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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45

Jesus... DAT MERCH



So not worth it
Who needs a plant with that crowd anyway. They were chanting for Lesnar when Cena still had 7 minutes of stalling to do.


Takes away from the glory that is Macho next to him.

That Macho Man was awesome. When the crowd started chanting "Randy Savage" at a random point during I think the Punk/Henry match, that was Macho Man standing up and doing his thing. He had the entire arena chanting for him.
Those moves where you put a guy on your shoulder only seem to work when you do it really quickly or after you beat them up. When you come out the gate and pose, the guy on your back just gets to sit there awkwardly.



You can do the pose if you're performing the finisher after kicking the dude's ass. You can not do the pose if you just randomly pick them up. At least kick them or something!


So not worth it
That's why GTS, F5 and AA are all terrible finishers. All it takes is an elbow to the face to stop it.

If people die from a leg drop or a hang upside down while the other guy falls down on his knees are legit finishers, you can't really complain about these three. At least a knee to the face looks painful. :)
You can do the pose if you're performing the finisher after kicking the dude's ass. You can not do the pose if you just randomly pick them up. At least kick them or something!

That's why GTS, F5 and AA are all terrible finishers. All it takes is an elbow to the face to stop it.

Right, you gotta kick their ass a bit for me to even pretend to believe they couldn't easily get out of that.

My favorite finisher is the Superkick/Sweet Chin Music. It looks cool, doesn't require a lot of set-up, it can come out of nowhere for a quick/surprise finish or you can stomp your feet in the corner like Shawn Michaels and build up anticipation for it getting the crowd involved. If I was a wrestler, that would be my finisher.

I always thought the Shining Wizard looked the coolest visually, but it's still a little obvious for the set-up.

The one I hate the most is that 619 Mysterio does, it's just soooo damn contrived. The opponent just happens to land in those middle ropes(something that only happens in Mysterio matches, it seems!), and he just has to sit there for 6 seconds while Mysterio looks to crowd and shouts and runs the ropes and then flips around and arrrrrrgh


My favourites:

Diamond Cutter/RKO
Pepsi Plunge

If Punk uses Pepsi Plunge he'll be the most over guy in the business.


So not worth it
Say what you will about Goldberg but nobody can deny the Spear and Jackhammer are the coolest finisher ever.
My favourites:

Diamond Cutter/RKO
Pepsi Plunge

If Punk uses Pepsi Plunge he'll be the most over guy in the business.

:lol, are you serious? The Pepsi Plunge is one of THE WORST offenders in terms of drawn out super obvious set ups in wrestling history. It's right there with the 619 IMO. Once you have to set up spots so that people do something out of character, or just look dumb doing it, it's a bad finisher. The only negative about the GTS, F5, AA, etc. is that those guys take FAR too long to do them. Stop turning to make faces for the hard side camera, and just do the gotdamn move already.
BotchedSpot is fantastic. XD

Stunner and Superkick are the best finishers. Skull Crushing Finale and Rough Ryder are the best new finishers.
:lol, are you serious? The Pepsi Plunge is one of THE WORST offenders in terms of drawn out super obvious set ups in wrestling history. It's right there with the 619 IMO. Once you have to set up spots so that people do something out of character, or just look dumb doing it, it's a bad finisher. The only negative about the GTS, F5, AA, etc. is that those guys take FAR too long to do them. Stop turning to make faces for the hard side camera, and just do the gotdamn move already.
It makes Triple H's finisher look as lethal as a roll up in comparison, though!

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
If Punk uses Pepsi Plunge he'll be the most over guy in the business.
I'm so disappointed we didn't see one at Night of Champions. :( Punk went against HHH so it would have been perfect.

Favorite finsher would be the stone cold stunner. Not only does it look cool but you also got some great selling out of it and you got some hilariously bad selling as well. JR commentary really helped as well.
For the aerial ones, I'm a big fan of Moonsaults. Kurt Angle had a beautiful Moonsault, and I would SMH every time he had the mat missing the opponent(every time, basically).

Ooh! And Dragon Suplexes! I fuckin' love Dragon Suplexes


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
For the aerial ones, I'm a big fan of Moonsaults. Kurt Angle had a beautiful Moonsault, and I would SMH every time he had the mat missing the opponent(every time, basically).

Ooh! And Dragon Suplexes! I fuckin' love Dragon Suplexes


That's a German Suplex. This is a Dragon Suplex:

Worst Finishers (in no particular order)
Any member of NXT's finisher
Any Spear not done by Big Show, Goldberg, Rhyno or Batista


Like someone else said, Punk is one of THEM now.

Maybe Austin returns and shows Punk what he has become. Then again, Austin is a shell of his former self too (excluding his promos on Tough Enough).

I have faith that Austin can do the whole Stone Cold gimmick one more time. Of course, Punk needs to go heel for it to work.

With the worst knees

Worth it :(
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