As a lifelong Raider fan, I'm sad to say I agree. The problem with WWE is that I don't think things will be better with Steph/HHH where the Raiders are beginning to look like a functional NFL franchise.
After rewatching the match WWE has some outs here. Cena was saved by ref stoppage a few times and the ref bumps also allowed Cena to not be pinned. After cooling down and watching it again they did protect Brock for a monster push. Brock really didnt lose is how they will portray it, and rightly so. People say Brock is in it for just the money are full of shit. He really gave a damn good effort considering he isnt in ring shape yet. Brock and Johnny Ace can play up the fact Brock really didnt lose and it be believable. Brock needs to do something dastardly tommorow to really put it over the top. Maybe kayfabe break Cena's arm or something. If Cena really is going away Brock needs to be portrayed as the reason why. Also he needs to kill a few jobbers like Riley, Kidd, Kofi and Miz to make the point stick. Lesnar should have won but at least they didnt bury him, the match really told a good story which suprises me.
They are doing storyline injury with Cena now
They are playing up this injury angle and saying he is going to be at Raw despite him seeming perfectly fine after the match, smiling, and saying he was taking a vacation at the ppv.
Seems totally possable.
I think HHH might be ok at his job....
Picking up sin cara was a good idea. Maybe he should have had some more house shows before debuting on tv.
Also sheamus is a solid wrestler who is just being booked horribly. He is a step up from Vince guys like ryback or mason Ryan.
Steph is probably the bigger problem. I don't think I have ever heard anything positive about her work
Damn the comments on that site.....
My bigger problem is HHH interjecting himself in Punk's storyline last summer. He came in and squashed one of their most over storylines in years. I also have a feeling he's about to be thrown into Brock's angle so until he stops interjecting himself like that, I remain skeptical
Oh he's definitely getting put in the Brock storyline. At this point though, who gives a shit about a Brock/HHH match? More long ass HHH promos putting me to sleep. People would pay to see Brock's first match back and to see who he would lose to. Both of those things happened now. He won't mean shit as a draw now on ppv.
There's just no logical way anyone can explain that finish as a good thing. You can say things they might do to rectify or book around it to try and fix it, but the finish was still horrible and the wrong man went over to satisfy Vince McMahon's ego. A man that they knew was leaving and taking time off. A man that they are now playing an injury angle for. A man that people hate because he never loses.
And we have found the May OT banner
My bigger problem is HHH interjecting himself in Punk's storyline last summer. He came in and squashed one of their most over storylines in years. I also have a feeling he's about to be thrown into Brock's angle so until he stops interjecting himself like that, I remain skeptical
Well, see. The Kane Kliq didn't make you stop posting. In some ways, it inspired you to become a regular. You're welcome!
While I agree with you, I think HHH getting into the Punk storyline was them trying to salvage it after Nash failed his physical.
Damn the comments on that site.....
ISWWE Already new the Kimura Lock was a dangerous submission hold. But i guess they just dont care if Brock Lesner walks down to the ring each week and take everybody out with the Kimura Lock. I think its time for WWE to ban the Kimura Lock from being used Since this is the WWE and not the UFC
THISI am glad that Cena Won cause Lenser doesn't belong in the wwe and I hope to God that Triple H comes to Raw and fines Lenser and fires him and fires Johnny Ace and gives teddy long the GM postion of both Raw and Smackdown. I am Team Cena always and forever.Lenser just needs to go back to where ever he came from cause the wwe dont need him at all.
REALBravo, John Cena. I was going to watch WWE show if you had lost and that stupid Brock become the new face of the WWE. He's not the kind of example that our kids who watch WWE need to be the face of the company. The board of the directors need to act quickly and get rid of the GM because he's a bad influence on the company's image. John, get well and come back and demand for the removal of the GM. He's not good for the company. Your victory worth the pain you endure!!Thanks Cena.
LIFE?i nkew cena would win. brock is too smug and full of himself.. thats always a mans downfall.. im eager to see how the next few months pan out with him around, with all the demands he keep spitting around i see him getting ran out of the wwe by either the board, (hopefully with laurinitis trailing right behind him), or by some if not all the locker room.. i mean someone back there has gotta have something to say about his raw show name change demand.. i mean dude please,get over urself already, just leave the WWE and cart ur rhoid rageing backside back to pennsyltuckytenneginia where ya belong
A few things from Meltzer on Observer Radio a couple days ago:
--When Kaitlyn was supposed to turn heel on AJ a few months ago and join Beth Phoenix and Natalya, the whole thing was scrapped because Vince wasn't happy with Kaitlyn's weight at the time.
--When the WWE is taping in a city that Vince doesn't consider a "major city", the announcers are banned from saying the name of the city on air.
--Rey Mysterio failed a test for amphetamines on February 13th, that time he showed up on Raw. He was stopped on the way into the building and made to take the test before he got to see anyone else. Vince was so pissed at Rey in Feb/March and talking down on him, but no one knew why exactly at the time. Vince never let on to the writers and such that Rey had failed the test. He mostly kept quiet about the issue (Myserio was incredulous about it and was trying to get the test result overturned, and maybe Vince was still hoping to break that mask record at Mania). A couple days ago, the WWE calls Mysterio and asks him when he'll be ready to return. Mysterio says he'll be back in June, and then they tell him, "Why don't you make that July, because you're now suspended."
K-Mart Mom is not impressed, Sheamus.
For every member of WrassleGAF who hates the WWE product, there are 10 members of the WWE Universe™ who probably think this shit is amazing.
I'm choosing to believe these people are just some snarking snarks snarking it up.
That happens to everyone really. That's why t-shirt matches suck so much.Wow, where'd all that muscle go? Put him in a t-shirt and he just looks like a fat ARSE.
Layla <3
Odd that there's a guy named "Heel" on here but never posts in the wrestling threads. Is there a story behind this?
just some guy lookin for attention
That's gonna make the Botchamania highlight reel...
It's weird, because it's a botch, but looked amazing.éN;37425028 said:Lol.
Are all the smarks ok?
NoRéN;37425028 said:Lol.
Are all the smarks ok?