ECW on TNN 12/3/99
The show opens with a recap of the Dreamer/Raven/Sandman saga. Raven vs Sandman with Tommy as ref tonight. Also, exclusive footage of Steve Corino at a Limp Bizkit concert. So extreme.
This show is from the ECW Arena. Joel "I make them holler for a dollar and do some strange for some change" Gertner and Joey bring The Impact Players to the ring for an interview. "Just a pussy" chants. Lol. Justin says they are the tag champs and guys like Skip/Rhino are just there to take the bullet for them. This of course brings out Skip, Rhino, and Sunny. Skip says he carried Lance and brought Justin in. Rhino says fuck this and GORES Jason. CAT FIGHT!
TO THE BACK. Corino is freaking out about Limp Bizkit's loud music preventing him from being able to get ready for his match.
Super Crazy vs Ikuto Hidaka
TO THE BACK. Sandman is going to kill Raven tonight.
I don't know why they insist on getting ready to start a match and then going to the back. It's really annoying. Lucha stand off. Joel is speaking on Pokemon. Handspring side kick and a basement dropkick from Pikachu.
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Squirtle in the wind into the crowd!
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Tornado DDT from Charzard, powerbomb from Crazy. A nifty rana from Hidaku.
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German suplex only gets 2. Crazy wins with a powerbomb and lionsault.
TO THE BACK. Steve Corino is about to interrupt Limp Bizkit! Raven cries about his drunk daddy and how Sandman is just the same.
TO THE LIMP BIZKIT. Steve is on stage. The audio sounds like a concert bootleged on a Zack Morris cell phone. I like that this is by far the biggest crowd on an ECW show and it isn't even their crowd.
Raven vs The Sandman Special Guest Referee: Tommy Dreamer
TO THE BACK. Cyrus is doing some business when he asks Jerry Lynn about what's going on with he and Tajiri. Jerry won't give him a straight answer. Can't have the talent booking their own angles. Bad for business, you know.
After almost the entire Sandman entrance, they go to break, then start the match. You know what, most people had shitty dads. Raven needs to get over it. He suplexes Sandman through a table on the floor. It goes in the ring where there are two tables and two chairs waiting. Chair drop toe hold. Then Raven goes into the same chair. Sandman flips on a table and misses Raven.
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Sleeper! They both go through the broken table. Tommy kind of pulls Sandman off to check on Raven. Another table is thrown in the ring. There are tables leaning in opposite corners. Sandman did a cannonball through one of them. Skip and Rhino come out and beat up all three men. GORE through a table!
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DDT on Raven. Sandman's ex wife comes out. She hits Raven in the dick. Francine comes out and fights with her. CAT FIGHT! DDT!
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Evenflow to Sandman! The Impact Players come out and beat up Tommy. Raven dives on them. Sandman pins Raven with a White Russian Leg Sweep after a cane shot from Credible. This was definitely a Raven match. 6 people interfering in the span of about 2 minutes. A cat fight, an ex wife, 4 tables, 2 canes.
TO THE LIMP BIZKIT. Balls, Axl, and New Jack showed up on stage and laid Corino out. Corino did some of the most obvious blading this side of Ric Flair and Balls/Axl hit the softest chair shots they'd probably ever done.
I'm ready for this stuff to get to the point where they just make fun of TNN for whole episodes.