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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


So MMA fans that bought this show because of Lesnar. Did McMahon prove to you that wrestlers are better than MMA fighters? Will you still watch more WWE? Did this prove to you that Brock can't take a punch?


The day I don't bitch about super Cena winning is the day Cena shows some actual character development beyond the colour of his fucking merchandise. I frankly don't give a flying shit about how dedicated he is, how much PR he does, how many make a wish kids he goes to see, none of that takes away from the fact that his very presence is like a fucking cancer to my enjoyment. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

But don't let my vitriolic hate suggest that I didn't enjoy the show - for a WWE PPV, there was a lot of good wrestling there.

Very well-put, that's exactly how I feel. All that hardcore/monster shit that Brock did was basically meaningless to me, because I just knew Cena was gonna superman it during the last few minutes and take the W. There's just no way I was able to take anything Brock did seriously and there's no "fluke" about this W, when Cena's been doing that exact same "overcome the odds" type-shit for years and years. There's no drama or surprise about this in 2012. It's well-worn and tired.

I wholeheartedly agree with previous sentiments that Vince just wants to get one over on MMA and he's pissing all over his money spent (which is, of course, his right) on Brock to prove some stupid point. And there's really nothing to be gained by this in the long-run, because he's already been made to look like a punk-bitch by Cena. Who cares if he made Cena bleed or broke his arm, he fucking lost, that's all that matters.

And that ending really left a bad taste in my mouth because I enjoyed a lot of that PPV. Every major match was basically an improved version of what he got @ WM.

Boreton-Kane wasn't amazing, and a falls-count anywhere match ending in the ring just feels wrong, but it was good enough.

Of course, I was pleased with the Cody W and he looked strong walking off that heelish attack by the Big Zzzzlow.

Sheamus-Bryan clearly stole the show and although I wanted Bryan to win, they still made him look strong in defeat. As long as they don't start pushing him down, I'm fine with wherever he goes from here.

Ziggs losing to Funk pissed me off, as he deserves better and the Ryback squash was Superstars shit that has zero place on a PPV. Just completely dumb and I'm so happy the Goldberg chants were loud and clear.

I'm a huge Layla fan, so I was ecstatic at her return and victory. She could always wrestle decently well and she looks as fantastic as ever. Glad she's back.

And I thought Punk-Jericho should have closed things. It wasn't a masterpiece, but I liked it a lot better than their WM match. And I've disliked this feud's direction ever since the first promo Jericho made about CM Drunk, but they both did a great job in this match.

So overall, it was quite good, except for the same old crap at the end.
Things I'm looking forward to seeing in May.

Ziggler selling a F5.


Daniel Bryan being drafted to RAW (the draft this next month isnt it?)



You bury most of your roster because they do it anyways and it would be HUGE when he finally loses. You can't have it both ways. As soon as he's putting guys over, he loses his heat. You have to build him up huge to put over one or two select guys.

Those guys being Cena or Undertaker, according to the post I quoted. :p

I'm not saying job him out. I'm saying don't have him just run through all the guys that will still be headlining PPV's a year from now and wonder why they aren't over. Have him beat the top guys, but also have him lose enough so that when he leaves they don't lose "legitimacy".


Loved the ppv. Felt bothered by Cena winning at first, but I figured by tomorrow things will make sense when Brock just totally blows the match off by saying he was fucking around and he'll talk about how he's still here and cena isn't. So im cool with it.

Also, i will be giving away a copy of PWG's DDT4 when it comes out. Still need to think of ways to do it though.
You bury most of your roster because they do it anyways and it would be HUGE when he finally loses. You can't have it both ways. As soon as he's putting guys over, he loses his heat. You have to build him up huge to put over one or two select guys.
This X1000. Make Brock a monster and the guy who beats him gets elevated. WWE has few stars, using Brock properly could have really elevated someone.............so they feed him to Cena instead. The whole goal of WWE right now is for Cena to get cheered and it just isnt going to happen. They have an entire roster whose only goal is to get John Cena as over as possible and it is sad to me. Wish WCW was still around so these guys could at least threaten to jump ship. As it is there isnt much they can do except hope to get buried by Cena and make a little money.
Those guys being Cena or Undertaker, according to the post I quoted. :p

I'm not saying job him out. I'm saying don't have him just run through all the guys that will still be headlining PPV's a year from now and wonder why they aren't over. Have him beat the top guys, but also have him lose enough so that when he leaves they don't lose "legitimacy".

The people saying Cena or Undertaker are doing so because we are trying to be realistic in our fantasy booking. I'd love for Brock to be built for him to put over Ziggler, but it's never going to happen. Cena, Undertaker, and the Rock are far and away they most likely candidates for Brock to job to.


Just got back. Took this picture during the show (worked the event tonight).


Was this someone from GAF? This is only place I've seen the Bork stuff.
Who would have thought within a month of Brock Lesnar signing he would have his first match and lose on a B ppv after their biggest of the year? WWE has really upped their ability to fuck up making money.


I'm hoping Vince puts the belt on Brock, then tells him that he can't afford to pay his contract and allows him to negotiate with Eric Bischoff.
Maybe this is a huge angle and Dixie negotiated John Cena coming to TNA for a couple of months in exchange for Ric Flair at the HOF. John Cena vs Hulk Hogan is gonna be bigger than John Cena vs The Rock BROTHER.


If we're being completely objective and respectful to Hulk's impact on the business, Cena vs Hulk would absolutely be bigger than Cena vs Dwayne.
Who would have thought within a month of Brock Lesnar signing he would have his first match and lose on a B ppv after their biggest of the year? WWE has really upped their ability to fuck up making money.

I always feared this from the beginning I just did not believe WWE would do it even now it is hard to believe what just happen


The people saying Cena or Undertaker are doing so because we are trying to be realistic in our fantasy booking. I'd love for Brock to be built for him to put over Ziggler, but it's never going to happen. Cena, Undertaker, and the Rock are far and away they most likely candidates for Brock to job to.

That doesn't accomplish anything, and it just makes the current roster look worse when he leaves. I'm not expecting him to put over current mid carders like Ziggler or Rhodes, but if they built a program with Punk or Sheamus it could actually get one of those guys firmly into "Cena league".


I am convinced Vince has reached the start of the last 10 years of Al Davis.

That's why I didn't like the end of the match. It just felt like the old man just couldn't fucking resist repeating the Invasion and putting a guy under that got big in another promotion. If Brock had won he would have had UFC fans buying the next PPV to see if Brock would win again.
Just imagine if Brock had beat Cena. They could have repeated the success of Lesnar vs Overeem and had him face a big roided up foreign black guy like Ezekial Jackson.


The only thing I can think of, is with Brock losing the match it gives Laurenitus and Triple H power to refuse Brock's demands because Brock isn't delivering how they thought he would.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Just got done with the PPV. Jericho/Punk stole the show... not surprisingly. Sheamus/Bryan match was good. Everything else was pretty shitty. Clay is a waste of time. Ryback sucks ass but the crowd chanting Goldberg was hilarious. Lesnar/Cena match was so stupid. One of the worst examples of Cena overcoming the odds in WWE history. He was absolutely destroyed but of course somehow won. I'm surprised they made Brock lose to him so soon. So much for unstoppable monster. Also, having a former MMA champion lock on a submission move only to have Cena break out of it after 30+ seconds is incredibly stupid.

Cena's speech at the end made me puke in my mouth.
That doesn't accomplish anything, and it just makes the current roster look worse when he leaves. I'm not expecting him to put over current mid carders like Ziggler or Rhodes, but if they built a program with Punk or Sheamus it could actually get one of those guys firmly into "Cena league".

I get what your saying and agree (except on Sheamus). The problem is were talking about Vince/WWE who just gave away a ton of the heat on their 5 million dollar hitman for no reason other then the fact that Cena is their guy. When a company refuses to do the logical thing over, and over, and over, you have to adjust, and forecast what they are going to do. This leads us to the eventual Brock vs. Cena/Undertaker/Rock feud where Brock puts those guys over.

This is what I posted RIGHT before the Cena/Brock match:

This is so easy to book, but I'm almost sure they will screw this up also

When a company constantly does what it BAD for business (Lesnar, Nexus, Punk, WCW, Goldberg, etc.) it's easy to see where this is going. Brock will put the elite guys over and no new stars will be built or guys elevated. It's pathetic, but it is what it is.
After rewatching the match WWE has some outs here. Cena was saved by ref stoppage a few times and the ref bumps also allowed Cena to not be pinned. After cooling down and watching it again they did protect Brock for a monster push. Brock really didnt lose is how they will portray it, and rightly so. People say Brock is in it for just the money are full of shit. He really gave a damn good effort considering he isnt in ring shape yet. Brock and Johnny Ace can play up the fact Brock really didnt lose and it be believable. Brock needs to do something dastardly tommorow to really put it over the top. Maybe kayfabe break Cena's arm or something. If Cena really is going away Brock needs to be portrayed as the reason why. Also he needs to kill a few jobbers like Riley, Kidd, Kofi and Miz to make the point stick. Lesnar should have won but at least they didnt bury him, the match really told a good story which suprises me.
I am convinced Vince has reached the start of the last 10 years of Al Davis.

As a lifelong Raider fan, I'm sad to say I agree. The problem with WWE is that I don't think things will be better with Steph/HHH where the Raiders are beginning to look like a functional NFL franchise.
Just got done with the PPV. Jericho/Punk stole the show... not surprisingly. Sheamus/Bryan match was good. Everything else was pretty shitty. Clay is a waste of time. Ryback sucks ass but the crowd chanting Goldberg was hilarious. Lesnar/Cena match was so stupid. One of the worst examples of Cena overcoming the odds in WWE history. He was absolutely destroyed but of course somehow won. I'm surprised they made Brock lose to him so soon. So much for unstoppable monster. Also, have a former MMA champion lock on a submission move only to have Cena break out of it after 30+ seconds is incredibly stupid.

Yep, Cena breaking an armbar by a trained mma fighter was ridiculous after it being locked in for 30 seconds. What can you expect though? Vince had to make people think the wrestler was better than the mma fighter and he did that tonight in his head to appease his own ego. It's the same reason he fucked up the invasion angle. He can't have anyone coming in from somewhere else looking better than what he created.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Yep, Cena breaking an armbar by a trained mma fighter was ridiculous after it being locked in for 30 seconds. What can you expect though? Vince had to make people think the wrestler was better than the mma fighter and he did that tonight in his head to appease his own ego. It's the same reason he fucked up the invasion angle. He can't have anyone coming in from somewhere else looking better than what he created.

It makes me sad to think it's time for Vince to go.
So now the story is Cena has torn muscles in his arm/shoulder? Uhhhhh........that only makes it worse. Let me get this straight, Lesnar couldn't beat a man with a completely fucked-up arm? How are we supposed to ever believe that he's going to beat him?
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