:
For those who actually believe WWE was unhappy about all the "Yes" chants, tonight in Washington, DC, the company has planted a ton of "Yes" signs for the lower bowl in front of the hard camera that people in the company made this afternoon.

Plant signs ---> don't have the guy on the show*, brilliant!

(unless you were playing Where's Waldo? during the Cena/Lesnar fracas or the two seconds he was on the Taker/HHH video)


Wrasslers love them some Cracker Barrel! I would freak out if I saw Zigs chomping down on some Momma's French Toast Breakfast.


Plant signs ---> don't have the guy on the show*, brilliant!

(unless you were playing Where's Waldo? during the Cena/Lesnar fracas or the two seconds he was on the Taker/HHH video)
Vince changed his mind from the time between the signs were planted to when RAW actually went to air.

It's not that people think Vince hates the YES! chants or an overpowering audience or even Daniel Bryan.
Clearly one of his personalities does.
The problem is that the other Vince personalities don't and Vince changes his mind ALL the fricken time.

Which leads to contradictory shit like:
- Bury Bryan in 18-second title defense at Mania because YES! chants are cropping up at wrestling events everywhere and he's super over
- Have Bryan acknowledge the chants and how grateful he is the next night... but don't let him wrestle on TV
- Edit the chants out on Tuesday and have Bryan dump AJ and tell the crowd the chants are mocking him
- Have Bryan tweet about how awesome the chants are and that he's getting a YES YES YES shirt
- Make the shirt look like total ass
- Plant signs in next week's RAW audience to get over the YES chant and rally behind Bryan
- Don't have Bryan wrestle on television; just have him on TV to help Sheamus restrain Cena and Lesnar from fighting each other

This is just another variation of having your midcarders trade wins back and forth in feuds that don't go anywhere or put anyone over.
Actually, something like the Kofi-Ziggler program would be refreshing right now because we're stuck in a rut of squash matches and faces going over all the time that's really gotten tedious.
WWE sources are now confirming the Bellas are done with the company once their deals expire on 4/30. They have been with the company since signing developmental deals in 2007.

Hm.....sad times....the Diva division gets smaller and smaller


Vince changed his mind from the time between the signs were planted to when RAW actually went to air.

It's not that people think Vince hates the YES! chants or an overpowering audience or even Daniel Bryan.
Clearly one of his personalities does.
The problem is that the other Vince personalities don't and Vince changes his mind ALL the fricken time.

Which leads to contradictory shit like:
- Bury Bryan in 18-second title defense at Mania because YES! chants are cropping up at wrestling events everywhere and he's super over
- Have Bryan acknowledge the chants and how grateful he is the next night... but don't let him wrestle on TV
- Edit the chants out on Tuesday and have Bryan dump AJ and tell the crowd the chants are mocking him
- Have Bryan tweet about how awesome the chants are and that he's getting a YES YES YES shirt
- Make the shirt look like total ass
- Plant signs in next week's RAW audience to get over the YES chant and rally behind Bryan
- Don't have Bryan wrestle on television; just have him on TV to help Sheamus restrain Cena and Lesnar from fighting each other

This is just another variation of having your midcarders trade wins back and forth in feuds that don't go anywhere or put anyone over.
Actually, something like the Kofi-Ziggler program would be refreshing right now because we're stuck in a rut of squash matches and faces going over all the time that's really gotten tedious.

So fucked up.

He buries talent when they accidentally get over.

If he did that in 1997 we'd have no attitude era.



[IMG]http://www.fcwwrestling.info/images/talent_lg/audrey_marie_lg2.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]These from FCW or Brazzers?
djsandman- Here what I was talking about the feud with Colt and Pierce..

Here's a pierce promo before their match that happen this past SUNDAY


On the NWA Hollywood website they have last Saturday's episode and I enjoyed the Scorpio Sky/Willie Mack match


I continue to marvel at WWE's capacity to destroy good things.

They've managed to make CM Fuckin Punk feuding with Chris Fuckin Jericho BORING.


I think this was officially the night that Punk turned into 2005 Cena.

I can't follow you from here, Punk. I'm leaving the memories alone.
@RealKingRegal said:
Just checked in in Hampton VA with Shamus and the lady behind the desk asked us where we were from.Shamus said England and Ireland .She said to me"your the Irish one,I can tell because your accent is so strong".I said in my most cut glass English accent"I can see nothing gets past you madam".She said"I'm brilliant at spotting accents".She then says that she has put our rooms next to each other and I said"I'd rather not be close to him madam as he and the rest of those English swines and his country have made my people suffer for 800 years".She said"oh yes,I know my history and looked at shamus like he'd dropped out of a dogs backside and changed my room.Bless her.The great white just stood looking at me like he wanted to do me some mischief.
I think this was officially the night that Punk turned into 2005 Cena.

I can't follow you from here, Punk. I'm leaving the memories alone.


No really, wat? Aside from being in a surprisingly boring and overly dramatic/personal feud right now, how has Punk turned into 2005 Cena?
Raw was boring.

You know when reptile dysfunction is the highlight of the night things are pretty stupid.

It was a nice couple of days run I guess. We'll always have last weeks episode. It'll be the Raw we always reference back to just like MitB was the PPV we always reference back to for best 'current days' thing when complaining about how boring the show is now.


I give this week's edition of RAW:


3 out of 5

Opening segment was the highlight of the night, but the whole Punk/Henry/Jericho got the job done, and who would have thought so, Mark Henry is again looking like a serious threat, when everyone thought he was just gonna get buried by Vince.

Oh, and the Bryan Yes T-Shirt is out of stock, my order is on backorder status, seems like the WWE weren't expecting to sell well at all, so probably just made a few shirts. And with the european tour starting this week, they probably decided to prioritize the house shows over the online sales.
Having woken up and reflecting on things I feel defeated for actually having watched Raw live last night (or this morning), I should have stuck to my guns on the glorious fast forward dunction but my sleep cycle is in disarray, basically i'm saying Raw was shit/10.

The only good segment was the opening one, I can actually say Kane was the best part of the remaining show but it's nothing to trumpet, all he did was stand in a corner and later chokeslam some stooge, man if this were over a decade ago that sentence would still work except it would be Patterson or Brisco being slammed into the canvas and it would be a better show as well. Maybe i'm just grouchy right now but damn that was a horrible turn around from last week, I must resist the allure of live Smackdown, just repeat to myself that live SD is always far worse.
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