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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


The belt appeared before Flair. Still the biggest what the fuck moment in wrestling or at worst tied with Vince on Nitro.

Fuckin WORD, RP.

Madusa on Nitro my ass, Slick Ric had to have his shit with a mosaic on it.

Forreal. It's like people forget the fact that Dusty had to dust off *no pun* one of his old belts because Flair said "fuck you, the blond hair stays and I'm leaving" to Jim Herd.


I kinda wish we could have had the attitude era without DX. Austin / McMahon defined the era for me. DX was just stupid shit and cock jokes.


When I think Attitude Era, Austin/McMahon's generally the first thing that comes to mind for me.

I could care less for DX.

"piece of the ladder used"

photo has four ladders


For all you know, it may just be a part of some random ladder.



When I think Attitude Era, Austin/McMahon's generally the first thing that comes to mind for me.

I could care less for DX.

For all you know, it may just be a part of some random ladder.

I'm pretty positive that's exactly what it is. Same thing goes with the "piece of the mat used at WM" deals.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Would you exchange Shawn Michaels for Bret Hart to stay in the WWF. That's the real question. Considering not just Shawn himself but what he influenced before leaving on injury.

I would obviously, but we know how I feel about Shawn.


Would you exchange Shawn Michaels for Bret Hart to stay in the WWF. That's the real question. Considering not just Shawn himself but what he influenced before leaving on injury.

I would obviously, but we know how I feel about Shawn.

As in, HBK goes to WCW and runs with the kliq? Might've been better used than Bret was, because his bros would've made sure he got tons of airtime and whatnot.

Bret in 98 WWE would've been weird, though. Maybe he's the corporate champ, to play off his history with Austin. Maybe that reduces Rock's role and he never really takes off. Maybe his being there means Owen would still be around.

Actually, just that last sentence makes it a yes.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Would you exchange Shawn Michaels for Bret Hart to stay in the WWF. That's the real question. Considering not just Shawn himself but what he influenced before leaving on injury.

I would obviously, but we know how I feel about Shawn.

Things I like about NG era HBK.

1. He's actually really good on commentary.
2. He really does dress like a male stripper.
3. Every once in awhile they try to get over his post rockers catchphrase.
4. Two Chaps with Four Straps.
5. Jumping High Five With Big Sexy.

Bret though, he's on a whole different level. The work he puts in with the lowest of the low, the fact that he's always the transitional guy, the fact that his final role in the WWF as a heel is so great. Meanwhile all I'd have to give up is the drugged out, completely out of control, not able to wrestle because of his back HBK for Bret to be a thing during the Attitude era? Yeah, I'd make that trade as long as old man HBK still comes back. But things didn't work out that way. Bret was wasted in WCW in a tragic way.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Would you exchange Shawn Michaels for Bret Hart to stay in the WWF. That's the real question. Considering not just Shawn himself but what he influenced before leaving on injury.

I would obviously, but we know how I feel about Shawn.

I love the Hitman, but I think Bret Hart would have been in decline even if he stayed. He just became too hated during his canadian hero-period, and i dont know how they would be able to use him going forward. He was also bad fitted for the Attitude-era imo. Amazing in the ring though.


Isn't it odd to get the autograph of somebody's stage name?

Its like going up to Jason Alexander and asking him to sign as George Costanza


When I think of the Attitude Era...I think of the godtier 96/97 transition. Around that time Austin was a raging asshole that will put anybody in physical harm, DX was tolerable, Bret Hart was an amazing heel, and the monday night wars had a even back and forth rather than a "fingerpoke of doom WWF WINZ".

Honestly, the era lost it's edge after 1998 when it became a Mcmahon/HHH circlejerk. I wasn't hyped up when Austin sprayed beer at the Mcmahons. I just changed it to Nitro because the shit seem corny as fuck.

Then again I'm still rooting for NWA to make a comeback...so my opinion is on the bias side :/.


When I think of the Attitude Era...I think of the godtier 96/97 transition. Around that time Austin was a raging asshole that will put anybody in physical harm, DX was tolerable, Bret Hart was an amazing heel, and the monday night wars had a even back and forth rather than a "fingerpoke of doom WWF WINZ".

Honestly, the era lost it's edge after 1998 when it became a Mcmahon/HHH circlejerk. I wasn't hyped up when Austin sprayed beer at the Mcmahons. I just changed it to Nitro because the shit seem corny as fuck.

Then again I'm still rooting for NWA to make a comeback...so my opinion is on the bias side :/.

Really, if you picked a point where you knew they had crawled up their own ass a little too much, it's probably Vince winning the title. There was a lot of dumb "anything can happen" stuff, and I like the photo of Vince with the belt on and all, but still.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Shawn would come in with Hall and Nash and the BATB would be an 8 man tag. Shawn would probably get relegated to the midcard eventually though because he'd have even more shit with Hogan AND the office where as most of Nash and Hall's heat was with the office.

Bret staying would mean Neidhart, Bulldog, Rude staying. Vader not getting buried. Owen likely not getting stuck with the Blue Blazer therefore not having what happened happen, Owen and Bret tag title run? No DX whatsoever. HHH's push would probably still come but at a much later time. He'd stick with WWF, and he already took the heat for the curtain call, and I don't think Shawn leaving would make that any different. I think HHH's initial gimmick would be the McMahon/Helmsley-esque gimmick which is much better than him in DX.

I see nothing but positives unless you like coked asshole Shawn Michaels.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If Shawn leaves when Bret does and retires when Shawn does then he gets a giant payday for six months of work and does nothing in WCW.


HBK was the single most underwhelming and under delivering dude after 1995. Between 1995-1998, you can count his good matches on one hand. He was a sack of shit who was too busy pouting and having the most annoying face gimmick of all time. He's almost a complete waste during that period. People bitch about Cena and Sheamus, but HBK in 1995-1997 is THE single worst top face of all time. Fuck him.


Bret is FAR and away the best dude of the New Gen. It's not even close. HBK was always underwhelming, Razor really had very few good matches as a face, Diesel is Diesel and only really worked his ass off with HBK and Bret, 123 Kid was shit after his heel turn, Owen really never got many chances to have legit ass matches with anyone but Bret or Bulldog, Taker was still in his dog shit phase with dog shit feuds.

No one could even touch Bret as far as quality went during that period.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm surprised you're positive about his commentary.

I can't stand his commentary. Owen did it so much better.

It's really good in late 1994 as the heel and mid 1995 after King loses the kiss my foot match. He's got great chemistry with Mcmahon.

His backstage interviews at this time though you can tell he's fucking high as a kite.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
There's one time where he does commentary with Monsoon, and you can just tell Monsoon thinks he's annoying as fuck and doesn't want to do commentary with him.

And Monsoon can carry Art Donovan through commentary.
Whoa, just finished reading that Punk interview. He sounds like an ex-girlfriend that tries so hard saying "that relationship was terrible, but now I'm soooo happy without him!". I think he's still hurted by the whole thing. I hope he gets over it.


He really wasn't, the story was about shitty management. "Make [anyone] look strong" is a condescending as fuck thing to say to a wrestler, especially when you're saying it to someone who you are also saying is one of your best/most important workers, Punk directly said it in the interview "Did they expect I was going to make him look like a piece of shit?" He also said that Roman should have just beaten him because that's what make senses in a 3 on 1 handicap, but they were blowing smoke up his ass giving him the W.

The fact that marks permuted the story into a meme against Roman is just well... because they're marks

Use your words Data West

Been a while since I've listened to the interview, so it's totally possible I'm not remembering the full context. I just remember the tone in his voice sounding as if he was rolling his eyes at the same time. I sensed a great deal of bitterness and sarcasm in his voice in many parts of that interview. And yeah, he has a right to be angry, but this latest salvo of verbal assaults at his ex co-workers just makes him across like a scorned teenager.

Dude had a great pro wrestling career and I've enjoyed a ton of his stuff, but he's not doing himself any favors with his post-wrestling interviews.


Seth's balls could have been on your piece of the ladder, WrassleGaf loves Seths "The Future Baby Maker" pics.

Friend Bootaaay, if you could combine two shit wrestlers and turn them into an actual good one, which would you choose? This goes for all of WrestlingGAF as well.


Friend Bootaaay, if you could combine two shit wrestlers and turn them into an actual good one, which would you choose? This goes for all of WrestlingGAF as well.

Combine Roman and Dean and you've got America's Next Top Model. The true answer is if you combine the Usos, you'll get one solid Headshrinker, which is sorely needed.

Also lol


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Man, anyone in TNA deserves to be in TNA. If they were worth a shit, they'd be in WWE/NJPW. Literally half the roster on their active page are dudes WWE didn't want anymore.

But Stro, Bram could be on RAW next week being made fun of by the PTP! Or escorting Flair in NXT!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man, anyone in TNA deserves to be in TNA. If they were worth a shit, they'd be in WWE/NJPW. Literally half the roster on their active page are dudes WWE didn't want anymore.

Are you going to tell me Gallows is better than every single person in tNA?


Are you going to tell me Gallows is better than every single person in tNA?

Gallows is a weird case, because Gedo loves shitty American wrestlers. But dudes in TNA are there because that's the only place that will take them. Rooooooo could have gone to WWE or became a hot dude on the indies like ADR. He chose to stay there because there wasn't interest by the time he was ready to leave. Aries is apparently a piece of shit that people don't like to hire, so he keeps going back to TNA. Same with Low Ki. And on and on.


Reading the Punk SI Interview...ugh.It's like, the guy's so smart in some ways, and so deluded in others. Like him saying he wished he had done MMA ten years ago. It's like...you realize ten years ago,you would have been a dead broke nobody with zero experience or athleticism, right? You really would trade millions of dollars and fame because you didn't Main Event Wrestlemania?
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