S Speedy Blue Dude Banned Apr 9, 2013 #4,304 WHAT! WHAT! What's the point of giving Miz the belt if Wade instantly wins it back? Does Miz get a rematch clause himself for the belt?
WHAT! WHAT! What's the point of giving Miz the belt if Wade instantly wins it back? Does Miz get a rematch clause himself for the belt?
C Covfan Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,310 Despite them messing with the crowd levels can still hear the "Wade Barrett's barmy army" being chanted
Despite them messing with the crowd levels can still hear the "Wade Barrett's barmy army" being chanted
B Beast Legacy Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,312 Ha ha oh man. Then what was the point of Wade losing yesterday?
B British Monsoon Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,316 And the crowd goes wild for the face upsetting the arrogant, smug heel!
A Aiii So not worth it Apr 9, 2013 #4,319 YES! That's better. Oh, King explained the cheers, they're all British guys, it's fine.
D dskillzhtown keep your strippers out of my American football Apr 9, 2013 #4,320 jmdajr said: Decent match really Click to expand... Outside of the botch, it was a good match. It was given a good amount of time.
jmdajr said: Decent match really Click to expand... Outside of the botch, it was a good match. It was given a good amount of time.
S Sanjuro Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,321 Miz is the best superstar they have. How could Vince botch this so bad!?
Y Y2Kev TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009 Apr 9, 2013 #4,324 BIONIC-ARRRMMM!! said: FUCK YES! SUCK IT MIZ FANS!! DDD Click to expand... so suck it no one
A Alucard Banned Apr 9, 2013 #4,326 Can the commentary team SELL this fucking title change instead of responding with total silence afterwards? JESUS FUCK.
Can the commentary team SELL this fucking title change instead of responding with total silence afterwards? JESUS FUCK.
R Raw64life Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,328 lol. Maybe they'll correct all the mistakes they made at WM last night tonight. Ziggler cash in and Orton heel turn coming up.
lol. Maybe they'll correct all the mistakes they made at WM last night tonight. Ziggler cash in and Orton heel turn coming up.
N Nocturnowl Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,331 YEEEAH! Even if Barrett will do jackshit with the IC jobber title i'm still oddly elated.
R RellyRell28 Banned Apr 9, 2013 #4,333 darkside31337 said: smh fuck this company Click to expand... this
S SquashMatch Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,334 Too many people in this thread shitting on the Miz. This was a good match and he has improved in the ring.
Too many people in this thread shitting on the Miz. This was a good match and he has improved in the ring.
UberTag Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,335 You guys are awfully excited. This just means Barrett will resume his string of endless losses in non-title contests.
You guys are awfully excited. This just means Barrett will resume his string of endless losses in non-title contests.
K Kintaro Worships the porcelain goddess Apr 9, 2013 #4,337 Why the fuck did they even have the title change in the first place?!
D Data West coaches in the WNBA Apr 9, 2013 #4,343 Y2Kev said: so suck it no one Click to expand... girls on tumblr
P Penguin Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,344 That was so random.. better match.. but what was the point of the switch?
S Speedy Blue Dude Banned Apr 9, 2013 #4,349 Y2Kev said: so suck it no one Click to expand... Hey. There's at least 3 Miz fans at WrassleGAF. Seriously, I don't understand what's the point in Miz winning when he's gonna lose it the next day? Never seen a thing like this happen before, do Miz get a rematch clause if he loses the belt during Wade's rematch clause?
Y2Kev said: so suck it no one Click to expand... Hey. There's at least 3 Miz fans at WrassleGAF. Seriously, I don't understand what's the point in Miz winning when he's gonna lose it the next day? Never seen a thing like this happen before, do Miz get a rematch clause if he loses the belt during Wade's rematch clause?
K Kaladin Member Apr 9, 2013 #4,350 Sheamus should do a guest spot on Sons of Anarchy as an import from the Irish crew.