Paging Bootaaay:
Fans of the British indy scene, Bastard Dave Mastiff is apparently one of the Rosebuds tonight, dressed as a Leprechaun.
I never knew how much I wanted this until now.
Paging Bootaaay:
Fans of the British indy scene, Bastard Dave Mastiff is apparently one of the Rosebuds tonight, dressed as a Leprechaun.
You don't have to get decent at fighting games to enjoy them brother. Just play for fun. I quit the competitive scene years ago when Super hit for SF4, and I don't regret it.
¡HarlequinPanic!;159977581 said:there's that very real feeling when you get that basic skillset down though and can just body all your friends and its not fun to play local anymore, though :[
MVC2 on xbox live is the game that taught me "holy shit people play these games a certain way" and I had to adapt or get crushed and soon enough I could hold my own but alienated my friends that I played with :[ :[
there's always exhibition matches with buds online, though if you're willing to be open minded and learn some things~
Don't have an arcade stick for XBone/PS4. Will prolly scoop PC version on sale.
I completely agree
It's not any tag team, but your tag champs. They should be the best team in the entire company. The fact that a single man can defeat em... just weakens the entire division
This further adds to my argument thatis a boring fuck who has pointless matches and does absolutely nothing.Orton
There is no difference between him and Big Show. Maybe he wrassles better, but not good enough for me to care or for him to be in big matches that take his character anywhere. He has done it all already.
He really gains nothing from beating, but he does so anyway.Kidd/Cesaro
Probably Bone for me. I don't have any faith in a good PC port after the shitshow that was Injustice and MK.
Just gonna wait for Street Fighter V I think. Made the mistake of buying all the fighting games last get and I only ever played SF for more than a week.
Will be gutted if they don't announce Ibuki though.
So Raw tonight sounds like a trainwreck.
Basically everyone except for Cena, Big Show, and Kane looking weak. In 2015.
I'll spoiler tag, but this is in reference to Sandmeng's spoils.
Cesaro and Kidd ARE booked to be total goobers, though. Neither of them are going to look competent against the "real" talent WWE is pushing as long as they're together. It's just the way things go. Orton working with either of them is definitely going to help them. I don't find much to be upset about. If it's a face tag team, that's a different story, but a heel tag team that ISN'T booked to be monsters (good luck pulling this shit with the Faces of Fear) this is totally fine.
This will make me sound like a filthy casual but I prefer NetherRealm's last couple of fighters over what Capcom has put out. NetherRealm actually found a way to make decent single player modes in a fighting game, there's actually a ton of content under the hood (even with their shitty DLC practices), and I don't need to have a PHD in Animation & Frame Analysis in order to simply be competitive online. All in all NetherRealm's last few entries have been more fun than Capcom's.
Mine was CVS2 on the original Xbox. "Holy fuck, I am not a king like I thought I was." King of the Scrubs...
Goddamn I miss the early days of Xbox Live. Such a happy place, honestly.
Abandon your stick, play for fun...
Ew. Even if playing for fun, I need a stick. Play all the old and new fighters this way.
This will make me sound like a filthy casual but I prefer NetherRealm's last couple of fighters over what Capcom has put out. NetherRealm actually found a way to make decent single player modes in a fighting game, there's actually a ton of content under the hood (even with their shitty DLC practices), and I don't need to have a PHD in Animation & Frame Analysis in order to simply be competitive online. All in all NetherRealm's last few entries have been more fun than Capcom's.
Ew. Even if playing for fun, I need a stick. Play all the old and new fighters this way.
Last great 2D fighter is still Arcana Heart 3 Love Max.
Paging Bootaaay:
Fans of the British indy scene, Bastard Dave Mastiff is apparently one of the Rosebuds tonight, dressed as a Leprechaun.
Isn't Big Fat Dave Mastiff on TNA's roster?
I agree if you don't want to take it online. That single player content lasts a week or so, then it's a less fun game to me. Even ignoring the region locked online, I don't think it's a fun game to play against other people in any setting.
Don't get me wrong, it still puts 9 hugely above all its trash tier precious installments, but I don't find it fun mechanically.
It is casual, but at the same time, I get so much more out of fighting games now when people play for fun vs playing to win. It used to be the other way but it ain't worth it.
The character design for MK has sucked consistently since the third game. It got much worse in the PS2 era. They can't even get iconic DC characters to look good.
I just really, really wish we would get Injustice 2. The first one was fan fucking tastic but I want more costumes and more characters. Especially this motherfucker, Atrocitus:
I just really, really wish we would get Injustice 2. The first one was fan fucking tastic but I want more costumes and more characters. Especially this motherfucker, Atrocitus:
I should get around to finishing the story to that one day.
I just really, really wish we would get Injustice 2. The first one was fan fucking tastic but I want more costumes and more characters. Especially this motherfucker, Atrocitus:
The Red Lantern Corps are the best Lantern Corps by far. Man, I love those motherfuckers.
How Stuff Works did a feature on setting up a WWE show, sounds fun:
Larfleeze is super cool too, but he can't vomit blood.
I do enjoy seeing where all the DC characters would fit in. I'd love to see all the Lantern Corps represented in a new Injustice but sadly I think it hinges on if they have movies coming or not :/
WWF Royal Rumble 1997
- Goldust vs HHH WWF Intercontinental Championship
- Faarooq vs Ahmed Johnson
- Vader vs Undertaker
- Jerry Estrada/Heavy Metal/Fuezra Guerrera vs Hector Garza/Perro Aguayo/Canek
- Royal Rumble
- Shawn Michaels vs Sid WWF Championship
This show is terrible besides Austin in the Rumble. Just awful. I watched this back in December and still feel the shittiness of it.
John Cena's music hit and the crowd erupted into boos and they sang "John Cena sucks" along with his music. Cena acted shocked by the hostile reaction. He played up to the crowd, and won some people over. He even went as far as saying he believes London should get WrestleMania. I don't think that will be shown on TV. Cena turned his attention to the U.S. Title open challenge. He said you want some come get some.
Bad News Barrett came out to a good pop. He said why should he wait to beat Bryan for the Intercontinental Title when he can face John Cena in front of the greatest fans on earth. Both men were introduced with Barrett getting a huge pop, and Cena getting huge boos...
1. John Cena beat Barrett to retain the U.S. Title. Barrett got the early advantage as the fans chanted England. Eventually, Cena won with a second FU . Good match. Cena gave Barrett a lot, and Bad News even got to kick out of a Attitude Adjustment. The match was about ten minutes long.
Following the match, Lana walked onto stage and got a large pop. Rusev attacked Cena from behind. Lana announced that the match at Extreme Rules would be a Russian chain match...
The big screen announced Randy Orton vs. Cesaro, and Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler for later in the show...
2. Paige won a Divas Battle Royal to become No. 1 contender to the Divas Championship. The Bella Twins sat in on commentary. The participants were Emma, Rosa Mendez, Alicia Fox, Naomi, Summer Rae, Cameron, Natalya, and Paige, who got a huge pop. However, the crowd was silent throughout the majority of the match. It came down to Paige and Naomi, and Paige won.
Paige was interviewed mid ring by Byron Saxton. After a passionate hometown promo, Naomi attacked Paige...
Another Bray Wyatt promo aired. Once again, he didn't specify who he was talking about...
Booker T interviewed Roman Reigns. He came out to a mixed response. Booker asked what his thoughts on WrestleMania were. The crowd chanted Suplex City. He said Seth Rollins did what he was supposed to do, but one day he will be champion. Roman called Big Show a giant bitch.
Big Show appeared on the big screen. He said Roman failed at WrestleMania unlike him. Show said he will knock Reigns down. The crowd chanted boring. Roman called him out and said he will shove the trophy down his throat. Big Show attacked Roman Reigns on the ramp and threw him into the side of the taxi at the top of the ramp. Show placed Roman on the top of the taxi and then climbed up and chokeslammed him onto the roof of the taxi.
3. The Lucha Dragons beat The Ascension. Lots of "Lucha Lucha" chants followed by NXT chants. The Dragons won in three minutes...
4. Randy Orton beat Cesaro. Orton won in three minutes via DQ...
Kane came out and said The Authority weren't in London. He announced that the match would continue by restarting as a handicap match...
5. Randy Orton defeated Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. Kidd blew a spot by slipping off the top rope. Orton beat both of the tag team title holders (think about that for a second) in six minutes. It was a clumsy segment all round, but Orton hit a sweet RKO on Kidd as Kidd dove off the top rope.
Backstage Kane and Seth Rollins were talking about Rollins vs. Ziggler later. Rollins joked that he's changing the match to him against Jamie Noble. Rollins said Noble will lie down for him. Rollins pretended he wasn't afraid of Ziggler, and tried to convince Kane to get in the main event with him and lie down...
6. Dean Ambrose beat Adam Rose. Dean won via Dirty Deeds in four minutes...
Backstage, Big Show convinced Kane to change the main event to Rollins vs. Kane. Kane finished by saying tonight he will do what's best for business...
7. Stardust beat Fandango. Stardust won in two minutes. There's not much happening. It was basically a short match followed by a backstage skit. After the match, fandango danced with the crowd singing his music. I don't know if that will make TV but it was pretty cool...
Backstage Bryan talked to Kane and mocked him for thinking doing something that put WCW out of business. Bryan wound him up and told him not to be a stooge, be a man...
8. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins defeated Kane. Kane came out in a suit and got in the ring. The bell rang and Kane didn't move. Instead he took his jacket off. He took his shirt off then towered over Seth, he eventually laid down with the crowd chanting you sold out and no. Kane kicked out at two.
Noble and Mercury entered and Kane threw them across the ring. Seth tried talking to Kane, but Kane knocked him down. Seth begged off. Kane eventually chokeslammed Rollins. Instead of a Tombstone, he laid down and dropped a helpless Seth's arm over him...
9. Damien Mizdow (w/Summer Rae) defeated The Miz. Mizdow won with a rollup in two minutes...
The Prime Time Players made fun of Los Matadors. At one point, Darren Young said that rainbow was his favorite color.
10. Ryback defeated Luke Harper by DQ. Ryback won by DQ in two minutes when Harper threw a piece of the broadcast team's table at him. Afterward, Dean Ambrose came out and beat on Harper.
Backstage, Naomi attempted to sound apologetic for attacking Paige, but then she laughed and said it's about "me"...
Dolph Ziggler called Kane the worlds biggest dumbass. He then issued an open challenge since he doesn't have a match anymore. Neville answered that challenge...
11. Dolph Ziggler beat Neville. A good match. After the match, Sheamus attacked both men...
Seth Rollins had a sit down promo in the ring. Rollins announced that because he won his match with Kane he gets to choose a stipulation for Extreme Rules. Randy Orton came out, and he gets to choose a stip as well. Seth's stip is that the RKO is banned. Orton's stip is for them to fight in a steel cage...
They also announced that Triple H will have a Tough Enough announcement next week...
Raw sounds like a shitshow tonight.Rollins vs. Kane in 2015 with Kane having to lay down for Seth. Vince pls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H41ts8j2GYEHoly crap at the racist DX walking around NYC making fun of Japanese, African Americans, and Pakistanis. Its in Raw episode 263, at 13:55.
Lol if Orton beat the Usos, no one would give a shit at all.
Well yeah.
But this Rollins feud is filler. No one's going to remember this.
Orton should be feuding with midcarder guys like Harper anyway. I dont get how people can be sick of Big Show and give Orton a pass.