Does that mean thatDarren Young and Titus won NXT?
Does that mean thatDarren Young and Titus won NXT?
canadian crowe said:* There is backstage segment involving John Laurinaitis, Teddy Long, Aksana, and a debuting Antonio Cesaro.
Smackdown just got even better:
* There is backstage segment involving John Laurinaitis, Teddy Long, Aksana, and a debuting Antonio Cesaro.
Wherever you are reading that from probably got it confused. It'sPercy is probably the most promising guy on NXT though.Darren Young and Titus. They had a match versus the Usos after.
Does that mean thatDarren Young and Titus won NXT?
This should make people happy
William Regal and Teddy Long were shown backstage. Teddy has been dressed beefeater and isn't allowed to speak. Antiono Cesaro was introduced to John Laurinaitis, who took him inside his office to discuss a contract. Aksana was also with Laurinaits and the story is that Johnny is hiring new talent for Smackdown.
Best: David Otungas Reinvention Of The Lateral Press
What Happened: David Otunga was going to cover Santino, and Santino would avoid the three count by putting his foot on the ropes. Otunga dropped down and realized he was gonna be in the way of Santinos leg, so as to not f**k up the finish he moved to the other side.
What We Saw: hup, hold on, whoops, wait, no, I got it, hold on
hup, hold on
Alternate Theory: He had so much baby oil on his chest he couldnt make a cover without slipping around like that. Seriously, look at this:
The inside of that cape has got to be the grossest thing ever. When it hits the stage it should slither away like a snake.
Next week Jericho should show up with convenience store footage of Punk accidentally opening the cooler door with the beer in it, seeing that it’s beer instead of Pepsi and calmly closing it. YOU SHOP HERE BECAUSE IT’S CLOSE TO YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR DAD USED TO BUY GAS, DIDN’T HE PUNK
Anybody have an opinion on Lucha Libre USA? They are in Houston Friday night.
oh hey I now this guy!
People are hyped over this Smackdown? It looks terrible. Every single match looks terrible.
Yeah, well. . . . . . . I . . . . . . . *grumble grumble*.You're just saying that because Kane wasn't on the show.
People are hyped over this Smackdown? It looks terrible. Every single match looks terrible.
Yeah, well. . . . . . . I . . . . . . . *grumble grumble*.
I should take a break from studying for this Organic Chemistry exam to peek in, then. Kane has carried a lot of losers to the promised land. Let's see what he can do.That's okay! I hear Kane will be in tag team action tonight on NWA tuesday night Totality!
Thanks for posting the info for the El Generico dvd, djsandman. I may pick it up when I'm in Chicago for Synergy. Speaking of, here's another match that I just noticed was added to the Chikara card:
Looks like Generico's partner is BJ Whitmer. That is....unexpected
That is...AWESOME! I'm a big fan of Whitmer from his old ROH run and IWA-MS & HWA days, so it's great to see him back in ROH again. He's been great since returning to wrestling last year, I loved his match against Kingston in AIW, and Whitmer vs Aaron Epic from Midwest Wrestling's debut show.
Also, Generico & Whitmer should make for a good tag team - loved it when he was teaming with Jacobs back in the day.
Made an awesome friend mania weekend from Austria named Wolfgang. Here's a conversation between Wolfgang and my buddy Max at the hotel bar where they had Wrestlereunion.
Max: Oh look, it's Gregory Helms
Wolfgang (in an awesome Austrian accent): Do you know who I fucking hate? Gregory Helms. *points to another guy* And that guy in the green lantern shirt can go fuck him too.
It was awesome.
I'm with Bootaaay. From what I've seen from him live in AIW I'm pumped that Whitmer is going to be Generico's partner. Good choice ROH.
TNA star Austin Aries, the only man to ever hold the ROH World title twice, recently spoke to Sports Vibe UK to promote this past weekend's TNA LockDown pay-per-view. During the interview, Aries had a harsh critique of today's Ring of Honor product, saying it's a far cry from its glory days:
"I'll be really honest with you, the Ring of Honor today is not anything like the Ring of Honor that the likes of C.M. Punk, Daniel Bryan, and myself came from. Obviously they are still operating under the same name, but the company has changed so much over the years and it's really a shell of it's former self in terms of the vision and thought process."
He added, "The original Ring of Honor and the Ring of Honor today are two completely different things, I like to call it Smokey Mountain of Honor."
Aside from the creative aspect of the company being in bad shape, Aries also thinks [the lack of] money is a big issue that could lead to ROH losing it's most important asset - talent.
"There is no money in Ring of Honor, and that means they will only be able to secure talent for a certain amount of time before they move somewhere else."
For the people who watch ROH do you guys agree with Austin Aries critique of the current product?
I wish there were a class in law school, or someone in the various career services departments, that could teach me how to become this guy.
I wish there were a class in law school, or someone in the various career services departments, that could teach me how to become this guy.
For the people who watch ROH do you guys agree with Austin Aries critique of the current product?
I didn't mean to come off sounding too disappointed or anything like that. I guess it was coming from me expecting Corino to be his partner. I never took into consideration the fact that Whitmer and Jacobs have history together. And honestly I really would rather see Whitmer than Corino
dem sneaks
Why doesn't Bryan feud with Epico (or is this Hunico?)
Why doesn't Bryan feud with Epico (or is this Hunico?)
No, I'm pretty sure that's Hunico.It's Primo
Nope.aviNo, I'm pretty sure that's Hunico.
Holy shit, these guys are so generic we literally can't tell them apart
They're also the tag-team champions. Who get random-jobbed on a weekly basis
Who the fuck is Camacho?Nope.avi
It's Santino, or Camacho. Might be Rio, call me crazy but now I really think it's Jericho. If not it's Mysterio without a mask or an Uso.
It's Santino, or Camacho. Might be Rio, call me crazy but now I really think it's Jericho. If not it's Mysterio without a mask or an Uso.