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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45

bart jr

Neo Member
The main event should ALWAYS be the championship - it doesn't matter what other storylines are going on, that world heavyweight title match should be last on every PPV, regardless of whether it's Cena or Punk holding it. The belt needs to be built back up as something truly important, not just an accessory to be passed around on Vince's whims. The belt is storyline enough, which is why Jericho should have cost Punk the title before instigating this personal feud with him.

Also, what ever happened to no. 1 contenders? Or results mattering, for that matter? There's so many mid-card guys doing NOTHING, when they should be WRESTLING to improve their win records, become no. 1 contender and get a chance at the belts. Then, if someone costs them their chance to be no. 1 contender, for whatever reason, there's a feud right there, and the champion gets a steady stream of challengers for his belt, rather than just feuding back and forth with the same guy each month. No chance of dropping the title, no prestige added to the belt or the champion, and no chance for non-main event wrestlers to surprise people and shine in main event matches they wouldn't normally have received at that point in their careers.

Bah, I'll stop ranting now and just go watch some Japanese wrestling.

I agree with EVERYTHING you said here, Bootaaay. Henry should be holding the title right now, in my opinion(and this also answers your previous question, Sunflower!). Who knows what he could have done, maybe start issuing 'open challenges' for people to beat him kinda like Umaga did? or maybe hold a 'Mark Henry invitational' to see who is worthy enough to face him for a title shot? I know they tried the tournament thing once within the last year, but I don't see a better way to create multiple storylines and make several wrestlers look good all at once better than doing a tournament. BOOK IT CORRECTLY FOR FUCKS SAKE, WWE.


Oh man, I forgot all about that - the way they hot-shotted the title back to Cena was pathetic.

The best part was Vince said Cena was totally okay with getting his title match the same night Rey won it. Then a few weeks later he calls Del Rio a fraud of a champion for beating Rey on a night he hadn't wrestled once already.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Wrasslegaf needs to love Chyna too



Ambrose is the only one that seems to be about to debut. He's the only one that has a storyline being built for him. I think they're just waiting on Mick's new book to be released.


There you guys go again.

Expressing frustration with the way the WWE books their programming, their non-existent feuds, their joke of a midcard, the meaningless titles.
When you know full well Vince is just being Vince and has complete confidence that everything going on RIGHT NOW is perfect because of that high WrestleMania buy rate.

Just tune in for the Daniel Bryan segments, smile, chant YES with the crowd and stop worrying about everything else that is absolute garbage. Because the WWE has ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to do anything differently. They have no desire in being creative, driving innovation, building new stars, showcasing wrestling or being anything other than mediocre while still turning a profit while Vince has his fun.

The WWE resents anyone that holds them to a higher standard.
Also, what ever happened to no. 1 contenders? Or results mattering, for that matter? There's so many mid-card guys doing NOTHING, when they should be WRESTLING to improve their win records, become no. 1 contender and get a chance at the belts. Then, if someone costs them their chance to be no. 1 contender, for whatever reason, there's a feud right there, and the champion gets a steady stream of challengers for his belt, rather than just feuding back and forth with the same guy each month. No chance of dropping the title, no prestige added to the belt or the champion, and no chance for non-main event wrestlers to surprise people and shine in main event matches they wouldn't normally have received at that point in their careers.

This is so crucial. In the world of professional wrestling sports entertainment all of these guys are supposed to be some form of "guy who fights people for money". Not every storyline needs a personal element, but everything should be happening for some reason. Then it makes the stories that much more poignant when they do have that extra layer.
As it stands, why would we possibly believe that a guy like Hunico would try to win a match when it clearly doesn't matter and doesn't affect anything.

I'll also echo the need for more tournaments, they're just plain fun to watch and to get behind a guy or try to predict outcomes, probably moreso than Money in the Bank or the Rumble.


pwinsider said:
The 4/13 replay of the 4/10 Super Smackdown Live show did a 1.55 rating with 2,307,000 viewers. It actually did better than its live counterpart, which did a 1.52 rating with 2,248,000 viewers.

Lol....just LOL.
JokerSting is so 2011.

Now it's all about K-k-k-k-k-k-k-Ka-k-k-k-kKAn---k-k-k-k-k-k-



IN 2012.®

:| x 1,000,000

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I like tournaments and I like resets in wrestling. This is one of the things that drew me to the first few episodes of Ring Ka King. Ring Ka King is great, damn you! Great!
Smackdown opening sounds awesome though

Daniel Bryan came out to cut a promo. He received a great pop to start the show. He delivered a good promo about his Extreme Rules pay-per-view match with Sheamus. There were a lot of "Yes!" chants. A.J. interrupted to talk to Bryan about their problems. Bryan was in proper heel mode and said he wishes she had never been born. He left A.J. in the ring crying.

1. Natalya beat A.J. by DQ. A.J. snapped and attacked Natalya. A.J. was disqualified for ignoring the ref's count while attacking her in the corner. Natalya bled and the paramedics had to clean it up. It looked like hard way blood.

AJ snapping into a fit of rage because Daniel Bryan doesn't want her

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Titus O'Neil and Darren Young promoted to #Smackdown. I forgot to mention that was announced on #nxt

SD has their very own Cena.

So does this mean NXT is over, or is Derrick Bateman the lucky winner who gets stuck in NXT purgatory again?

Smackdown opening sounds awesome though

Daniel Bryan came out to cut a promo. He received a great pop to start the show. He delivered a good promo about his Extreme Rules pay-per-view match with Sheamus. There were a lot of "Yes!" chants. A.J. interrupted to talk to Bryan about their problems. Bryan was in proper heel mode and said he wishes she had never been born. He left A.J. in the ring crying.

1. Natalya beat A.J. by DQ. A.J. snapped and attacked Natalya. A.J. was disqualified for ignoring the ref's count while attacking her in the corner. Natalya bled and the paramedics had to clean it up. It looked like hard way blood.

AJ snapping into a fit of rage because Daniel Bryan doesn't want her

So AJ heel turn? Except I don't think the crowd is going to back AJ up like they do Bryan unless she helps at Extreme Rules. Also, wow at Nattie bleeding. When's the last time we saw blood in a diva's match?

So Vince is the father of funk? Does this mean Vince is also a funkasaurus?

I had this weird dream last night where A-Train beat Cena. Good thing it wasn't real because they would never let that happen.

Smackdown opening sounds awesome though

Daniel Bryan came out to cut a promo. He received a great pop to start the show. He delivered a good promo about his Extreme Rules pay-per-view match with Sheamus. There were a lot of "Yes!" chants. A.J. interrupted to talk to Bryan about their problems. Bryan was in proper heel mode and said he wishes she had never been born. He left A.J. in the ring crying.

1. Natalya beat A.J. by DQ. A.J. snapped and attacked Natalya. A.J. was disqualified for ignoring the ref's count while attacking her in the corner. Natalya bled and the paramedics had to clean it up. It looked like hard way blood.

AJ snapping into a fit of rage because Daniel Bryan doesn't want her
I like this. I like this a lot.


Orton vs Kane is falls count anywhere at #extremerules in Chicago. #WWE #Smackdown in London.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I'm tired of almost every WWE feud going on. Punk/Jericho's is better than their Mania build, thankfully, and Lesnar/Cena is entertaining. Everything else, I just want to ignore ever happened. Oh, and this Bryan/AJ thing could get interesting.
So Vince is the father of funk? Does this mean Vince is also a funkasaurus?

Well no.

At the end of that storyline it turned out that Hornswoggle was Finlay's kid.
This does however mean that Finlay is the Funky Fathersaurus. Also, Mark Henry and Brodus are cousins as it was established by Jeremy Piven that Mark Henry is Hornswoggle's cousin.

Ugh, knowing that much about a joke character's background makes me feel like Soulplaya


1. Natalya beat A.J. by DQ. A.J. snapped and attacked Natalya. A.J. was disqualified for ignoring the ref's count while attacking her in the corner. Natalya bled and the paramedics had to clean it up. It looked like hard way blood. [/spoiler]

AJ snapping into a fit of rage because Daniel Bryan doesn't want her
I'm trying to think of the last divas match with a built-in angle that sounds this awesome. Easily the best thing they've done since Kharma debuted at least.

There's something extremely compelling about AJ being all mopey and pouty and then turning into a vicious attack dog in the ring due to not getting her way. This will either lead to D-Brine taking her back or an eventual double-turn scenario where she aligns with a wrestler like Ambrose or Sandow to make him rue the day he dumped her.
Backstage, John Laurinaitis welcomes Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil to Smackdown.


Wherever you are reading that from probably got it confused. It's [spoiler]Darren Young and Titus. They had a match versus the Usos after.[/spoiler] Percy is probably the most promising guy on NXT though.
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