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I am legit allergic to soap. I wash with babyshampoo, I smell like a baby all the time!

Yeah I get certain rashes from the overloaded crap, so I use this manly one.


You should try it!


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Bath in milk. It's what keeps Emma shining through her dances and Regal from being revealed as a zombie (long story, he'll tell Matt Striker about it later).


In all seriousness -- I'm intrigued by this Zack Ryder gimmick change/heel turn stuff. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with.

It'll only be a matter of time until hes back to jobbing. I especially don't want to see him get a push if its at the expense of a guy like Cesaro.

A month or two of Ryder versus Kofi sounds fucking terrible anyways.
Speaking of wrestling t-shirts, I got a couple from CHIKARA;


I like 'em, they fill my main requirement for wrestling t-shirts...namely, not being easily identified as wrestling t-shirts.

Mr. Luchador said:

R-Truth beat Antonio Cesaro in a quick match.

wtf is this shit.

Apparently the fans were no-selling the match, Super Dragon/JBL/O'le chants, etc.


Yeah, I'm skipping RAW tonight based on what'll be the first 35 minutes of the show

Hey, Sunflower, if tonight's RAW looks especially shitty can we vote to move up the start time of GWF? If nobody is going to bother watching all three hours of RAW we might as well be watching something entertaining.


Gold Member
It'll only be a matter of time until hes back to jobbing. I especially don't want to see him get a push if its at the expense of a guy like Cesaro.

A month or two of Ryder versus Kofi sounds fucking terrible anyways.

Yeah, probably. He's just not going to go anywhere. Much more deserving and talented guys that are deserving of a push.

Yeah, I'm skipping RAW tonight based on what'll be the first 35 minutes of the show

Do not falter. The crowd could make a shitty night interesting. Assuming the WWE doesn't do any post editing to the crowd chants.

Jamie OD

True, but you must admit, it's pretty much the opposite of what you'd expect a guy like Suzuki to have.

I don't know about that. But maybe he's been tied to that song for so long I can't imagine him coming out to something else. There were a few iffy remixes during his All Japan run though.

Forgot there's also his NOAH theme by the same artist which is quite awesome, "Where Is My Hero?!" by Ayumi Nakamura for those interested. Can't find a decent Youtube video for it.
Anyone else just watch the 1h30m Hulu Plus version of Raw every week? Much easier to take an hour and a half than three plus, but I do wonder if I'm missing anything significant/entertaining.
If you do get that shirt you better karate chop some hoes while wearing it.

I would but I don't know karate.

Yes. Such a great shirt

It is pretty damn awesome.

Speaking of wrestling t-shirts, I got a couple from CHIKARA;


I like 'em, they fill my main requirement for wrestling t-shirts...namely, not being easily identified as wrestling t-shirts.

Apparently the fans were no-selling the match, Super Dragon/JBL/O'le chants, etc.

X-Treme Force is the best lol.

re: headphones


Are all the M50 pretty much the same? Just different colors? And what's up with the coiled cord? Just preference?
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