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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45

Clothesline from hell, looks so powerful, and with the right seller you have a real sight to see.

Ziggler-esque selling from The One here

I'm a big fan of AJ Styles' Superman Splash. Relatively quick for an aerial finisher, and it just looks damn cool.


What I'm getting at here is there are a lot of aesthetically-pleasing wrestling moves out there. I think that's really where a lot of the appeal is, especially when you're younger and you just wanted to do a spinning heel kick like Edge you saw on TV.
I'm not sure how many of you keep up with the CHIKARA blogs but I had to post the newest one from Archibald Peck because of it's shear awesomeness.

: Everyone knows the Super Bowl -- the annual event in which the industry's very best gather to showcase their lifelong-honed talents before a worldwide audience. What people do not realize, however, is that, both before and after these magnificent athletes march to their best routines playing their hearts out, savage hordes in garish armor clamor about violently in pursuit of a ball of pig's skin. They call this perverse dog-and-pony show "football." Never heard of it? Nor had I...until high school.

We were rehearsing what would be an award-winning routine of my own composition titled "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It was a tribute to the late John Denver, punctuated by a stunning and groundbreaking visual in which my band would march atop one another to create a literal mountain of men before I, adorned with wings made of cymbals, would glide forth from its people-peak like a begilded bald eagle and disappear into the horizon amid a cacophony of applause. As I leapt from the Homo sapiens summit with the same nervousness and excitement Orville Wright must have felt in his maiden flight, I knew both my prodigious career and I would meet abrupt and premature ends...or soar to new heights. Fate, of course, made her choice.

I was surveying the world of the terrestrial alongside my winged brethren when I eyed the oddest of spectacles taking place on the marching field. There, in rudimentary formation, were bodies mindlessly colliding against one another. Naturally, I landed my percussive craft to investigate and learned what all the broad-chinned, bulging-biceped dweebs did after school while the cool kids and I marched. They called it "football" (for reasons beyond me, as I never once saw a foot touch the pecan-shaped non-ball) and its practitioners had even integrated the lines on the marching field into the rhythm of their brutish dance. Part of me had a mind to pick on these misguided losers; another part of me craved the chimichangas I had caught a waft of only moments before (the same aroma would later lure me to Monterrey where I would briefly masquerade as "El Bandolero.") The latter won out -- a decision I would come to regret when, not long after, my debut performance of "Get Outta' My Dreams, Get Into My Choir" was interrupted by the same gaggle of geeks crashing through a banner and onto our field. It was the beginning of a disconcerting pattern.

I continued running into these barbarian dorks, particularly their apparent warlord -- a certain Mark Angelosetti. While well-intentioned, he was practically stalking me. No social graces, this guy. Every chance he got, he would grab my waistband and pull it as high as he could with an almost obsessive desire to help keep my pants from falling down. Rather than see me trampled by the hallways' masses, he would help me along into my locker and out of harm's way, even when I did not ask for such assistance. But it did not get really disturbing until he began emulating me. After I declined the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad's invitation to Prom, he decided to take her - like a desperate puppy picking up the Alpha Dog's scraps.

That is why I was none too surprised when I saw the so-called "Mr. Touchdown" show up on my new home field, CHIKARA. And none too surprised when he began pining after Veronica following our mutual decision to pursue other professional interests. He wants to be a pro-wrestler like me, and he wants to avail himself of Veronica Ticklefeather's managerial services like me. I mean, he is totally not her type of managerial prospect and I am sure he will find that out the hard way...but I digress.

There was a time in my life in which pro-wrestling was my passion but something about testosterone-fueled animals with masculinity complexes punching each other in the face ad nauseum no longer appeals to me. If Angelosetti wants professional wrestling, then he can have it. Seems like a great place for a ruffian like him. Now that I am flying solo, I feel the same freedom as the eagle I portrayed in "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It is time for me to pursue that grand craft I have long admired and studied as a child -- the art that I would wake up early, and stay up late, to see splashed across the canvas by modern masters.

On 14 March, Mark Angelosetti will not look across the ring to find the familiarly macho Marchie Archie. For the first time ever, at "I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle," he will meet...Mixed Martial Archie.

I'm not sure how many of you keep up with the CHIKARA blogs but I had to post the newest one from Archibald Peck because of it's shear awesomeness.

: Everyone knows the Super Bowl -- the annual event in which the industry's very best gather to showcase their lifelong-honed talents before a worldwide audience. What people do not realize, however, is that, both before and after these magnificent athletes march to their best routines playing their hearts out, savage hordes in garish armor clamor about violently in pursuit of a ball of pig's skin. They call this perverse dog-and-pony show "football." Never heard of it? Nor had I...until high school.

We were rehearsing what would be an award-winning routine of my own composition titled "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It was a tribute to the late John Denver, punctuated by a stunning and groundbreaking visual in which my band would march atop one another to create a literal mountain of men before I, adorned with wings made of cymbals, would glide forth from its people-peak like a begilded bald eagle and disappear into the horizon amid a cacophony of applause. As I leapt from the Homo sapiens summit with the same nervousness and excitement Orville Wright must have felt in his maiden flight, I knew both my prodigious career and I would meet abrupt and premature ends...or soar to new heights. Fate, of course, made her choice.

I was surveying the world of the terrestrial alongside my winged brethren when I eyed the oddest of spectacles taking place on the marching field. There, in rudimentary formation, were bodies mindlessly colliding against one another. Naturally, I landed my percussive craft to investigate and learned what all the broad-chinned, bulging-biceped dweebs did after school while the cool kids and I marched. They called it "football" (for reasons beyond me, as I never once saw a foot touch the pecan-shaped non-ball) and its practitioners had even integrated the lines on the marching field into the rhythm of their brutish dance. Part of me had a mind to pick on these misguided losers; another part of me craved the chimichangas I had caught a waft of only moments before (the same aroma would later lure me to Monterrey where I would briefly masquerade as "El Bandolero.") The latter won out -- a decision I would come to regret when, not long after, my debut performance of "Get Outta' My Dreams, Get Into My Choir" was interrupted by the same gaggle of geeks crashing through a banner and onto our field. It was the beginning of a disconcerting pattern.

I continued running into these barbarian dorks, particularly their apparent warlord -- a certain Mark Angelosetti. While well-intentioned, he was practically stalking me. No social graces, this guy. Every chance he got, he would grab my waistband and pull it as high as he could with an almost obsessive desire to help keep my pants from falling down. Rather than see me trampled by the hallways' masses, he would help me along into my locker and out of harm's way, even when I did not ask for such assistance. But it did not get really disturbing until he began emulating me. After I declined the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad's invitation to Prom, he decided to take her - like a desperate puppy picking up the Alpha Dog's scraps.

That is why I was none too surprised when I saw the so-called "Mr. Touchdown" show up on my new home field, CHIKARA. And none too surprised when he began pining after Veronica following our mutual decision to pursue other professional interests. He wants to be a pro-wrestler like me, and he wants to avail himself of Veronica Ticklefeather's managerial services like me. I mean, he is totally not her type of managerial prospect and I am sure he will find that out the hard way...but I digress.

There was a time in my life in which pro-wrestling was my passion but something about testosterone-fueled animals with masculinity complexes punching each other in the face ad nauseum no longer appeals to me. If Angelosetti wants professional wrestling, then he can have it. Seems like a great place for a ruffian like him. Now that I am flying solo, I feel the same freedom as the eagle I portrayed in "Rocky Mountain Hi-Hat." It is time for me to pursue that grand craft I have long admired and studied as a child -- the art that I would wake up early, and stay up late, to see splashed across the canvas by modern masters.

On 14 March, Mark Angelosetti will not look across the ring to find the familiarly macho Marchie Archie. For the first time ever, at "I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle," he will meet...Mixed Martial Archie.


*slow clap*
My favorite finisher is the Delayed German Suplex Hold, I love how on Dragon Gate everyones fight so hard to try to scape the move when Tozawa does it.


Like someone else said, Punk is one of THEM now.

Maybe Austin returns and shows Punk what he has become. Then again, Austin is a shell of his former self too (excluding his promos on Tough Enough).

Punk wanted perks. He got them. Ain't his fault you're a mark.


Punk wanted perks. He got them. Ain't his fault you're a mark.

Worst Finishers (in no particular order)
Any member of NXT's finisher
Any Spear not done by Big Show, Goldberg, Rhyno or Batista

I don't understand how you could be so right. I just don't get the unprettier at all, even after years and years it's terrible. Spears drive me crazy.



If I were a mark for him I still wouldn't buy it, the front looks fine but on the back it has a huge image of Daniel Bryan even bigger than his previous 2 T-shirts.

So this Smackdown was very very bad.

Lets recap:
-Bryan is gone and breaks up with AJ and disses the fans that are getting behind him.
-Fans cheering AJ getting dumped like a piece of shit and even manage a "hey hey hey goodbye"-chant. Wow.
-Del Rio randomly gets a title shot, because people gave a crap when he was the WWE champion (hint: they didn't).
-Ryback is the third guy that gets to squash jobber on the show after Brodus and A-Train.
-Sheamus is now the face that kicks a ref's head off for making a bad call.
-Damien Sandow's video package was okay I guess.
-I still couldn't care less about Kane vs Orton. Or Orton on his own. Or Kane on his own.

Really, if this is the state they're putting Smackdown in after having such a great run with Christian/Orton, Henry and then Bryan for a full year. For shame WWE.

Also Smackdown was good, sucks to be you - and you know what people who tune in won't give a crap and the writers are using reverse pschology to get the little kids to chant 'Yes, Yes, Yes' because they have been told: 'Don't do it!', kids will.


Bought it, together with the new Edge's HOF t-shirt.

$56.98 to the UK after a using the code DVDWWE5 for $5 off.


Why do the feel the need to plaster the back of T-shirts with shit, the Edge T-shirt works you don't need anything on the back of the T-shirt.


Have any of you been to a Lucha Va Voom event? I just discovered it existed, and it looks like a hell of a good time.
Have any of you been to a Lucha Va Voom event? I just discovered it existed, and it looks like a hell of a good time.

I went to a show a few months back when they brought it up here. Really fun time, I was the only wrestling fan in our group but everyone of us enjoyed it. Highly recommend checking it out if you can.
Catching Smackdown midway through...

- Kane/Orton was a very solid tv match from the point I tuned in from, this feud hasn't been that bad considering it started up with no reason whatsoever (well other than getting both men on WM), they managed to dig up a reason from over 6 months earlier that actually made sense and have had two solid matches, I want a tie breaking match at extreme rules with an appropriate gimmick.

- Ryback looks weird, not sure what it is (maybe the singlet?) but he just looks odd. And the whole segment with the jobber on the mic was so poorly done.

And as for awesome selling of a spear/gore, i'm partial to Evan Bourne being twisted up by Big Show

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
- Ryback looks weird, not sure what it is (maybe the singlet?) but he just looks odd. And the whole segment with the jobber on the mic was so poorly done.

I think that whole segment was Vince sending a message to the "internet". I really do.

Also, Ryback obviously stumbled upon RVD's old locker and stole a singlet.
I didn't get the thing with the jobber. LIke at first he was talking to the crowd like a face then he kinda went heel on them and said they were rude or something to that affect. But hey, it's another jacked up dude that will get unlimited opportunities by Vincent K. McMahon.


Why do the feel the need to plaster the back of T-shirts with shit, the Edge T-shirt works you don't need anything on the back of the T-shirt.

I know, I hate that Edge logo in the back, I didn't buy last year's shirt because of that horrible logo in the front, but this one looks quite nice to wear below an open shirt.

I also have this one, and the star in the back is rather subtle, so really like it.



I wasn't here for it, but I bet you guys loved Skip Sheffield with the Cornfed Meathead gimmick.

"Fuck you internet! I HATE YOU!"

"I love Twitter! FACEBOOK! YOUTUBE!"

Sounds like Vince.

Vince wants all the content delivery but none of the feedback.....and especially none of us smarks.
Who liked Tarver? Dude was ultra bland and couldn't wrestle for shit.

I don't remember names, but people liked his mic skills and his look with the doo rag covering his face. People were even more into him when he started doing those random backstage segments. Then he just disappeared and got fired.
- Pro Wrestling Syndicate announced via press release that they have reached a deal with All Japan Pro Wrestling and will be bringing talent from the promotion over to celebrate their five year anniversary. The show will take place on June 1st and will see the Great Muta and KAI coming over to compete at the show in Rahway, New Jersey.

Additionally, the two AJPW stars will host a wrestling seminar on June 2nd in conjunction with PWS. It will take place in Long Island, New York and will be followed by the second night of the promotion's Five Year Anniversary show in Deer Park, New York. Lineups for the show will be announced soon.

CHIKARA is having it's IPPV in Philly the next day. Who wants to go?


He hurt his foot pretty bad not too long ago. Gonna be out for quite a while. If he even comes back at all, at this rate.

I heard about his broken foot.

I was just wondering I've we'd had an update since then.

They were talking like it might be a career ending injury.


Tarver and Cena didnt get along at all so there was no way Tarver was staying in the company. He had no issue speaking out about Cena
I know this isn't breaking new ground, but basically all of these younger wrestlers are WAY more entertaining outside the ring or when not shackled by creative (dark matches/house shows). Why do they want so desperately to not take advantage of that?


I know this isn't breaking new ground, but basically all of these younger wrestlers are WAY more entertaining outside the ring or when not shackled by creative (dark matches/house shows). Why do they want so desperately to not take advantage of that?

I mean its a two-fold process, I think JR mentioned.

-Talent kind of get lost in the shuffle and have the rug pulled from underneath them
But he also says talent doesn't have that passion anymore. They are in the big time, and are happy to do whatever the WWE tells to do. Many of them don't actively create a fuss... and yeah I know some will say that will likely get you fired... see Low Ki a few years ago. But yeah they need to take control of their own destiny as much as possible.
I know this isn't breaking new ground, but basically all of these younger wrestlers are WAY more entertaining outside the ring or when not shackled by creative (dark matches/house shows). Why do they want so desperately to not take advantage of that?

They are way more entertaining outside the ring, because they aren't reading a shitty script word for word some soap opera writer thought up. Worst thing WWE ever did is start scripting promos.
I hate what WWE has done with Ryder. They have basically tried everyway to make him look like a geek and a loser. He already does this by himself you don't need to do this for him. Basically the WWE is telling the lockerroom don't get over by yourself we'll bury you for it. At least he hasn't been fired yet.
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