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What just happened? I missed the last 10 minutes and the replies sound exciting.
I only caught the end of it myself, but it included robed druids and Paul Heyman coming out dressed as Paul Bearer, face paint and all, holding the urn.

Undertaker got pissed, looked around at the druids and attacked one, but it wasn't Punk. Punk attacked taker from behind, then took the urn and beat Taker down with it. He screams "come on, hocus pocus! i did this to you!" or some such thing. Then he opened the urn, and poured the ashes all over himself and Undertaker then posed over Taker's body as the show closed.

It was fucking awesome.


Literally the only memorable moment of the entire 3 month build to Mania. Punk spilling the ashes on Taker is all anyone will remember about this in 5 years. Where would the feud even be had Paul Bearer not passed?

We'll likely never know, but who cares? It happened and added to the feud.

What I saw of this Raw was pretty forgettable, though. None of these angles feel "hot." Heck, I'm more interested in Jericho/Fandango than Rock/Cena and HHH/Brock. Taker/Punk is definitely at the top. I don't even know what the other matches are outside of these four.
Punk is totally losing, isn't he? :(



Punk literally pours what are implied to be Paul Bearer's ashes on Taker than rubs them on his face, and still gets CM PUNK chants. Meanwhile the "face of the company" gets booed for existing and receives BORING chants on the go-home show to WM, which he is main eventing for some reason.


Who will cena feud with if rumors are true of rock v brock and punk taking a break? I expect zigg to be world champ by the end of wm. swagger will feud with him. Del rio will flounder like usual. Ryback v cena?


I'm okay with Punk taking a break after Mania. He's earned it a dozen times over.
I only caught the end of it myself, but it included robed druids and Paul Heyman coming out dressed as Paul Bearer, face paint and all, holding the urn.

Undertaker got pissed, looked around at the druids and attacked one, but it wasn't Punk. Punk attacked taker from behind, then took the urn and beat Taker down with it. He screams "come on, hocus pocus! i did this to you!" or some such thing. Then he opened the urn, and poured the ashes all over himself and Undertaker then posed over Taker's body as the show closed.

It was fucking awesome.

Goddamn i gotta see this


That may be my favorite ending to a RAW ever. xD

CM Punk, Paul Heyman, and the Undertaker delivered one of the most memorable moments for me since I started watching wrestling again in 2008, and maybe since I saw Marty super kicked through the Barber Shop window when I was a kid. Great stuff!

Also really loved Big E's power display with Kane.


Punk literally pours what are implied to be Paul Bearer's ashes on Taker than rubs them on his face, and still gets CM PUNK chants. Meanwhile the "face of the company" gets booed for existing and receives BORING chants on the go-home show to WM, which he is main eventing for some reason.
There is no "some reason".

Vince McMahon is insane.
That's your reason.

He keeps doing the exact same thing with Cena ("you're an underdog") and expecting different results.

Who will cena feud with if rumors are true of rock v brock and punk taking a break? I expect zigg to be world champ by the end of wm. swagger will feud with him. Del rio will flounder like usual. Ryback v cena?
Ryback seems more like a Summerslam program.
I'm expecting Cena to finally be the guy that takes down The Shield.


Who will cena feud with if rumors are true of rock v brock and punk taking a break? I expect zigg to be world champ by the end of wm. swagger will feud with him. Del rio will flounder like usual. Ryback v cena?

Assuming they chicken out and don't turn Cena heel, the only full-time heels that have been built up enough to be a legitimate threat to him are Mark Henry and the Shield.


punk > all

why did he have to lose the title to rock :(

imagine punk going into WM as champ vs UT

fuck you vince


How do you guys think the Punk/Undertake match will go?

I feel like since they probably won't be able to do a classic match, booking wise it may just result in Undertaker beating up Punk for 15 minutes or so.
That ending really saved the show. To be honest i thought the show was decent. Played it safe which was predictable.

Cena/Rock- Cena was boring as fuck but a little interesting. Def hinted something in the promo but most likely fucking with us. Rock was okay. His mic skills are dropping. He was mumbling all over the place. The whole i respect you but i don't like you shit is lame. meh

HHH/Bork- HBK came to RAW for what? I'm glad HBK is going to be at Mania and all but geez.. I wonder how much Borks TV check is. This is like the 3rd time he stands for 5 min on stage and goes back home.

Taker/Punk- Attitude Era shit right there. I don't mind when they use someones legacy to push a story line if done right. It's like they're still entertaining us even after death. Eddie/Rey was the wrong way to do it. This was a great way of doing it.

Under card- Everything looks ok. Show is way over booked so i expect a lot of short matches and filler. I hope the stupid 4v4 tag gets bumped into the pre-show.

Not hyped as much as i was last year. But it's my 3rd Mania and first time ringside so i hope the crowd brings it. The crowd will make or break the show to be honest. HOF is going to be awesome. Also have tix for RAW the next day, so lets hope they pull a repeat! (doubt it)


That ending really saved the show. To be honest i thought the show was decent. Played it safe which was predictable.

Cena/Rock- Cena was boring as fuck but a little interesting. Def hinted something in the promo but most likely fucking with us. Rock was okay. His mic skills are dropping. He was mumbling all over the place. The whole i respect you but i don't like you shit is lame. meh

HHH/Bork- HBK came to RAW for what? I'm glad HBK is going to be at Mania and all but geez.. I wonder how much Borks TV check is. This is like the 3rd time he stands for 5 min on stage and goes back home.

Taker/Punk- Attitude Era shit right there. I don't mind when they use someones legacy to push a story line if done right. It's like they're still entertaining us even after death. Eddie/Rey was the wrong way to do it. This was a great way of doing it.

Under card- Everything looks ok. Show is way over booked so i expect a lot of short matches and filler. I hope the stupid 4v4 tag gets bumped into the pre-show.

Not hyped as much as i was last year. But it's my 3rd Mania and first time ringside so i hope the crowd brings it. The crowd will make or break the show to be honest. HOF is going to be awesome. Also have tix for RAW the next day, so lets hope they pull a repeat! (doubt it)
Not only is it a WM crowd (which brings people from all over) but it's a NY WM crowd, I fully expect them to be the best part of the show.


My WrestleMania Predictions:

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Hell No. They're the only things keeping the tag division even remotely relevant, and the tag belts aren't going to be the belt that Ziggler leaves the night with.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango. Pretty classic "old guy puts over the young guy" setup here. Though I won't be surprised if this ends up being a HHH/Ultimate Warrior squash match in Jericho's favor either, though Jericho obviously gains nothing from a win.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Barrett. Don't really care, honestly. Miz has no momentum and Barrett needs the belt to stay relevant right now.

Rhodes Scholars vs Funkawhatevers: Bathroom break. Don't really care. This match has no business on the card.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. He needs a jump start to get his push going again after it got squashed during his brief CM Punk main event push. This match is probably going to be a glorious train wreck, I expect a Rybotch or two.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: The Shield, with one of the opposing teammates turning heel and joining them. Most likely Orton, possibly Show. Shield needs the win and needs a little new blood into their group.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH, actually. This is one of those matches where I don't think either person really gains anything via winning it, and Lesnar eventually needs payback for all of the arms he's broken. HBK being in HHH's corner will be the deciding factor, and with all due respect to Lesnar - he isn't the Undertaker. HBK/HHH should be able to take him down.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Alberto Del Rio. Pretty clear Del Rio win here. Do a little "meta-gaming" and you'll see that Swagger isn't walking out with the belt thanks to his recent DUI and the fact that he isn't getting the heat WWE wanted him to have. Del Rio's going to win the match, however Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his Money in the Bank and win the World Heavyweight Championship now that there's no Ricardo to save the day.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. Before the last RAW I actually thought this might be the year The Streak gets snapped because there was simply too much in Undertaker's favor. However after how RAW ended tonight, the Pro Wrestling Rule of Reverse Momentum dictates that Taker is going to win this match. This will probably be a pretty solid match though.

The Rock vs John Cena: I'm really torn on this one, actually. My head says Cena but my heart says Rock. I'm leaning more's Cena walking away champion though. Regardless, I'm predicting a Cena heel turn at the end of this match though. He's either going to lose and snap or he's going to win via cheating in some fashion whether it be via a handful of tights, something illegal, or Shield interference.


My WrestleMania Predictions:

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Hell No. They're the only things keeping the tag division even remotely relevant, and the tag belts aren't going to be the belt that Ziggler leaves the night with.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango. Pretty classic "old guy puts over the young guy" setup here. Though I won't be surprised if this ends up being a HHH/Ultimate Warrior squash match in Jericho's favor either, though Jericho obviously gains nothing from a win.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Barrett. Don't really care, honestly. Miz has no momentum and Barrett needs the belt to stay relevant right now.

Rhodes Scholars vs Funkawhatevers: Bathroom break. Don't really care. This match has no business on the card.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. He needs a jump start to get his push going again after it got squashed during his brief CM Punk main event push. This match is probably going to be a glorious train wreck, I expect a Rybotch or two.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: The Shield, with one of the opposing teammates turning heel and joining them. Most likely Orton, possibly Show. Shield needs the win and needs a little new blood into their group.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH, actually. This is one of those matches where I don't think either person really gains anything via winning it, and Lesnar eventually needs payback for all of the arms he's broken. HBK being in HHH's corner will be the deciding factor, and with all due respect to Lesnar - he isn't the Undertaker. HBK/HHH should be able to take him down.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Alberto Del Rio. Pretty clear Del Rio win here. Do a little "meta-gaming" and you'll see that Swagger isn't walking out with the belt thanks to his recent DUI and the fact that he isn't getting the heat WWE wanted him to have. Del Rio's going to win the match, however Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his Money in the Bank and win the World Heavyweight Championship now that there's no Ricardo to save the day.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. Before the last RAW I actually thought this might be the year The Streak gets snapped because there was simply too much in Undertaker's favor. However after how RAW ended tonight, the Pro Wrestling Rule of Reverse Momentum dictates that Taker is going to win this match. This will probably be a pretty solid match though.

The Rock vs John Cena: I'm really torn on this one, actually. My head says Cena but my heart says Rock. I'm leaning more's Cena walking away champion though. Regardless, I'm predicting a Cena heel turn at the end of this match though. He's either going to lose and snap or he's going to win via cheating in some fashion whether it be via a handful of tights, something illegal, or Shield interference.
Couple of years ago i would of agreed with this statement but vince has been getting crazier and crazier with his last minute decisions at WM. Especially lately with backstage reports of him being even more crazier this year because i guess he feels threatened by triple haysh.

Punk is going to win it, why? Because WWE knows they need another Cena and Punk is ready to hit that level, he already huge and having him beat Takers streak? Sends him over the fucking moon.


I don't think they'd really turn both Orton and Cena heel in the same night. There'd be no main event faces at all.

Shaemus seems like he's been semi-quietly groomed into Neo Cena, he could take over the main event spot. If Hell No ever breaks up Bryan is still pretty over with crowds. But yeah, if Orton turns heel I think Cena won't. They wouldn't turn both heel in one night (as awesome as that would be).

And then there's CM Punk, if WWE ever accepts that they'll never be able to get fans to boo him he could be their new Steve Austin.
Taker will lose on a technicality so it's not a real loss, it'll be a countout or something. Still a loss but can still say never pinned or something. At least that's the most that will ever happen. In reality punk will just lose clean.


Taker's going to win clean I think. The whole "Taker might get DQ'd" thing I think is just a red herring to keep any potential suspense there.
Hell No needs to lose and break up. They made the titles mean something several months ago and now it's all faded to dogshit. The tag division was awesome for a while, and now it's gone again

Cesaro was making the US Title look great for a nice stretch....now it's shit again.

Barrett..............yeah fuck the IC title.


I want to know who Cesaro pissed off to make him suddenly a jobber. And yeah, I was pissed off hearing the Intercontinental Title match was bumped to the fucking pre-show. The IC Title has no business in the Zack Ryder portion of the show.


One part of Smackdown this Friday sounds amazing...

Team Rhodes Scholars and the Bellas imitating Brodus/Tensai/Naomi/Cameron


I think Punk/Taker might be the show stealing match though. Taker always seems to show up at Mania and I think Punk's going to will that match into the phenomenal tier, maybe he has a chip on his shoulder about not being in the main event.
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