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People seemed to like Miz: When we got in Miz was having a Main Event match with one of the guys from Prime Time Players (the less talented one). The audience seemed really into it, and was cheering Miz on the entire time.
Awww yeah. Miz getting over again! I welcome all my new Mizfits and Miztakes bros.
I feel bad for people who think Ziggler is going to cash in his briefcase and win the title. It'll never happen.

They have to do something to get people talking about the WHC match. No one gives a fuck about ether Del Rio or Swagger. Only person near that match people care about is Ricardo.



ECW on TNN 9/24/99

Full results from Anarchy Rulz:

Lance Storm defeated Jerry Lynn
Jazz defeated Tom Marquez
Nova/Chetti defeated Simond Diamond and Tony DeVito
Tajiri defeated Super Crazy and Little Guido
Justin Credible defeated Sabu
Mike Awesome defeated Taz and Masato Tanaka to win the ECW Championship
Tommy Dreamer and Raven defeated Steve Corino and Rhino to retain (ICP no showed)
RVD defeated Balls Mahoney to retain the TV Championship

Awesome was not advertised for the title match, and Johnny Storm was advertised to face RVD, but was taken out of the match on the show itself. I don't know why the TV title match went on after the ECW Championship. Especially with Balls Mahoney as the opponent.

Joel "The ladies call me Fred Flintstone because I make their bed rock" Gertner and Joey Styles open the show in the ring. Their guests are Tommy Dreamer and Francine. Francine has to be one of the trashiest women I've ever seen in pro wrestling. I guess she got over Tommy piledriving her and I think taking a cheese grater to her vagina in Japan once. Joel shit talks her and brings out Miss Congeniality, which was Lita. CAT FIGHT!


Tommy Dreamer vs Doring and Roadkill

I guess we have a match now. Tommy's back is killing him. Danny Doring is awful. God. How the fuck did he ever get a job in ECW and WWE? Raven runs in and hits the DDT and they retain. First it wasn't even a match, but now it was a title match? Raven hugs Tommy and then kicks him in the head. SWERVE! They do the title sequence, but Tommy is still in the ring and calls Raven out. Raven comes out, gets on the apron, and bails.

Joey and Joel talk about Taz losing the championship. They then show clips of Tanaka and Judge Jeff Jones getting into a confrontation at Anarchy Rulz. When they came back to Joel and Joey, Paul was holding Joey back, until Joel said something about Paul's ass hair stuck in Joey's throat, which made Paul try to attack Joel.

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Taz vs Tanaka vs Awesome ECW Championship

I can't imagine they're going to show the whole match on the show right after the PPV. Fans were all over Taz for signing a WWF contract. I don't think he actually had signed one at this point. Paul was holding Awesome back in the crowd until Taz started shit talking him, which made Paul go along with the 3 way dance. They showed the first few minutes of the match, up to the point where Taz was pinned.

Back to Joey and Joel. Joey had some throat problems and couldn't talk, so he would just give death glares.

Little Guido vs Super Crazy

They start out with some mat wrestling, which Guido dominates. It's so goofy when pro wrestlers do full cross armbreakers for extended amounts of time, especially when it is called as a shoot/MMA move. Crazy gets out and makes Guido bail out. Tiltawhirl back breaker. Asai moonsault into the crowd! Off the top and he landed on his feet. That must be killer on your knees.

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Superplex. Romero Special! My cousin tried to do that to me when we were kids and it was fucking brutal on my knees. Lol, Joel calls a kimura a "chicken wing". I don't think of seen any of Guido's shoot-style work, but I'd like to. He did a lot of submissions that guys weren't doing until the UFC really blew up. Sal hit a powerbomb while the ref was distracted. I don't know how the ref didn't notice the loud noise and ring shaking. Or why he would care since it's ECW. Crazy hits a wacky tornado DDT.

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Sal came in and Crazy gave him a frankensteiner. Kind of. Brainbuster for the Crazy win. Joel calling matches by himself isn't good. He's not a play by play guy. He's a color guy and a color guy doing a solo broadcast is almost never good. Spike comes out and hits the Acid Drop on Sal and the ref makes a pin.

Lance Storm and Dawn Marie come to the ring for an interview. After a commercial, we come back to see a broken table and the Impact Players brawling with Jerry Lynn and RVD. Johnny Smith comes out to help. Then the lights go out. It's KANE! THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE! Oh, it's Sabu. I guess that makes more sense. You know what doesn't make sense? Sabu attacked RVD! SWERVE! But then he put Justin through a table. They cut to Joey and Joel, then back, and by this point there are like 12 dudes in the ring. Some Harlem Shake shit going on here. This brings out NEW JACK! They cut back to Joey and Joel. Joey steals the mic to take us to clips of Awesome winning the title.

TO ANARCHY RULZ. Taz hands the belt over to Awesome. Taz walks out to the ramp with the entire locker room and hugs Paul.


That's it? That's the show? What a nothing show. They put Taz over more than their new champion and half the show was devoted to Joel straight up trolling Joey by saying shit that he knew Joey couldn't respond to due to losing his voice.


They have to do something to get people talking about the WHC match. No one gives a fuck about ether Del Rio or Swagger. Only person near that match people care about is Ricardo.
They also care about Swagger's entrance theme.
And possibly weed.
That's about it, though.

One thing that's guaranteed is Swagger (aka Mr. DUI) is getting more than 18 seconds in his WrestleMania World Heavyweight title match.


So not worth it

So, judging by this tweet I guess AJ vs. Kaitlyn is definitely not happening at Mania.

WWE, you suck for not making this match two months ago and giving it a decent build, people would've cared about this.


My WM prediction: Ziggler cashes in before the match, then loses the title to Swagger. Then he loses the tag match later in the show. I'm just assuming the WHC will be the opener or come before the tag match. Then he loses on Raw to AJ. Then he doesn't win a match for the rest of the year.

Then he doesn't win a match next year. Or the year after that. Or ever again.


The tag title match is a bummer. Bryan and Kane win, they keep Bryan in tag action rather than allow him to go somewhere as a singles. If they do win, it's extremely likely the MitB winner gets pinned, because that makes sense, right? But on the flipside, if Ziggler and doofus win, they take a guy who belongs in singles action and getting some sort of relevance back into him (hey, remember when he won over Cena at TLC 2012? WWE doesn't). Rather just see Rhodes Scholars have the tag belts, but they're stuck in some random mixed tag.
Poster for the New Japan iPPV on Sunday;


Really looking forward to this one - Okada's got to win the gold this time, right? Also, Nakamura vs Davey Boy Jr. should be great and I'm very excited for the idea of Nagata & Goto vs Laughter7.

In other news, it looks like Pro-Wrestling NOAH talent Taiji Ishimori has suffered a neck injury and may not be available for ROH's May 4th 'Border Wars' iPPV in Toronto. No word on if a replacement will be made, but presumably Marufuji's still making the trip and would prefer to bring a partner.


So not worth it
I almost felt sorry for John Cena last night.


Sorry for what? The chants?

I thought it was perfect actually. Well, perfect if he were turning heel on Sunday. Which he isn't. But the narrative for his heel turn is just about perfect right now.


formerly cjelly
John Cena is getting booed out the building, boring chants yet he still stands there with that stupid smirk and drones through a scripted promo. Awful.

The only thing wrong with that promo was that John Cena was the man delivering it. No one buys that he's the underdog, just like no one buys that these past twelve months have been so terrible for him, headlining every PPV and winning the Royal Rumble. No one buys that he's on the same level as The Rock, yet everyone knows he's getting his win back. When Cena was talking about putting The Rock through what he went through this past year, he didn't come across as a man whose pride had been wounded and now needs to prove himself, but rather as a man brimming with bitterness and resentment, a man who wants to force The Rock to suffer because he had the audacity to be the better man. In short, it's another great set-up for a Cena heel turn, especially when you factor in the crowd's vocal reactions towards Cena, but one that won't likely ever happen.
Sorry for what? The chants?

I thought it was perfect actually. Well, perfect if he were turning heel on Sunday. Which he isn't. But the narrative for his heel turn is just about perfect right now.

The narrative is so perfect but it will never happen. Cena cheating to beat The Rock, turning heel and then beating him again at Extreme Rules would be amazing if they had the next baby face in line to face him, but I don't think they do. I really don't get what Rock will do otherwise at Extreme Rules though. Probably team with Cena :(


The narrative is so perfect but it will never happen. Cena cheating to beat The Rock, turning heel and then beating him again at Extreme Rules would be amazing if they had the next baby face in line to face him, but I don't think they do. I really don't get what Rock will do otherwise at Extreme Rules though. Probably team with Cena :(


I don't think Cena even cares anymore and I don't even know why the crowd cares about Rock or this title match. Absolutely uninspired booking from Vince.

Punk/Taker should be the main event but I don't think it'll be as good of a match as Triple H/Lesnar.


I don't think Cena even cares anymore and I don't even know why the crowd cares about Rock or this title match. Absolutely uninspired booking from Vince.

Punk/Taker should be the main event but I don't think it'll be as good of a match as Triple H/Lesnar.

Well Punk already said he's not trying to out do hbk/taker or hhh/taker. One is an almost perfectly executed wrestling match, the other is a straight up brawl. So hopefully they can make it work with the so called psychology.


So not worth it
As I said in the WM OP, Johnny Curtis deserves the rub by Jericho more than most of their developmental talent. Hell, the guy's been in WWE since 2006, he's a good wrestler and he is pretty darn entertaining as well judging from NXT.

Don't think Fandango will get him over with the crowds, but he's been doing his best with it so he's certainly trying to take his ball and run with it. More power to him.


As I said in the WM OP, Johnny Curtis deserves the rub by Jericho more than most of their developmental talent. Hell, the guy's been in WWE since 2006, he's a good wrestler and he is pretty darn entertaining as well judging from NXT.

Don't think Fandango will get him over with the crowds, but he's been doing his best with it so he's certainly trying to take his ball and run with it. More power to him.

At least Jericho's actually putting over a new addition to the roster (as Fandango's being treated). Same with Mark Henry.

Meanwhile we've got Old Part-timer vs "I'm never going away ever ever ever" John Cena, Old Part-timer vs Mid aged Part-timer, and Old Part-timer versus CM Punk. The last one is the only near acceptable one, since Punk is still fresh in the main events and Undertaker and WM are a tradition.

That big WM image on WWE.com is just horrendous, six guys on it and the only "new talent" is Punk and he's in at the back.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I missed CM Punk trying to breathe life into the WWE again? Feels like he's been trying to resuscitate for a couple years now.


So I missed CM Punk trying to breathe life into the WWE again? Feels like he's been trying to resuscitate for a couple years now.

That ending segment was pure Attitude Era, in the "wacky, over the top and so crass it can't not be fun to watch" meaning.


As I said in the WM OP, Johnny Curtis deserves the rub by Jericho more than most of their developmental talent. Hell, the guy's been in WWE since 2006, he's a good wrestler and he is pretty darn entertaining as well judging from NXT.

Don't think Fandango will get him over with the crowds, but he's been doing his best with it so he's certainly trying to take his ball and run with it. More power to him.

I was legit laughing when he came out with the score cards and gave the Lionsault a 3 or whatever. Hes selling that character about as well as anyone possibly could. I really don't understand the "You Can't Wrestle" chants, though. I guess its cause he refused to have matches for a few weeks.

So I missed CM Punk trying to breathe life into the WWE again? Feels like he's been trying to resuscitate for a couple years now.

It is completely worth tracking down and watching.


We're getting Ryback and Johnny Curtis put over instead of better talent. That's why people are frustrated - didn't think it's too difficult to see.

All the "main event" matches are just rehashes, and if it wasn't for Paul Bearer dying, WWE/Vince would have no stories or reason to have these bouts. Just pasted together because he wrote it up that way.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah but it's WWE so...I guess I could try to find it online and watch, I guess.

Also anyone who thinks Punk wins at Mania, bring it on - let's avatar bet, ban bet, anything. Anything goes.


So not worth it
Yeah but it's WWE so...I guess I could try to find it online and watch, I guess.

Also anyone who thinks Punk wins at Mania, bring it on - let's avatar bet, ban bet, anything. Anything goes.

I think there's at least a .5% chance he's going to win at Mania.

That's .5% more than the previous four 'Taker matches at Mania, so hey, there's that.

Obviously, not going to bet on that low a chance, but nice try.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nobody could POSSIBLY feel that Punk will win. I mean...no. Nopeeeee.
Also anyone who thinks Punk wins at Mania, bring it on - let's avatar bet, ban bet, anything. Anything goes.

I have the slightest of inklings that Punk might win*, but I'm not about to bet away DDP Jesus on that small chance.

*I think that's more to do with my OCD about even numbers. 21-0 ain't right!


We're getting Ryback and Johnny Curtis put over instead of better talent. That's why people are frustrated - didn't think it's too difficult to see.

All the "main event" matches are just rehashes, and if it wasn't for Paul Bearer dying, WWE/Vince would have no stories or reason to have these bouts. Just pasted together because he wrote it up that way.

I have no problem with Ryback/Fandango being put over. Yeah I'd like Cesaro more, but they are still new guys that deserve the chance. Nah, I don't like Ryback too much, but he still deserves the chance and he's new to the roster still (as Ryback). New talent getting put over is so incredibly rare that I won't get picky with who it is (unless it's Bo Dallas, in which case they can fuck off).

It's the main events and the overall lack of effort or thought that's annoying me.


But what if he does Sun, WHAT IF HE DOES?

Just like Cena's heel turn, it's a very slim possibility (like, 1% chance), so I won't be expecting it, but it will be nice if it does happen.

21-0 sounds worse than 20-0, 20-1 would be preferable. He'll always have the 20 streak, after all.


So not worth it
Just like Cena's heel turn, it's a very slim possibility (like, 1% chance), so I won't be expecting it, but it will be nice if it does happen.

21-0 sounds worse than 20-0, 20-1 would be preferable. He'll always have the 20 streak, after all.

Agreed, the fact he's 20-0 now, for the first time in ages is fighting an active wrestler and the #2 guy in the company at that, that they released the streak DVD last year after he went 20-0 and because I think Taker is the kind of guy that would indeed put over someone if it was up to him make me think there's a very slight chance it could happen.

If anything, I'm convinced that if he's EVER going to put someone over, it's this year. It's not going to happen at 23-0, that's for sure.

You wake up and go to work.

Actually, I have the next day off (Mania pre-show starts at 12 AM or something).
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