Sibersk Esto
Watching Sekimoto matches makes me disappointed in Big E
What was Inoki's style? From what I've seen on NJPW World, he liked the mat submission game and would then throw in a suplex or power move here and there to get a pop after building anticipation.
Ric Flair didn't make anyone famous besides Sting. All of his other major feuds were with already established guys. Bret Hart if you're stretching, since they didn't have a real feud, Bret was a known quantity, and the title change was on a house show. There are a lot more guys that got a win over Ric Flair and didn't go anywhere than guys than guys who had careers made from it. You also completely overlook his shitty power plays he pulled in WCW that led to guys like Foley and Austin leaving/getting fired and his time as booker being a huge drop off from the year/months before.
Flair was the lesser worker in almost every big feud he had. His 1980-1989 ain't SHIT compared to the top guys in Japan during that period. I'm not saying Ric Flair is shitty, but I am saying he's nowhere near the best in ring dude. No where close. So many guys that think he's the GOAT are blinded by the same nostalgia you are.
Triple H (2000 on) is a better Ric Flair than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. HBK and Bret are better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Arn, Tully, and Barry Windham were better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Terry Funk was better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Nick Bockwinkle was a better version of Ric Flair in every way besides the lack of coked up promos. Steamboat was better. Sting was better for most of the 90s. Macho Man was better than Flair. I think a legitimate argument can be made that Hogan was as good or better.
What do you think of the unprotected head butts?
Watching Sekimoto matches makes me disappointed in Big E
Why not?
Shaemus went heel.
Why not?
Shaemus went heel.
Bret claims in 1991 that he was getting more fan mail than Hogan. While I don't know about that he gets enormous pops in the very early 90's.
Flair was the lesser worker in almost every big feud he had.
Flair was the lesser worker in almost every big feud he had I think a legitimate argument can be made that Hogan was as good or better.
Did Liquidsnake just shake his head mid-sentence, and then shake it again when he read the rest?
Let me tell you something brother jack, with those kind of huge body slams and massive leg drops, you might say the Hulkster was the most technical wrestler in the last 1,000 years. Billions of Hulkamaniacs will all agree.There's no way in hell I'd say Hogan was a better in ring worker than Flair.
I love the Big Gold Belt so fucking much
Ric Flair didn't make anyone famous besides Sting. All of his other major feuds were with already established guys. Bret Hart if you're stretching, since they didn't have a real feud, Bret was a known quantity, and the title change was on a house show. There are a lot more guys that got a win over Ric Flair and didn't go anywhere than guys than guys who had careers made from it. You also completely overlook his shitty power plays he pulled in WCW that led to guys like Foley and Austin leaving/getting fired and his time as booker being a huge drop off from the year/months before.
Flair was the lesser worker in almost every big feud he had. His 1980-1989 ain't SHIT compared to the top guys in Japan during that period. I'm not saying Ric Flair is shitty, but I am saying he's nowhere near the best in ring dude. No where close. So many guys that think he's the GOAT are blinded by the same nostalgia you are.
Triple H (2000 on) is a better Ric Flair than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. HBK and Bret are better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Arn, Tully, and Barry Windham were better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Terry Funk was better than Ric Flair ever was in the ring. Nick Bockwinkle was a better version of Ric Flair in every way besides the lack of coked up promos. Steamboat was better. Sting was better for most of the 90s. Macho Man was better than Flair. I think a legitimate argument can be made that Hogan was as good or better.
I love the Big Gold Belt so fucking much
Roman Reigns comes out to a nice pop and is interviewed in the ring by Booker T. Reigns was met with Suplex City chants and then interrupted by Big Show, who chokeslammed him on top of one of the taxis on the stage. Reigns was stretchered to the back.
I love the Big Gold Belt so fucking much
... If I may, perhaps the best way to describe Flair is how he COULD be the absolute best... If he put 100% effort into more matches. He proved on multiple occasions that he could indeed work some of the absolute best matches known to humanity. He was brilliant, but lazy, and that's a valid complaint, I admit. To deny that he had talent would, however, be incorrect. That said, I will concede that he resembles Cena/Hogan moreso than most people will ever realise. It's just that the same match he put on 95% of the time was generally more enjoyable than the same ol' Hogan or Cena match 95% of the time.
He'll never not be my favourite wrestler of all time, but admittedly, when it came to actual wrestling, overall, Bret was better. The few astonishing (I would go so far as to say perfect) matches Flair put on don't really compare to the frequent great matches Bret put on.
However... In response to the bolded, I am still suddenly imagining how you would look through a ham slicer.
That sounds hilarious.For All the Roman Reigns fans this happened:
WWE giving the British fans what they want.
Totally off topic - What is with Terminator movies ruining their biggest plot moments in trailers?
Terminator 2 spoils the "Arnold is actually good in this movie" part even though the whole first act of T2 is built around making the audience he's evil
I'm pretty sure Terminator 3 spoiled the whole "the world ends" part of the ending.
Terminator Salvation spoiled the whole Sam Worthington doesn't know he's a Terminator twist in its trailer.
Tyrmynatyr Gynysys's trailer spoiledJohn Conner being a fucking Terminator
get the belt buckle
I'm not saying Flair was bad. I'm saying he's not anywhere close to the GOAT, which most guys aren't.
Is the Big Show really that much of a draw?
Outside of his contract does the company really need him?
Wouldn't the be better of with somebody younger in that role?
... If I may, perhaps the best way to describe Flair is how he COULD be the absolute best... If he put 100% effort into more matches. He proved on multiple occasions that he could indeed work some of the absolute best matches known to humanity. He was brilliant, but lazy, and that's a valid complaint, I admit. To deny that he had talent would, however, be incorrect. That said, I will concede that he resembles Cena/Hogan moreso than most people will ever realise. It's just that the same match he put on 95% of the time was generally more enjoyable than the same ol' Hogan or Cena match 95% of the time.
He'll never not be my favourite wrestler of all time, but admittedly, when it came to actual wrestling, overall, Bret was better. The few astonishing (I would go so far as to say perfect) matches Flair put on don't really compare to the frequent great matches Bret put on.
However... In response to the bolded, I am still suddenly imagining how you would look through a ham slicer.
Lazy Flair is the new "lazy game devs."
knock knock
He was brilliant but lazy? The man worked 365 days a year. He might have mailed it in against Mario Mancini, but my god man.
lmaoBrock Lesnar vs Stone Cold at WM32.
Fucking bet YOUR ASS on it.
Lazy in the sense that he'd wrestle the same match with Ricky Steamboat as he would against El Giagante.
We're living in the #MidgetEra, so we don't have that many options.