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Christian is that guy that the IWC loves because he was a part of a great tag team back in the day, had a decent angle where he had a thing with Trish Stratus (whom the IWC is also in love with), cut a good rap promo before he got injured once and had a heel run against Orton which kinda fell flat when Orton repeatedly beat him when it mattered.

Christian, the guy who was once Marty Jannetty to Edge, but can't seem to get anything going in modern WWE.

Oh and he was in TNA for a bit too.


No One Remembers
Didn't we already decide?

May wrASSlin |OT| Yeah I'm An Ass-Man!







I'm so sorry
Does no one else see the ironing that Cena could have a problem with his Achilles?

The Achilles tendon is attached to a HEEL



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
A wrestling game.

The picture plays better than the title itself.

I don't think I can post on Gaming side anymore. There are people that 100% think Skyrim and GTA 4 and Splinter Cell Conviction are the worst games they've ever played. Not the most disappointing. The worst.

Worse than Simpsons Wrestling, Superman 64, Silver Surfer, The Sniper 2, Rise of the Robots, and Heavy Nova.


Superman threads in Gaming though hurt me and yet I'm still going at it. I don't even like Superman personally, but I refuse, I absolutely refuse, to accept that any license can't be given a good game despite some people just turning off their brains to say "lol, nope" and the equivalent. Is game design such a strange and mysterious concept that people refuse to even think about it? A game is either amazing or awful by random luck of the draw and not what is created or the thought put into it for design?

I get some people just say "Superman sucks, so no [good game can't be made]" as a joke, I have no problem if people don't like the ideas, but some people almost seem against the idea of actually talking about the mechanics and parts that make up a game or could make a game good or better. There are those whom I bet even if shown the perfect game, would refuse to accept anything good about it because they think the license or concept or creative team behind it "sucks". It's not just Superman, that's just the most recent example.

I don't know why I keep trying threads that aren't official threads for a game (Luigi's Mansion 2 is so friendly, like Luigi) or the communities over like iOS or PS+ or indy games.


Problem with Superman games? Every enemy has kryptonite in their gloves. Problem solved. Bullshit Star Fox training games with Superman isn't the way to go. Open world game with tons of side missions and ridiculous boss battles is the way to go. Flying around Metropolis, seeing a mugging from 8 miles away, swooping down on the asshole and throwing him in the ocean.
I don't know if i want to watch Raw. On the one hand, Cena is going to be there and I don't want to miss one of his show-stopping promos. On the other hand, I don't know if I could handle seeing him in pain due to his injury.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
should I buy Dragon's Dogma or just rebuy Bully on psn and play that a third time

Buy Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (the original game plus expansion content), grab goblins and humans, power throw them into other enemies or off cliffs or into the mouth of griffins.

You could also dress up like that Conan the Barbarian wannabe outfit HHH had that one Wrestlemania and live out his fantasy of smashing things with a hammer.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
It's great. If you are ever mad at something, you can play this game and you feel better!

Well then he should get God Hand instead. The better everything must be punched in the face Capcom title on PSN.

Also Asura's Wrath isn't a movie, it's a Japanese cartoon show where you have to buy the OVA/DLC to get an ending.


Problem with Superman games? Every enemy has kryptonite in their gloves. Problem solved. Bullshit Star Fox training games with Superman isn't the way to go. Open world game with tons of side missions and ridiculous boss battles is the way to go. Flying around Metropolis, seeing a mugging from 8 miles away, swooping down on the asshole and throwing him in the ocean.

That or they make up some stuff where he gets thrown into an alternate world and everyone wrecks his shit with Magic.

Or they pull some hilarious Metroid-style stuff and make Supes get his powers back throughout the game.

Though to be fair, they could just come up with a crappy plot reason to remove most of his invulnerability and let him keep most of his other powers.

but that's what Dynasty Warriors is for

Yup. I slap in WO2, blast Optic Line, and then start wrecking shit. Also, DW: Gundam 2!

(Hadn't played WO3 or DW:Gundam 3 yet.)


Yahoo and the WWE.

The web portal today announced a slate of new programming initiatives during its upfront-style NewFront event. Those include a new network partnership with WWE launching a new Yahoo WWE online hub hosting exclusive Monday Night Raw pre-show content, two new weekly 50-episode series per year, exclusive live events, archival content, and current show clips launching this summer.

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