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I think Punk/Taker might be the show stealing match though. Taker always seems to show up at Mania and I think Punk's going to will that match into the phenomenal tier, maybe he has a chip on his shoulder about not being in the main event.
All we can guarantee is, it's going to be better than the main event.


Paul Heyman is so good. With that crappy makeup faded around his upper lip he kind of looks like Cesar Romero's Joker.


That's it? THAT is the build for the main event of Wrestlemania? WOW

I'm tired of this babyface vs. babyface angle. Half of their promos are spent complimenting each other, how is that supposed to build the match? it's terrible

LOL Rock-Cena ends with dueling nonsense promos and not the two of them in the ring together.

The Rock's segment was perfect, especially in conjunction with that heel-ish Cena promo to start the show.

The crowd tonight wants to murder John Cena. Booed him mercilessly. BORING chants (props to DC!). Cena played into it rather well, for once. Later, The Rock goes out there and says "you don't have the connection with The People that I do, The People don't want your dumb ass to win, and I'm gonna make sure the Will of the People is fulfilled".

Taken together, it's obvious what the promos are establishing given the crowd tonight: the people don't want Cena to win, the people want The Rock to win.

That's... new territory for this SuperCena character, in terms of the actual storyline acknowledging the popularity disparity.


Those two ought to have a fine match, they're both good wrestlers. The worry there is a lack of time.

I like ADR but I've never seen what people think makes Swagger such a good wrestler. He always seems stiff in the ring to me. He's alright at best, but I never thought he belonged in the main event picture.



The Rock's segment was perfect, especially in conjunction with that heel-ish Cena promo to start the show.

The crowd tonight wants to murder John Cena. Booed him mercilessly. BORING chants (props to DC!). Cena played into it rather well, for once. Later, The Rock goes out there and says "you don't have the connection with The People that I do, The People don't want your dumb ass to win, and I'm gonna make sure the Will of the People is fulfilled".

Taken together, it's obvious what the promos are establishing given the crowd tonight: the people don't want Cena to win, the people want The Rock to win.

That's... new territory for this SuperCena character, in terms of the actual storyline acknowledging the popularity disparity.
It's too bad Vince doesn't care what the people want.

Seems in living color is playing a concert day before WM.

Any chance they play punk out?
In Living Color was a TV show like SNL.

Living Color is the band.


Taker's going to win at Mania

match will end and Undertaker will do something like put Punk in a casket or drag him under the ring or something and that's how Punk disappears for a couple months


Guys, really, if Punk - Taker isnt the main event of Mania, we all must stop watching wrestling.

This is the best angle since... Punk quiting wwe (both best angles in years with punk as protagonist)
Maybe Heyman runs in during Rock/Cena and Cena does a mania X7 heel turn.

Paul will need a new guy after Brock and Punk both go away after WM.

Nah. Cena isnt turning. I shouldnt even bother getting my hopes up for that match.


Just got back from Raw. Some thoughts:

People seemed to like Miz: When we got in Miz was having a Main Event match with one of the guys from Prime Time Players (the less talented one). The audience seemed really into it, and was cheering Miz on the entire time. This is in stark contrast to...

People don't care about Alberto del Hero: When Rodriguez came out, the crowd seemed pumped. Everyone was shouting and screamed Del Rio's name as Rodriguez spoke. But the moment ADR came out, it was complete silence. It was kind of stunning. Also, Swagger sucks.

Cena: I don't know how it played on TV, but it seemed like everyone was booing the guy.

Team Funk vs. Rhodes Scholars: Rhodes Scholars and the Bella Twins had a funny promo for Smackdown mocking the Clay, Tensai, and Funkadactyls. Speaking of the Funkadactyls, the darker skinned one's ass is something incredible. Truly.

Undertaker vs. Punk: Cool finish to the show.


I just watched last week's episode of NXT. April 7nth Wrestlemania.

What the hell happened to my NXT? April 7th Wrestlemania.

The only NXT regualar to appear is Ohno? April 7th Wrestlemania.

At least we got a match from El Local.... April 7th Wrestlemania.

even if it was a Brodus Clay squash. April 7th Wrestlemania.

I give this episode April 7th/Wrestlemania.


I guess I'll post predictions now.

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Hell No. No chance they're gonna give the belts to a jobber and his green friend. However, Ziggler's night will not be over! Team Hell No will continue for the next year and defend the belts at Mania 30, cause they have no fucking clue how to split these guys up even though the gimmick has run its course MONTHS ago.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango. Jericho is here for one reason and one reason only, to put over young talent. Looking forward to seeing what Jericho can do to carry the match.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Barrett. Filler match. Miz has ZERO momentum, so they'll just keep it on Barrett. Probably a rematch on the next PPV. And the one after that. And about 30 Raws and Smackdowns.

Rhodes Scholars vs Albert/Brodus: Albert/Brodus. Another filler match. Quick finish and they dance in the ring, probably with kids and a D list celebrity.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. Just seems obvious. Should be a short match, no more than 5 minutes, will probably go for 40. Ryback will be gassed as fuck and botch his finisher.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: The Shield. Orton getting pissed at losing and turning heel makes too much sense at this point, so I believe there is a 0% chance of it happening. Show will probably become heel AGAIN, as if anyone cares. Randy will remain the silent babyface with no character whatsoever and no interesting angles until he's released after violating the wellness policy for the third time.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH. Revenge match for Hunter. We knew the outcome to this since Summer Slam.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Alberto Del Rio. I think it's pretty clear that the Swagger experiment has been a failure, and he'll fade away into the midcard, then Saturday Morning Slam after Mania.

HOWEVER, Ziggler will cash in the briefcase and win the WHC, for possibly the biggest pop of the night. That should be fun. Unfortunately, it will kick off a feud between him and the shitty babyface Del Rio.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. No shit. Just hoping for a 5 star match between the two.

The Rock vs John Cena: Believe it or not, I find myself thinking the most about the outcome of this match. At first glance, it seemed obvious from the start. As soon as we knew Rock would be back for another Mania, we figured Cena would get his revenge, beat Rock, the torch is passed from one generation to the next and all that bullshit.

Well... I don't know. Since we've now heard that Rock will be back for at least one other PPV after Mania... it leads me to believe that Rock is going to take it at Mania, then drop the belt to Cena at Extreme Rules.

They HAVE to be aware that the smart New York City crowd will CRUCIFY Cena for the entire night, let alone if he wins the belt off Rock. They do NOT want that to be the image that MILLIONS
and millions
of people see as Mania goes off the air.

So I'm going to say... aww fuck it, they're fucking idiots. Cena is going to win, get the fuck booed out of him, then they'll just shake it off the next night like it never happened (MIXED REACTION FROM THE DOUBLE YEW DOUBLE YEW E UNIVERSE).

It's about time Cena wins the big one amirite.

More predictions:

-Taker/Punk is match of the night, followed by Jericho/Fandango. Taker/Punk will get a THIS IS AWESOME chant at some point.

-Ziggler cashes in the breifcase for the biggest pop of the night. As soon as that music hits that place is going to erupt, I can feel it.

-Cena wins, gets booed like crazy as pyro and fireworks go off, and the commentators try to sell this magical moment like Cena has FINALLY overcome the odds.


This has to be the shittiest road to Wrestlemania in recent memory. Not only have all the buildups awkwardly fell flat (seriously, what where they thinking?), but the matches themselves aren't even interesting.

John Cena vs. The Rock, again. Only this time with little meaning, and much higher predictability -- now's Cena's time to overcome the odds once again and have his vengeance.

Taker vs. Punk... This is the best they could come up with for what every year could be Taker's last match? The two have little history together, and no chemistry at all in this point in their careers. This booking makes no sense other than to give Punk a big match on the card to make up for losing out on the main event.

Lesnar vs. Triple H. Why are we doing this again? Oh yeah, HHH, like Cena, must have his revenge.

The card would be way better if it was:

Cena vs. Taker

Rock vs. Brock

Triple H vs. Punk

Or at the very least, since they just can't function without Cena going over:

Cena vs. Rock

Lesnar vs. Taker

Triple H vs. Punk


CM Punk pours the ashes of Paul Bearer on Undertaker and rubs them on himself, still gets CM Punk chants.

WWE in 2013.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
why did youtube recommend me watch ultimate warrior vs orlando jordan
....why does ultimate warrior vs orlando jordan exist?


Holy shit, I just saw that up close picture of that leg break from over the weekend......did not need to see that. Thanks NBA 2k13.

Yeah, 10000x worse than Sid.


Wow I'm just now getting to raw and its amazing how much the crowd shit on Cena during his promo. I know Cena is going to win sunday , but I don't see how Vince can just keep pushing Cena as the underdog superhero anymore. No one buys it. He needs to turn heel or a gimmick change or something.
Booker T kills me every time:



Combined with JR's "Jesus Christ, this company" look, and Cole's totally blank expression. It's a brilliant moment.
lol you described what you see and it's all just fucking perfect. But then you imagine what you KNOW is taking place behind the scenes, and that is vince yelling at cole to say the anal bleeding line as he laughs maniacally and it cements it.
lol you described what you see and it's all just fucking perfect. But then you imagine what you KNOW is taking place behind the scenes, and that is vince yelling at cole to say the anal bleeding line as he laughs maniacally and it cements it.

It's amazing. There's literally no way you can improve it. Everyone on screen did exactly what you'd expect, and like you said, 100% guarantee that Vince is rofling over the headset. It's magical. It's almost too real and that's what makes it so good.
It's amazing. There's literally no way you can improve it. Everyone on screen did exactly what you'd expect, and like you said, 100% guarantee that Vince is rofling over the headset. It's magical. It's almost too real and that's what makes it so good.
the sad part (or not sad part) is it's probably in my top 5 moments in all of modern-wwe history :/


Cena has got to turn heel. I almost sure of it. Right?
Why does Cena "got" to do anything? The WWE have been flying in the face of public sentiment for years now.
For all intents and purposes, he's been a heel and the commentary team and editing crew turned heel right along with him.
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